For months, I have shared with you the numerous positive things Republican Billy Long, the Congressman-elect from Southwest Missouri, has said about Obamacare. A bikini clad reader, a Greenville, North Carolina newspaper, has picked up on Billy Long liking key parts of the Obamacare healthcare law. On their discussion boards, one liberal Democrat writes that Obamcare is Obama's Iraq.
No matter how much GOOD this healthcare legislation does, Republicans and Tea Baggers will fight it tooth and nail. It's Obama's version of Iraq.
Just like Democrats (including myself) did not think we should go into Iraq, Bush decided to do so. Even today many, many people feel that it was still the wrong move. Any poll you look at will tell you that. But what does George Bush say?
That what he did can be debated, but he feels it was right for America.
Obama & Healthcare Reform = Same thing. The legislation will probably be tweaked. And parts might not even stand. But the majority of the reform measures WILL. Some of the changes are due to the way it was forced to get passed. You had one side adding language and provisions in the bill the entire time, and then voted in a block against it, forcing the passage of two bills that had to be married into one.
By getting this legislation passed, it FINALLY rammed healthcare reform across the goal line. And I'm glad of it. Now the Republicans who voted in a block against this will be FORCED to either take the Government hostage and end up having absolutely nothing after a few years to show for it. Or they can get on board and place their stamp on fixing some of their gripes.
But rest assured. This healthcare legislation was needed. Thats why AMA endorsed it. AMA even said that it wasn't perfect. But that enough of it was to finally take care of some of the issues we were having in our Healthcare System.
So the way I look at it is that Bush got re-elected after taking us into Iraq. And I bet Obama will get re-elected as well.
When they finally sit down to debate the various provisions, the Democrats will win. It passed in the first place. It had major endorsements. And the Medical Community was screaming bloody murder for our Government to address some of those problems. And thats what this bill it or not.
It didn't take long for Republican Billy Long's name to pop up and give North Carolina liberals hope. The sixth comment to the discussion begins, "...this Republican gets it." That Republican happens to be DeceptiCON Billy Long.
The first step is "acceptance". This Republican gets it.
Republican Billy Long vows to keep key piece of health care reform
Political newcomer Billy Long vows to keep protections for people with pre-existing conditions in health care reform while he fights to repeal the rest of the package. Long took that stand during an interview on KY3's Ozarks Today on Wednesday morning. Long won election to the southwest Missouri House congressional seat being vacated by Republican Rep. Roy Blunt.
Well Billy, you probably aren't going to get a lot of love on this blog, but there is a man sitting in his bikini underwear somewhere in North Carolina that has sent you a little love because you say stupid things like this:
There's lots of things about the healthcare bill that are good--Billy Long, 2010 Joplin debate.