Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler
Wednesday, 19 January 201
This is what truly terrifies me. Every American should pray to God that it won't happen. Yet the fear of it keeps me up at nights. The death of Sarah Palin by an assassin's bullet could very well prove to be the death of America - and the Left wants both.
The Left hates Sarah Palin for the same reasons it hates America - for Sarah Palin embodies the very best of America and its values, as she is the literal embodiment of the American Dream.
The "climate of hate" the Left constantly accuses the Right of creating is a creation of theirs. The examples of vicious vitriol towards President Bush, including a film depicting his assassination (it won awards and praise from film critics), were so innumerable they gave rise to a distinct form of mental disorder: BDS, Bush Derangement Syndrome.
PDS, Palin Derangement Syndrome, is BDS on steroids laced with LSD. It's a brain infection that's been on full display by the Enemedia and the Loughner Left since the Tucson Massacre. To their frustration, this latest attempt to destroy her has failed. After her address to the nation accusing them of blood libel, polls found that her popularity had increased rather than plummeted.
Thus the Loughner Left is more enraged at her than ever. Which is why there are news reports of an "incredible" spike in death threats against her.
For many of her admirers, such unhinged murderous hatred towards this extraordinary woman is like Russia was for Churchill: "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma."
One of the best explanations of Why The Left Hates Sarah Palin is by "recovering liberal" and psychotherapist Robin of Berkeley:
Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler
Wednesday, 19 January 201
This is what truly terrifies me. Every American should pray to God that it won't happen. Yet the fear of it keeps me up at nights. The death of Sarah Palin by an assassin's bullet could very well prove to be the death of America - and the Left wants both.
The Left hates Sarah Palin for the same reasons it hates America - for Sarah Palin embodies the very best of America and its values, as she is the literal embodiment of the American Dream.
The "climate of hate" the Left constantly accuses the Right of creating is a creation of theirs. The examples of vicious vitriol towards President Bush, including a film depicting his assassination (it won awards and praise from film critics), were so innumerable they gave rise to a distinct form of mental disorder: BDS, Bush Derangement Syndrome.
PDS, Palin Derangement Syndrome, is BDS on steroids laced with LSD. It's a brain infection that's been on full display by the Enemedia and the Loughner Left since the Tucson Massacre. To their frustration, this latest attempt to destroy her has failed. After her address to the nation accusing them of blood libel, polls found that her popularity had increased rather than plummeted.
Thus the Loughner Left is more enraged at her than ever. Which is why there are news reports of an "incredible" spike in death threats against her.
For many of her admirers, such unhinged murderous hatred towards this extraordinary woman is like Russia was for Churchill: "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma."
One of the best explanations of Why The Left Hates Sarah Palin is by "recovering liberal" and psychotherapist Robin of Berkeley:
Sarah is the antithesis of everything the progressives stand for. Palin is not just pro-life, she emanates life -- and good, clean living.
And what does the left do? They try to drag her through the mud to sully her... The progressives "joke" about gang-rape, make pornographic movies about her, and leer at her legs. (Would any of this be tolerated against Michelle Obama?)
Yes, leftists attack Palin because they envy her beauty; and true, she's a political threat. But the main reason for the hatred is something deeper and darker.
Leftists loathe Palin because she has retained something that was stripped from them years ago: a wholesomeness, a purity of heart. People on the left despise Palin because she shines a bright light on their shame and unworthiness, which they try desperately to deny.
And what does the left do? They try to drag her through the mud to sully her... The progressives "joke" about gang-rape, make pornographic movies about her, and leer at her legs. (Would any of this be tolerated against Michelle Obama?)
Yes, leftists attack Palin because they envy her beauty; and true, she's a political threat. But the main reason for the hatred is something deeper and darker.
Leftists loathe Palin because she has retained something that was stripped from them years ago: a wholesomeness, a purity of heart. People on the left despise Palin because she shines a bright light on their shame and unworthiness, which they try desperately to deny.
Many have puzzled why women hate Sarah more than men do. Part of it is that she shows them up; she's more than they ever could be. The real trigger for these women is when Sarah refused to abort her Downs baby. This demonstration of purity of values, of living one's convictions with utterly no hypocrisy was such a sharp slap across the face of these women they projected their self-hatred onto her.
Women with genuine self-esteem, on the other hand, look upon her as an inspiration, not a rebuke. They want to emulate her as a genuine feminist hero, instead of letting the guts of their soul be torn out with envy.
Men who aren't moonbat pansies look at Sarah as a man's woman - and Todd as a man's man (plus one heck of a lucky guy!) Men lacking such self-esteem know they could never ever live up to a woman like Sarah, despise themselves for it, and turn the self-rebuke into hatred for her.
Palin-hatred is a truly ugly neurosis. Those possessing it are exposing their moral core to be a can of worms. It doesn't get much ethically uglier than to hate the good and the pure for being good and pure.
Not all liberals are diseased with PDS or part of the Loughner Left. An example is former New York Mayor Ed Koch. Even though as a liberal, Koch says Palin "scares the hell out of me," she is nonetheless "entitled to fair and respectful treatment," and "was right to denounce her critics and use blood libel to describe the unfair criticism that she had been subject to."
Koch is a decent man who, while on the other side of politics from conservatives, wants to fight fair. He's also honest, acknowledging that Palin is "highly intelligent." If the majority of those on the Left were like him, we'd have the "civility" they claim to want but don't practice.
Unfortunately, there are far more folks on the Left like Eric Fuller than Ed Koch - Fuller being the vicious bigot who yelled "You're dead!" at an Arizona Tea Party leader and was hauled off by the police for an involuntary psychiatric evaluation.
There are so many Eric Fullers in the Loughner Left that it's becoming a certainty that one of them will actually make a Jared Loughner-like attempt on Sarah Palin's life. Again, everyone should fervently pray the attempt fails.
Since, however, it may not fail, there is one question that needs to be constantly asked - starting right now, today - of every member of the Enemedia infected with PDS. That would include Paul Krugman, Chris Matthews, Keith Olberman, Rachel Maddow, Jon Stewart, Steve Colbert, Markos Moulitsas, everyone in the spotlight blaring their PDS into their media megaphones.
The question is: What is the largest armed force in the world today?
To give you an idea, a fraction of this force totaling 600,000 well-armed men invaded Wisconsin a few months ago and successfully carried out their mission without the loss of a single man. A force of 600,000 is more men under arms than France and Germany combined.
Yet this is a smaller force of men under arms that invaded Pennsylvania at the same time: 750,000 - or the force that invaded Michigan with 700,000. It is, though, far larger than the 250,000 that invaded West Virginia.
Yet the invasion force for these four states - 2.3 million - is only 5% to 10% of the total armed force we are talking about, which numbers between 23 and over 43 million, dwarfing any other armed force on earth (e.g., China's army totals 2.8 million soldiers, the US 1.6, Russia 1.0). Yes, we are talking about America's hunters. The time frame mentioned in the four states above was deer hunting season last fall.
Tens of millions of America's hunters are well-armed, and fully capable of taking down a deer with a rifle shot at several hundred yards. Not very many of them are liberals. Lots of them revere Sarah Palin and despise the Enemedia.
Memo to Chris Matthews, Keith Olberman, Jon Stewart, Steve Colbert, Markos Moulitsas, Paul Krugman, and other media promoters of Palin-hate:
You should strongly consider praying along with conservatives that nothing bad happens to Sarah Palin. You should even more strongly consider ceasing your public spewing of Palin-hate, and instead be in polite and respectful opposition to her like Ed Koch.
For it's not just the millions of hunters. There are over 300 millions guns in private hands in the US, together with billions of rounds of ammo. Which means, conservatives have hundreds of millions more guns and billions more ammo rounds than liberals.
If some crazed Loughner Leftie kills Sarah Palin, there will be a bloodbath like this country has never seen - and it will be one-sided, for you liberals don't believe in guns and are un-armed. This is not a threat. It is not even a prediction. It is to state that the odds for it are enormously high - thanks to the crazed climate of Palin-hate you and the entire Enemedia have created.
Since millions of gun-owners will rightly blame you for the Palin-hate that caused her death, if she is gunned down, you will be too. Again, this is not a threat, nor a prediction, just a stating of the odds that one out of those millions will target you and succeed.
I suggest you take those odds very seriously. For you are not going to shut Sarah Palin up. What your attacks have done is make her more determined than ever to run for president in 2012, and make her legions of admirers more determined than ever to generate such an explosion of grassroots support for her candidacy that it will blow other contenders out of the water.
This will in turn drive many of those you have inflamed with Palin-hate to go Loughner-wacko. Better start pouring cold water over those flames you've been fanning. Your lives may depend on it.
And as an aside, I won't be involved. I haven't done a whole lot of hunting since I shot a man-eating tiger 50 years ago. I mean, how can you top that?
Women with genuine self-esteem, on the other hand, look upon her as an inspiration, not a rebuke. They want to emulate her as a genuine feminist hero, instead of letting the guts of their soul be torn out with envy.
Men who aren't moonbat pansies look at Sarah as a man's woman - and Todd as a man's man (plus one heck of a lucky guy!) Men lacking such self-esteem know they could never ever live up to a woman like Sarah, despise themselves for it, and turn the self-rebuke into hatred for her.
Palin-hatred is a truly ugly neurosis. Those possessing it are exposing their moral core to be a can of worms. It doesn't get much ethically uglier than to hate the good and the pure for being good and pure.
Not all liberals are diseased with PDS or part of the Loughner Left. An example is former New York Mayor Ed Koch. Even though as a liberal, Koch says Palin "scares the hell out of me," she is nonetheless "entitled to fair and respectful treatment," and "was right to denounce her critics and use blood libel to describe the unfair criticism that she had been subject to."
Koch is a decent man who, while on the other side of politics from conservatives, wants to fight fair. He's also honest, acknowledging that Palin is "highly intelligent." If the majority of those on the Left were like him, we'd have the "civility" they claim to want but don't practice.
Unfortunately, there are far more folks on the Left like Eric Fuller than Ed Koch - Fuller being the vicious bigot who yelled "You're dead!" at an Arizona Tea Party leader and was hauled off by the police for an involuntary psychiatric evaluation.
There are so many Eric Fullers in the Loughner Left that it's becoming a certainty that one of them will actually make a Jared Loughner-like attempt on Sarah Palin's life. Again, everyone should fervently pray the attempt fails.
Since, however, it may not fail, there is one question that needs to be constantly asked - starting right now, today - of every member of the Enemedia infected with PDS. That would include Paul Krugman, Chris Matthews, Keith Olberman, Rachel Maddow, Jon Stewart, Steve Colbert, Markos Moulitsas, everyone in the spotlight blaring their PDS into their media megaphones.
The question is: What is the largest armed force in the world today?
To give you an idea, a fraction of this force totaling 600,000 well-armed men invaded Wisconsin a few months ago and successfully carried out their mission without the loss of a single man. A force of 600,000 is more men under arms than France and Germany combined.
Yet this is a smaller force of men under arms that invaded Pennsylvania at the same time: 750,000 - or the force that invaded Michigan with 700,000. It is, though, far larger than the 250,000 that invaded West Virginia.
Yet the invasion force for these four states - 2.3 million - is only 5% to 10% of the total armed force we are talking about, which numbers between 23 and over 43 million, dwarfing any other armed force on earth (e.g., China's army totals 2.8 million soldiers, the US 1.6, Russia 1.0). Yes, we are talking about America's hunters. The time frame mentioned in the four states above was deer hunting season last fall.
Tens of millions of America's hunters are well-armed, and fully capable of taking down a deer with a rifle shot at several hundred yards. Not very many of them are liberals. Lots of them revere Sarah Palin and despise the Enemedia.
Memo to Chris Matthews, Keith Olberman, Jon Stewart, Steve Colbert, Markos Moulitsas, Paul Krugman, and other media promoters of Palin-hate:
You should strongly consider praying along with conservatives that nothing bad happens to Sarah Palin. You should even more strongly consider ceasing your public spewing of Palin-hate, and instead be in polite and respectful opposition to her like Ed Koch.
For it's not just the millions of hunters. There are over 300 millions guns in private hands in the US, together with billions of rounds of ammo. Which means, conservatives have hundreds of millions more guns and billions more ammo rounds than liberals.
If some crazed Loughner Leftie kills Sarah Palin, there will be a bloodbath like this country has never seen - and it will be one-sided, for you liberals don't believe in guns and are un-armed. This is not a threat. It is not even a prediction. It is to state that the odds for it are enormously high - thanks to the crazed climate of Palin-hate you and the entire Enemedia have created.
Since millions of gun-owners will rightly blame you for the Palin-hate that caused her death, if she is gunned down, you will be too. Again, this is not a threat, nor a prediction, just a stating of the odds that one out of those millions will target you and succeed.
I suggest you take those odds very seriously. For you are not going to shut Sarah Palin up. What your attacks have done is make her more determined than ever to run for president in 2012, and make her legions of admirers more determined than ever to generate such an explosion of grassroots support for her candidacy that it will blow other contenders out of the water.
This will in turn drive many of those you have inflamed with Palin-hate to go Loughner-wacko. Better start pouring cold water over those flames you've been fanning. Your lives may depend on it.
And as an aside, I won't be involved. I haven't done a whole lot of hunting since I shot a man-eating tiger 50 years ago. I mean, how can you top that?