Remember Karen Owen? She was the college girl that ranked the men she slept with for her college thesis, and of course the thesis showed up on line giving the low down on each lover over her four years of becoming a professional debtor--enslaved to student loans. It appears she has some copy cats these days.
Oak Park is a beautiful area of Chicagoland, and it also finds itself in the middle of a controversy as a high school boy decided to publish a list of 50 girls from Oak Park based on how much or how little they put out, their appearance, and satisfaction level. He posted his "research" (because that's the case Owen made for her own thesis) onto the social media world of Facebook for the world to see. Guess what? Oak Park-River Forest High School suspended the student, but did they have the right to? Is this all the male student's fault?
I guess one could blame society for the oversexualization of teenagers. Government could also to blame as liberal groups force condoms over abstinence in public schools. Perhaps, even the movie “Social Network” inspired this student to post this information on Facebook since that's what the movie is about, but why aren't any of these girls to blame?
I mean girls are having sex and they are putting themselves into these situations knowing that guys talk in the locker room, and after all, isn't that what is really going on here--locker room goes high tech. I am not saying I approve of locker room talk or posting the list on Facebook, but hasn't guys been doing this for decades while some physical education coaches encourage this in certain locker room conversations.
Yes the student is in the wrong here, but if the girls were being promiscuous, which there is a very good chance of, then what makes them so innocent in all of this. Why is that being overlooked? I will tell you why, because too many people in society have told these kids that having sex as a teenager is just a part of life. Here's a condom.
I think the problem here is more than this boy. It's a combination of a lot of things that have made it easier for the boys with the raging hormones to score in high school. Now with social media in place, well the locker room has moved to the computer as guys prey on the easier girls at parties and under the bleachers. It really is a sad statement.