Open Letter to Congressman Billy Long for Skipping the Reading of the Constitution

Dear Mr. Long,

I am disappointed you didn't feel the need to participate in the first reading of the Constitution on the House floor. Just because your pocket Constitution is "rode hard and put up wet" doesn't mean you get it, which you obviously displayed by your pandering in front of me at the Gillioz Theater during the primary.

You best get it together and live up to your "I was Tea Party before Tea Party was cool" rhetoric. Yesterday was because of the Tea Party and you skipped.

Do you think what you had to do in your private meeting with a former Lt. Gov. was more important that the words of our Founding Fathers?

I think your actions answer my questions. I am disappointed in you. You obviously were never fed up or you would have been on the House floor yesterday.

By the way, who is the moron answering your phones in the Washington Office? Are you aware they answer the phone "hi" and "hey" rather than the proper "Billy Long's office?" This isn't the auction stage in front of the barn anymore. If you are unaware of the instant unprofessionalism of your office, it's posted on YouTube for your review.