Liberals love to place the blame on everything but the sick mind who is at fault. In this case the sick mind would be the liberal pothead Jacob Loughner who opened fire upon a group of people at a Tuscon Safeway. Since this is the way liberals think, they begin pointing fingers and then exploiting the tragedy for their own political gains. We already know they are calling for limits on the First and Second Amendments, and now Representative Clyburn is calling for more limits on the First and Second Amendments asking for the Fairness Doctrine to be restored, because deep down inside Clyburn's twisted thoughts, he just knows Rush Limbaugh is behind the shootings, despite Loughner read Mein Kampf, and not See I Told You So.
Here's Clyburn on National Public Radio begging for his colleagues to limit free speech through the Fairness Doctrine as he exploits this tragedy.