Listen, when the Republicans take office next week, I don't expect this sudden return to Constitutional government. I feel, seeing how they have already compromised their Pledge to American with a compromise with Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts, they will continue down the same path that led to their ousting in 2006. Take for instance repeal and replace Obamacare. They want to cut one set of federal healthcare regulations for their own set of federal healthcare regulations when they have no Constitutional authority.
So when Ezra Klein says the Constitution has "no binding power on anything" he probably has a point. I don't believe Republicans show the respect for the Constitution just as Democrats don't either. The point to prove this is the Patriot Act and how it led to the Fourth Amendment killing Department of Homeland Security passed by the Republican Congress in 2001 and signed by a Republican President with Democrat support.
It's how nonchalant he says it. Like who cares anyway. I agree next week will provide lots of political theater by the Republicans, but in the end they are going to sell us out just like they did leading up to 2006. They know American politics has become a teeter totter of power that gets larger each time power is passed form one party to the other.
Why I want to believe the Republicans will make a positive change, I remind you the Pledge to America promises only to roll back spending to 2008 levels, which created another $450 billion in federal debt. As well, you have Republicans like Billy Long, a new freshman from Southwest Missouri pointing out all the things he likes about Obamacare like federal regulations that force coverage for preexisting conditions and forcing insurance to cover "children" on their parents coverage until they reach age 26. It's just hard to believe much is going to change when you clearly see a total disregard for the Constitution from both parties.