Obama Spends 48% of His Time Away from Washington DC (on your dime)

Obama couldn't wait to get to Washington DC. Never in my lifetime have a seen more hoopla about a man's trip to DC as he road the symbolic train tracks Lincoln rode to DC just prior to the inauguration. Apparently Obama isn't a good student of American history, or he would know Lincoln rode that train promising not to attack the institution of slavery, which he further enforced with a letter to Horace Greeley.

A new study shows that Obama spends almost half his time away from the White House travelling on the taxpayers' dime.

CBS News’s Mark Knoller, who regular compiles White House statistics, released numbers on Friday showing that the president has spent nearly 50 percent of his presidency outside Washington, D.C. As of January 2, Obama has been president for 712 days, reports the Washington Examiner. For 339 of those days — about 48 percent — Obama has been MIA from Washington.

“According to Knoller, Obama has spent 176 days on domestic trips, 70 days on foreign travel, 58 days on vacation, and 35 days at Camp David,” The Examiner’s Byron York writes. And “you can add a couple more vacation days to the total before the president returns from his break in Hawaii.”

All this travel comes from the same man telling Americans they are going to have to sacrifice their travel and accept higher energy costs through cap and trade to lower carbon emissions. Trust me, Air Force One creates a much larger carbon footprint than your Chevy Suburban. I was always told a good leader sets the example, and well...