Let's Blame Barack Obama for the Gabrielle Giffords Shooting: Playing by Congressman James P. Moran's Rules

If Congressman James P. Moran Jr. (D-Va.) can blame Sarah Palin for Saturday's violence, which Jared Loughner opened fire on multiple people, killing six and critically injuring Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Moran said, "Gabby did tell me that she was concerned," Moran said. "She did say it's really bad out there, particularly in a district like [hers]. She was very much troubled that Sarah Palin put her in the crosshairs."

Crosshairs is the keyword here since Palin uses the term to target big government ideas with a war of political ideas. However, Moran believes the crosshairs metaphor is enough to place blame on Palin.

Under that same logic, and knowing that former classmate Caitie Parker described Loughner as left-wing and quite liberal, shouldn't we look at other political figures that may have inspired this shooting. I mean if Moran's requirements for blame are this weak, then let's look at others who may have inspired Loughner that are more likely to share Loughner's political views that Parker tweeted about. If Moran is going to blame Sarah Palin, then I am going to blame Barack Obama.

After all wasn't it Obama who encouraged his minions to use guns in a fight?

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama told supporters at a Philadelphia fundraiser Friday night. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

There you go, Obama told his left-wing liberal minions to pick up a gun. Isn't that after all what Loughner did. It works for me if this is the logic Congressman Moran wants to use to place political blame on Saturday's shooting. Why not blame Obama?

Of course, Moran's logic is seriously flawed, and I won't subscribe to his vitriol. Their is only one person to blame and that is Jason Loughner.