Does Obama Want Americans Eating Bugs?: Food Riots and Global Warming

Cock roaches anyone? 
Earlier today, I discussed how Obama is working with the French to produce military readiness for a food crisis. Both Obama and Sarkozy appear concerned that a food supply shortage around the world may lead to food riots which our military may be called on to deal with later this year. As if that doesn't sound weird enough, the case for eating bugs appears to be a solution in more ways than one. Bugs? Yes bugs...

Global Warming scientists are now looking at bugs as a solution to slow down global warming. Which is probably the real reason there is going to be food riots. With the Obama administration already wanting to tell you what to eat combined with cap and trade, you can see where this is going... Right? Food riots!

From Natural News:

Researchers from Wageningen University in the Netherlands say that insects produce far less greenhouse gases than cattle and pigs do, and would thus be a viable alternative to eating meat. Published in the journal PLoS ONE, the study found that pigs, for instance, produce up to one hundred times more greenhouse gases than the equivalent weight of mealworms.

Researchers compared the greenhouse gas emissions of mealworms, crickets, locusts and pigs. Particularly with methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), the insects produced far lower emissions than pigs did overall. Ammonia emissions, which can pollute groundwater supplies, were also lower among insects compared to cattle.

So because animals breathe and fart, we are now looking at bugs as a viable alternative for human food to save the planet from global warming. Like I said, it's no wonder Obama and Sarkozy are preparing for food riots.