Is it the beavers who are out of control or is it the Democrats who obviously don't give a damn the American people are tired of wasteful government spending? The new $1.1 trillion omnibus spending package will be unveiled today for the lame duck Congress, who Harry Reid is now promising to keep in Washington through the holidays and into the New Year to provide maximum damage to the country.
There are some notable projects in the omnibus spending bill like $208,000 in spending for beaver management in North Carolina. Are they trying to use interstate commerce clause to settle a dam dispute?
Here are some other notable pork projects in the Democrat's $1.1 trillion in additional spending:
$277,000 for potato pest management in Wisconsin
$246,000 for bovine tuberculosis in Michigan and Minnesota
$522,000 for cranberry and blueberry disease and breeding in New Jersey
$500,000 for oyster safety in Florida
$349,000 for swine waste management in North Carolina
$413,000 for peanut research in Alabama
$247,000 for virus free wine grapes in Washington
$208,000 beaver management in North Carolina
$94,000 for blackbird management in Louisiana
$165,000 for maple syrup research in Vermont
$235,000 for noxious weed management in Nevada
$100,000 for the Edgar Allen Poe Cottage Visitor’s Center in New York
$300,000 for the Polynesian Voyaging Society in Hawaii
$400,000 for solar parking canopies and plug-in electric stations in Kansas
Well at least Democrats care about oyster safety in Florida, because they sure don't care about the fiscal safety of America these days. When it's all over, at least the Oysters will be free.