With the federal and state governments facing huge budget short falls, politicians are looking at new taxes in order to compensate. The sin tax is about to hit many Americans hard:
• In Mississippi, state Rep. John Mayo, citing the state's place at the top of national obesity ratings, is sponsoring a bill that would add about 25 cents in new taxes to a can of soda.
• In New York, state Assemblyman Felix Ortiz, Brooklyn Democrat, wants a new "fat tax," a surcharge on the purchase of sweets and snacks.
• In Maryland, dozens of state lawmakers are getting behind a plan to raise $200 million in revenue with new taxes on beer and wine, but in the face of strong opposition from the state's business community.
These are just a few examples of the new taxes that are coming according to The Washington Times. There are new sins that are being examined as well. Tanning is already going to be taxed by the federal government to help cover Obamacare costs, and now many states are looking to follow in the footsteps. Some states are looking to relax marijuana laws all so they can tax it. New Casino fees are also being talked about. If it's fun and bad for you, the government is coming after you for more money despite you have the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.