Jeff Danziger's Loughner Vitriol: Trying Hard to Link Jacob Loughner to the Tea Party

Check out this insane political cartoon by Jeff Danziger that appeared in editorial cartoonists react to the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. What part of Jacob Loughner was a liberal who dabbled in the occult and celebrated Adolf Hitler and Karl Marx do they not understand? These are not Tea Party values.

Jeff Danziger's political cartoon attaching the shooter to the Tea Party is pure vitriol. It's the same hate the left-wing mainstream media is accusing the Tea Parties and Sarah Palin of without providing proof. A map with crosshairs isn't proof. However, you do have this kind of proof drawn by Danziger, who has obviously ignored the facts and got away with some sick rhetoric. He has crossed a line of decency and its based on pure deceit.