Congressman Billy Long's Voting Record in Congress

Billy Long claims he "was Tea Party before Tea Party was cool." Funny how Billy Long snubbed the Tea Party in just his second day in office by skipping the reading of the Constitution, which obviously happened by the Tea Party. Furthermore, it's ironic that just a few weeks before the election, the KWTO morning man was talking about how Billy Long was going to introduce a bill in Congress that would require all members of Congress to read a bill before they vote on it, but Long himself didn't sit through the reading of the most important document of our federal government.

This is Congressman Billy Long Watch, where we review the actions Billy Long has taken in Congress as we keep an eye out on our representative in Washington to ensure he does exactly what he promised the people Southwest Missouri. Obviously, skipping the reading of the Constitution has already dented his Tea Party rhetoric. Let's look at what else Billy Long has done during his first three days in Congress:

January 5, 2011:

Long voted present for the Call of the House: Quorum.

Long voted for the establishment despite claiming to be an outsider with his vote for Boehner for speaker.

Yea: on motion to Table: H RES 5 Adoption rules for the 112th Congress. Passed 225-188

Yea: on ordering the previous question: H RES 5 Adoption rules for the 112th Congress. Passed 238-188

Nay: on motion to commit: H RES 5 Adopting rules for the 112th Congress Failed 191-240

Yea: on agreeing to the Resolution: H RES 5 Adopting rules for the 112th Congress Pass 240-191

January 6, 2011:

Long skipped the reading of the Constitution on the House Floor to meet with former Lt. Governor Bill Phelps, a lobbyist.

Yea: On motion to suspend the rules and agree: H Resolution 22 Reducing the amount authorized for salaries and expenses of member, committee, and leadership offices in 2011 and 2012.

January 7, 2011

Did not vote: On ordering the previous question: H Res 26 providing for consideration of HR2 to repeal the job killing healthcare law and healthcare related provisions in the healthcare and education reconciliation act of 2010; and providing for consideration of H. Res. 9, instructing certain committees to report legislation for replacing the job-killing healthcare law.

Yea: On agreeing to H Res 26 providing for consideration of HR2 to repeal the job killing healthcare law and healthcare related provisions in the healthcare and education reconciliation act of 2010; and providing for consideration of H. Res. 9, instructing certain committees to report legislation for replacing the job-killing healthcare law.

Yea: On agreeing to the Resolution: H Res 27 relating to the status of certain actions taken by members-elect.