Politicians Now Having to Defend Their Use of Guns in Campaign Rhetoric

Last I looked, Americans had the right to bear arms. That hasn't changed, but the vitriol of the left pointing fingers at anyone on the right has a number of politicians defending past use of firearms in their rhetoric. Of course, Barack Obama is getting a free pass from the left who once said, if they bring a knife to the fight, we will bring guns.

Joe Manchin, a West Virgina blue dog in the Senate, who earned support from the NRA as a fighter for the Second Amendment has come under fire for his ad, which he says he will take dead aim at the cap and trade bill. Again, nothing to suggest violence, simply a metaphor now taken out of context by the left.

Manchin responded to the attacks:

I've spent my whole career bringing people together, avoiding the rancor of partisan politics, and that will continue to be the focus of my work as U.S. senator going forward.

The act of a deranged madman who commits a horrific act should not and cannot be confused with a metaphor about a piece of legislation. I have never targeted an individual, and I never would. This tragedy, I hope, serves as call for common sense, and wake-up call that we should all come together with common purpose to do what is best for our country.