The federal government's decision to continue to subsidize corn is having a major impact in the health of Americans. With no Constitutional authority to subsidize crops, our federal government continues to spend billions to pay farmers to grow crops that aren't profitable, like large amounts of corn used for feed and to substitute for real sugar in a controversial additive called high fructose corn syrup.
Corn subsidized by the government encourages Big Agra to substitute sugar for corn in the form of high fructose corn syrup, saving corporations billions at the taxpayers expense. All the while, why the federal government claims its fighting a war on obesity and wants to lower the cost of healthcare, many independent studies show high fructose corn syrup is increasing insulin insensitivity, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. That sad thing, because these federal subsidies keep corn costs low, it has entered a large amount of products found in the grocery store including bread.
Now a Georgia State University study shows hfcs impairs memory. From Press TV:
...high fructose intake can also impair memory in consumers. It, however, does not influence an individual's ability to learn.
Unlike glucose, high levels of triglycerides are produced during the digestion process of fructose within the liver.
This fat can subsequently interfere with the insulin signaling mechanism of the brain, affecting not only the survival of brain cells but also their ability to change based on new experiences.
Scientists concluded that the high content of fructose can impair memory.
This product shows the hypocrisy of our government in its quest to make Americans more healthy and the reality the actions of the federal government through the FDA is doing just the opposite whether it be the use of corn or GMOs.