BBCW Inspires Political Cartoon After Billy Long Uses FBI to Intimidate Free Speech

In light of the controversy caused by Billy Long's office, I have received much support from freedom-loving Americans all over the country on Facebook and other social media outlets. I appreciate all the support. It's great to have people like Beck, Limbuagh, and Hannity on your side, but it means more to me to have freedom-loving Americans express their support for me after Congressman Long's office abused his federal power in hopes of silencing free speech.

I received this political cartoon today from Vivian Aldrich McClure of Southwest Missouri. She shared with me that her husband Don draws a political cartoon every morning and obviously yesterday's media blitz regarding a story Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity led with, inspired her husband to get his easel out.

Thanks Mr. and Mrs. McClure. It's really a sad day in American when criticizing your elected leader leads to a perceived threat.