Republicans Repeal of Obamacare Keeps Many Provisions of Obamacare

Well I have warned you as Billy Long, one of the new GOP puppets, has been talking about the good parts of Obamacare (are there any?), that Obamacare wasn't going away. That is now being written by the mainstream media.

I pointed out earlier how Billy Long, who claims to be a friend of the free market, is ready to push more federal regulations on the insurance industry, which are now in place thanks to Obamacare. Long supports mandates for insurance companies to require coverage for pre-existing conditions and forcing insurance companies to cover "children" up to the child-like age of 26.

From what the Daily Caller writes today, it appears much of Obamacare won't go away if the Republicans successfully repeal:

In addition to a Republican effort to repeal the Democrats’ health care law, the party will also move to impose provisions that restrict insurance companies from discriminating against patients with pre-existing conditions and allow young people to stay on their parents’ insurance up to the age of 26, said Majority Leader-designate Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia.

“What I think you will see us do is push for repeal of the health care bill and at the same time contemporaneously submit our replacement bill,” Cantor told students during a townhall event at American University in Washington, D.C. Monday night.

“We too don’t want to accept any insurance company’s denial of someone and coverage for that person because he or she might have a pre-existing condition,” he said. “Likewise we want to make sure that someone of your age has the ability to access affordable care if it’s under your parent’s plan or elsewhere.”

Of course, my new Congressman has been saying this for months, and I realized he was a puppet of the establishment early on. I warned you this was coming as the GOP is making the case they really aren't friends of the free market like they claim.