Obama's Own Words Come Back to Haunt Obamacare

The federal judge who ruled Obamacare unconstitutional, didn't just simply rule in unconstitutional, he used Obama's own words to declare in unconstitutional. Clearly when you read the opinion, it's not hard to see Obama is a hypocrite. The real problem comes again from forcing Americans to purchase healthcare, and if the federal government doesn't force Americans to buy it, there is simply no reason for Obamacare to exist.

Judge Roger Vinson said in his ruling, "I note that in 2008, then-Senator Obama supported a health care reform proposal that did not include an individual mandate because he was at that time strongly opposed to the idea, stating that, ‘If a mandate was the solution, we can try that to solve homelessness by mandating everybody to buy a house,’” Judge Vinson wrote in a footnote toward the end of his 78-page ruling Monday.

Let me state it again. The Commerce clause by no means gives Congress or the federal government the authority to force you to engage in commerce: therefore Obamacare is and always has been unconstitutional. Even Obama seems to think so according to this 2008 position.

The Perfect Storm--State of Emergency Declared in Missouri: Governor Nixon Calls Up National Guard for Coming Winter Storm

Warnings were the storm was to hit at 4:00 today in parts Southwest Missouri. Here in Ozark, we haven't see much winter activity yet. Still the winter storm ready to hit a large percentage of the United States called "the perfect storm" already has Governor Jay Nixon calling a state of emergency while preparing the Missouri National Guard.

Local weather forecasters are for up to 20 inches of snow tonight in Southwest Missouri. They are usually wrong, but there is so much moisture in the air getting ready to collide with cold arctic air that its very likely Missouri is in for the worst storm in a hundred years.

This reminds me of the blizzard of 1999 that I experienced when I lived in Chicago. We got 27" of snow during that blizzard. I had never seen such huge snowflakes, and they fell quickly paralyzing Chicago for days. Southwest Missouri doesn't have the tools Chicago has, so its no wonder Governor Nixon has already called up the National Guard.

From KY3:

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- Gov. Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency and activated the Missouri National Guard in preparation for a severe winter storm that is moving into the region. The governor and state emergency officials began monitoring the storm over the weekend, when the governor ordered emergency generators be deployed to staging locations across the state.

Executive Order 11-03 activates the Missouri State Emergency Operations Plan, which lets state agencies assist local jurisdictions with their emergency preparation and response. The governor also signed Executive Order 11-04, which activates the Missouri National Guard in response to the storm. Under the governor’s orders, citizen-soldiers from the Guard will be deployed to support local emergency agencies.

“Most of Missouri is expected to be affected by this severe winter storm, which is predicted to cause treacherous road conditions and possibly widespread power outages,” Nixon said. “My chief concern is the safety of Missourians, and these orders make state agency resources and the citizen-soldiers of the Missouri National Guard available to help communities respond. As state emergency officials continued to track the storm over the weekend, we worked closely with local agencies and faith and community groups to ensure that Missouri is as prepared as possible.”

Before signing these orders, Nixon received an updated briefing from his emergency management team, including senior officials from the Missouri Department of Public Safety, Missouri National Guard, Missouri State Highway Patrol and State Emergency Management Agency to assess the current weather situation and review the latest forecasts.

Under Nixon’s orders, the State Emergency Operations Center is now operating 24 hours a day. Liaison officers from the National Guard will begin working with county and local officials to determine where the Guard’s help is needed.

National Weather Service forecasts call for significant ice in some areas, widespread heavy snowfall of a foot or more, and sustained winds. These extreme conditions create a strong possibility of power outages. The governor also cautions Missourians who see downed power lines to report them immediately to their electric utility; to stay away from the downed lines; and to warn others to do so as well.

The forecast also calls for temperatures to drop into the single digits or below in parts of Missouri later in the week. Nixon encourages Missourians to take steps to protect themselves and their families, including:

Listen to radio, television, or NOAA Weather Radio for weather reports and emergency information, or visit the state’s Web site – MO.gov – for comprehensive emergency information.
If you must drive, check MO.gov for road conditions before departing. Dial the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s emergency line – *55 from a cellular phone – if you encounter an accident while driving.
Check on the elderly and neighbors who may be in need of additional assistance. For information about emergency services and resources, visit MO.gov.
Missourians who need disaster information, shelter information, and referrals are urged to call 211. The 211 service is now available for most areas of Missouri. In areas where the 211 service is not operational, citizens may call 800-427-4626.

In addition to the National Guard, state agencies that can be activated for duty under the order include: Missouri Department of Public Safety, State Emergency Management Agency, Missouri State Highway Patrol, Division of Fire Safety, Department of Agriculture, Department of Conservation, Department of Corrections, Department of Health and Senior Services, Department of Mental Health, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Social Services, Department of Transportation and the Office of Administration.

Non-government and volunteer working with the State Emergency Operations Center include the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, AmeriCorps, and the governor’s Faith-Based and Community Service Partnership for Disaster Recovery.

Embarrassing!: It's RINOs Not RHINOs

I bet this guy isn't voting for Billy Long--a RINO--not RHINO. Republican In Name Only--RINO. Like the bumper sticker, but hope it didn't cost you too much to replace. If you are going to attack Academia, don't give them fuel to attack you back.

DeceptiCON Scott Brown Upsets Conservative PAC: You Were Warned

Massachusetts loves its liberals, and for some strange reason people are confused into believing the state actually produces Republicans. You have Mitt Romney, the brains behind Obamacare. Then you have the once favorite Republican Scott Brown who continues to show his deceptiCON stripes vote after vote in the United States Senate. Sure there are some patriotic conservatives in Massachusetts but they usually don't win elections.

Since Senator Brown showed his true colors a group of conservatives want their money back.

The National Republican Trust spent nearly $100,000 last year to help Scott Brown win the U.S. Senate seat of the late Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, but now the conservative political group wishes it had that money back to help kick Mr. Brown out of office.

Saying the Republican senator is no different from a Democrat, the head of the group is calling for Mr. Brown to donate to charity or disgorge campaign money equal to how much the trust spent supporting him during the 2010 campaign.

The trust’s executive director, Scott Wheeler, said supporters knew Mr. Brown wasn’t going to be a die-hard conservative when they supported him early and often in his run against Martha Coakley, the Democratic state attorney general and once heavy favorite to succeed Mr. Kennedy.

But Mr. Wheeler said he and his group’s conservative backers are now disillusioned, citing Mr. Brown’s vote to ratify the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) with Russia, which the group sharply opposed.

“New START is something he should have been able to vote against,” Mr. Wheeler said.

Do you think this PAC will take a strong stand when the GOP begins selling on the American people on Obamacare? Probably not.

Ed Martin Jumps Into Missouri Senate Race

With Jim Talent announcing he would not run, and Sam Graves announcement waivering, Ed Martin is throwing his name in the ring to challenge Sarah Steelman. It shouldn't be hard for Martin to convince voters he's more qualified than Steelman--just watch:

One has got to wonder if the above video is the reason it appears, as the Kansas City Star put it, the GOP is playing musical chairs scrambling to find a worthy opponent to Sarah Steelman. So many names come up as possibilities to challenge Steelman and then fade, although Martin looks ready to move forward.

"I believe that the 2012 election will come down to a very simple question: What should the size, scope and cost of the federal government be?," Martin says in the above video before lambasting President Obama and McCaskill.

"They've made our government more powerful and bigger and more costly," he continues.

As of right now, it's Martin vs. Steelman, and it should be known KMOX, St. Louis's big 50,000 watt blow torch has already expressed its concerns over Steelman as a candidate. She isn't the "sharpest knife in the drawer."

Martin's demographics and Tea Party following will make it a challenge for Steelman, but the the truth is with both of these candidates is they were unable to close the deal in their last elections. Sam Graves is expected to make his decision this week, although it seems less likely know. Ann Wagner will make her decision at a later date.

Internet Kill Switch Legislation is Back

I would say the idea of an Internet kill switch died when Republicans took the house in November, I would say that, but then again their was Republican Billy long trumping up tough campaign questions asked by an Internet into perceived threats. Soon the FBI visited the bloggers house. It appears some Republicans don't like the idea of Internet freedom either. Of course it's another RINO that is co-sponsoring the bill--Susan Collins.

I hate to report it today, but even with Republicans in the House, the Internet kill switch is still alive.

The legislation, which would grant US President Barack Obama powers to seize control of and even shut down the internet, would soon be reintroduced to a senate committee, Wired.com reported.

It was initially introduced last year but expired with a new Congress.

Angry scenes ... protesters gather at the statue of Alexander the Great in Cairo to demand the resignation of Hosni Mubarak Photo: AFP/Topshots
Senator Susan Collins, a co-sponsor of the bill, said that unlike in Egypt, where the government was using its powers to quell dissent by shutting down the internet, it would not.

“My legislation would provide a mechanism for the government to work with the private sector in the event of a true cyber emergency,” Collins said in an emailed statement to Wired. “It would give our nation the best tools available to swiftly respond to a significant threat.”

The proposed legislation, introduced into the US Senate by independent senator Joe Lieberman, who is chairman of the US Homeland Security committee, seeks to grant the President broad emergency powers over the internet in times of national emergency.

Let's take this full circle. This is being pushed by the Homeland Security committee in the Senate. Guess who sits on the committee in the House, Billy Long. Just last week, Long co-sponsored a bill from the House Homeland Security committee that ensures DHS gains more power for it's citizen spy network titled "If You See Something, Say Something." Long along with other Republicans want to provide immunity for anyone who provides information to the federal government with "If You See Something, Say Something." This of course removes the responsibility of reporting factual information to the federal government and could be further used to harass citizens, something Long's office has already been caught doing.

John P. Holdren Wants to Indoctrinate Global Warming School Kids: Sounds Like a Communist Educational Belief

Communist philosophies have always betrayed educational venues with infiltration. This is the history in the expansion of communism--education is critical to change the thoughts and ideas through conditioning. Communism uses a Trojan horse philosophy to change thought.

A May 1937 article on communism titled "The Schools and the People's Front" states: "Marxist-Leninist analysis must be injected into every class." In order that this might be accomplished successfully, "the Party must take careful steps to see that all teacher comrades are given thorough education in the teachings of Marxism-Leninism." It was stressed that "Communist teachers are faced with a tremendous social responsibility." They must affect the children's thinking, and they must mobilize other teachers. But all of this was to be done from the work in the classroom to the agitation among other teachers -- "without exposing themselves."

I remind you of this because environmentalism is the new communism in the world. Green is the new red. It works to destroy the capitalist industrial world in exchange for statist control, and once again we have an Obama official displaying they understand the truth that education is important in adoption.

That was Obama's top science adviser, John P. Holdren, saying we need more indoctrination to change the mind of free thinking people who have seen through global warming fraud--and this is even after Hadley CRU was caught cooking the books a couple years ago. Now think about that with what I just told you about the communist philosophy to control education--the Trojan horse infiltration.

“It is an education problem. I think we have to educate them,” John Holdren says.

Now let's not forget that Holden is a eugenicist, which is a belief held by both Hitler and Stalin. Remember, Stalin often gets a pass because he was an ally of the United Stated during World War II fighting the "bigger evil" Adolf Hitler, but is just as guilty of Hitler of sending hundreds of thousands to their death. Not only that, but it's documented that Holdren has ties to the same Chicago communists that Obama played with in the early days.

Make no doubt about it, as schools across the country adopt the International Baccalaureate global education  curriculum, with its lesson plans often touching on global warming and population control, which I have seen first hand in math story problems and other homework assignments, the seed has been planted and many conservative communities like Ozark, Missouri, are taking the bait selling the program as a curriculum that will better prepare students for college. No, it's a curriculum that indoctrinates, and we have Obama's top science adviser talking a lot like a Marxist on the subject of education indoctrination. Remember it was Obama and William Ayers who pushed the International Baccalaureate on Chicago schools through the Annenberg Challenge.

Henry Cavill: New Superman Will Have a British Accent

Warner Brothers is getting out the tights once again. However, Brandon Routh won't get a second chance at playing Superman. It appears a British actor will be the next to see if he can survive the Superman curse. The Superman curse has hit multiple actors who played the caped super hero, often with a road to death. Christopher Reeves was the last actor to suffer from the curse.

None the less, a new Superman has been named for Warner Brothers latest chapter. Henry Cavill will be Superman, and he's a Brit. That should be bloody interesting!

Shoot the Messenger Politics Must End For America's Best Interest

Have you noticed the war against the average man standing up for their Republic, for their Constitution, for the America envisioned by the founders? All throughout the United States since the rise of the Tea Party over the past two years, there is a shoot the messenger mentality that both journalists and politicians are using to silence the messenger.

The first example of this that I noticed was Susan Rosegen at the Chicago Tea Party. Do you remember how she insulted Norm the Tea Party guy for speaking up against the federal government's big spending?

Of course the Tea Party is full of other stories just like Norm the Tea Party guy--average citizens who stood up only for journalists to attempt to shoot down. The media went out of their way in hopes of finding us "radical" Tea Party types that were simply standing up for the Constitution in hopes they could discredit us with a vicious brand of journalism best exhibited by Rosegen above.

It doesn't stop there. It's obvious most of the Democrats don't like the Tea Parties. This isn't any big surprise since it was Obama's stimulus and plans for more big spending that really lit the Tea Party fuse. It's obvious the Republicans don't like the Tea Party either, and they went out of their way last week before and after the State of the Union to attack one of their own, Michele Bachmann, who delivered a speech to the Tea Party after Obama's SOTU.

I have praised Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz many times on this blog. I am not sure I can do so anymore. Chaffetz showed his establishment stripes last week attacking Bachmann for speaking to the Tea Parties in another act of shoot the messenger.

"But I thought it was bad form to try to upend Paul Ryan during a time we are trying to focus on one cohesive message.”

Was that the truth? Bachmann never billed the speech as an alternative to Paul Ryan's response to the SOTU. She was having a conversation with the Tea Party after the State of the Union. That's it, and yet Chaffetz and many other Republicans began shooting the messenger almost immediately misrepresenting Bachmann's attention.

Now we know bloggers around the country are being investigated after the Gabrielle Giffords shooting simply because they have criticized their Congressman. Make no mistake here. These efforts against bloggers are nothing than an attempt to shoot the messenger. Take for instance Republican Billy Long. Multiple bloggers have seen through his rhetoric, which includes Tea Party rhetoric. Yet Long quickly proved himself to be establishment even before getting to Washington. Just two days after the Giffords shooting, Long began having bloggers, who never threatened Long with anything but their keyboards that exposed him as a political hypocrite, investigated by the FBI.

Shoot the messenger politics is an attack against the First Amendment. Make no mistake. It's a form of intimidation to get someone engaged in political free speech to shut up. It's being used by the media. It's being used by politicians. It's being used by pundits, political consultants, and political supporters (supporters who claim they support the Constitution yet sacrifice their beliefs in support of their candidate). Shoot the messenger is not in the best interest of America and her political debate. It must be exposed and ended or people will become intimidated even before they begin to speak up.

Brainz.org Names Top Political Blogs of 2010

We're not there yet, but if my Congressman keeps embellishing stories and abusing his federal powers to silence this blog, we may get their attention for the 2011 list. Brainz.com has named the top seven political blogs of 2010. The worthy Lew Rockwell blog made the list among others:

Political Blogs

Politics with a helpful quantity of snark.
The Daily Dish
A former conservative who still straddles both sides of the line, Andrew Sullivan is one of the more interesting pundits working online today.
Ben Smith
A political linkblog that covers virtually everything interesting happening in politics.
The LRC Blog
Libertarian politics from a well respected libertarian thinker.
Written by Glenn Reynolds, Instapundit was a very early conservative blog that is still going strong today.
Five Thirty Eight 
Statistical political analysis. Read it if you want to know what's going to happen in an election before hand.
Wired Danger Room
National security news.

Libtardia: Chris Matthews Blames Turmoil in Egypt on George W. Bush

Welcome to Chris Matthews's world of Libtardia! Hoping to find an anti-American spin to report, Matthews continued to ask if the protesters in Egypt were protesting anything American. As if that wasn't enough, check out how Matthew's launched his show Hardball. (Or is that Hard On [for George W. Bush?])

Good evening. I`m Chris Matthews in Washington.Leading off tonight: Unrest in Egypt. Proving the Iraq war wasn`t needed, these protests in Egypt, as well as in Yemen and Tunisia, are all aimed at dictators supported by the U.S. The demonstrations have not yet turned anti-American, but they could. These are the events the Bush administration hoped to encourage by lying about weapons of mass destruction and invading Iraq.

Twenty years from now Chris Matthews will be attached to his cane still blaming all the world's woes on George W. Bush. Funny thing is how Matthews seems to ignore this Obama promise that may have prevented all of this if there was any truth to Matthews's claim.

Congressman Billy Long Ain't Afraid of Anyone, Any Place, Any Time (As Long as He Has the FBI)

While the Billy Long used the FBI to intimidate a blogger story has started to become a distant memory for many, there are still plenty of details the public remains unaware of. While Long would have you believing myself and a few other bloggers spent every minute of the entire campaign season tracking down long, it was actually just a few days in September. It all began when Billy Long announced his Southwest Missouri business tour in the Springfield News-Leader and invited the public to tour Southwest Missouri business with the candidate. "He encourages members of the community to turn out for discussions..."

That came out on a Friday, and Jim Lee over at Busplunge contacted each other about attending. We debated how this should be done. We knew that if I showed up, Long would instantly freeze and then run, so Lee said he would go to try to ask Long the tough questions the media wasn't researching or asking. Lee brought a voice recorder and he was able to ask question at the business tour along with a couple other people including former state representative Mike Schilling and another unidentified woman who also showed up to ask Long the tough questions.

Long was surprised that anyone showed up, but to give him credit he did answer some questions, well, he made some excuses about why his words of being fed up with career politicians in Washington who are big spenders didn't actually match his campaign donations to the same big Washington spenders. Take a listen and notice something Long says about being afraid.

Long firmly states, he isn't "afraid of anyone, any where, any time."

Lee invited me over to his house to listen to the recording he made at Billy's business tour. Lee wanted to know how to get it on YouTube, so we worked on editing it and creating a file so people could hear for themselves what Long had to say, and then put his words to the test.

Amazing how these words are amplified today as Long obviously abused his federal powers, launching in witch hunt against critics using the Gabrielle Giffords shooting as a platform for political payback. You see, it was this quote of Long's which I and a few friends of Lee's went out to test over the next week. That's what this really amounts to is a week's span of public appearances to see if Billy Long was courageous or a coward when it came to being asked tough questions. It turns out he was a coward, but in more ways than one.

Here is myself and friends of Lee trying to ask questions to Long during a public appearance at the Spending Revolt bus tour. Notice the question I ask is relevant to Long signing his name on the Spending Revolt bus.

There were other instances like this throughout the week. After a week of attending public appearances Long made, it was obvious Long was scared of certain people asking hard questions in places he was seen in public. However, Long was never scared of anything besides a tough question, which he chose to ignore and walk away. The story he and his office shared with the FBI was pure embellishment all in hopes of intimidating his critics.

Conflicting Evidence in Story that Billy Long Closed the Doors on Billy Long Auctions

The Springfield Business Journal makes it sound like Billy Long did the noble thing. He walked away from his auction business, closing the doors, so he could focus 100% on being a Congressman. (Does this mean Billy Long's endless hours at casinos are over too? You know you wouldn't want anything to interfere with that 100% focus.)

However, evidence doesn't really match the story reported in the Springfield Business Journal. They write Long sold what assets were in the auction business to competitors.

U.S. Rep. Billy Long was expected to sell his auction company but instead he decided to just close the doors.

After 29-years Long closed the doors on his auction company and according to his former vice president at Billy Long Auctions Llc. Long sold the company's assets to competitors.

Competitors? That's a funny way to put it. For over the past week, if you had tried to visit the Billy Long Auctions Web site, you were redelivered to the new Bob Kollmeir Auctions. As well, anyone who tried calling the 882-LONG phone number may have heard Bob Kollmeir's voice asking them to leave a message. It's hard to call Kollmeir a competitor when he has been part of Long auctions for so long. The story gets more interesting.

Rumors are abound that Kollmeir may be receiving a federal paycheck. For the past few weeks, I have heard it discussed in political circles that Kollmeir is Long's new agriculture advisor, something a few bloggers are working hard to confirm.

It just appears to me, as usual with Billy Long, that we aren't getting the entire story here. Did he close the doors or did he sell it to Kollmeir who may now be working on Long's staff in DC, helping Long pass bills benefiting companies like Monsanto, a large donor to Long's campaign? What assets did he have to sell? He went on the radio last year claiming the entire auction company was worthless without his name on the door.

There are plenty of holes in the SBJ story that need to be answered, and still there is no word what Billy Long is going to do with his 1/3 interest in Murney and Associates.

Is Ringo Starr an Underrated Drummer? The Word and Rain

When it comes to the Beatles, Ringo Starr has been the butt of many jokes. It's the nose you know. Many people also claim his drumming is simplistic and he was the least talented of the four Beatles. I don't think this is very fair, and in fact, as I have gotten older, I have come to really enjoy Ringo's style, especially his fills.

There is a new video out that I just watched called is Ringo Starr and underrated drummer. It looks at the Beatles song "The Word," specifically from the view of the drums. I personally think they picked the wrong song to show just how amazing Ringo really is. In fact, the video would make a much compelling argument had the drummer looked at Ringo's playing the song "Rain." None the less, the video does show Ringo wasn't a simpleton behind the skins.

Here's the video, and then listen to the song Rain, a song where Ringo claims he was possessed when he was coming up with the drum parts and couldn't believe how complexed his playing is in the song.

Judge for yourself? Is Ringo a great drummer?

Nuclear Sludge Toxic Waste Candy Recalled Because of Lead Contamination

Nuclear Sludge Toxic Waste candy lives up to its name. It's being recalled because tests have found its contents are dangerous. Hey, isn't this truth in advertising for a change--unlike General Motors who advertises it has paid off its government bailouts.

It turns out they have found dangerous amounts of lead in the chewy candy bar. Supposedly, it was the FDA that discovered the lead and is working with the candy maker to remove the candy from the shelves, even though no illness has been caused by the candy other than pucker faces.

More Videos of Blue Hole, Christian County, Missouri's Waterfall on Swan Creek

Went on another hike in the Mark Twain National Forest yesterday in Christian County. The section is known as Bar K Wrangler Camp and it features a waterfall known as Blue Hole. Here are some more videos of the small set of falls located on Swan Creek just minutes from Ozark, Missouri.

Fort Wayne International Airport Won't Let Soldier Hand Out Pocket Constitutions at TSA Checkpoints

Americans, do you know your Constitutional rights? Apparently a United States Army soldier doesn't believe enough of you do, and so he decided he would hand out pocket Constitutions to travelers going through TSA checkpoints to remind them their Fourth Amendment right is being violated by the United States government through the TSA. Guess what?

This soldier's First Amendment right may have been violated. Isn't that sad considering we have another soldier, like myself, facing his First Amendment taken away from him by the federal government.

Paul Anthony Stanton was told he couldn't hand out pocket Constitutions at the airport to travelers standing in line waiting for their naked body scans for a TSA thug to feel their privates before they board their planes. He was told to take his pocket Constitutions to a designated "free speech zone" located in some remote part of the airport--probably in the smokers lounge. Actually it's located outside of the terminal, but still...

The news is now getting national attention as the ACLU has filed a case against the Fort Wayne, Indiana airport that says this soldier's First Amendment has been violated and that he has every right to pass out pocket Constitutions to travelers before the federal government violates their Fourth Amendment.

This should be interesting to watch. Let's hope it's another win for the Constitution, and occasionally, and I do mean occasionally the ACLU is on the right side of the argument.

Homeland Security Says No to Private Screeners: TSA Thugs to Continue Groping

Sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas, TSA chairman John Pistole was said he was going to start looking for answers to calm the controversy of the TSA groping Americans who simply want to board a flight. If his first step an any indication of what is to come, it appears the TSA isn't going to back down from touching your junk.

After 9/11 airports were given the choice to hire either a private firm for security or use the TSA thugs. That program is coming to a stand still after a Florida airport decided they were going to kick the TSA out of their terminals.

The Screening Partnership Program allowed airports to replace government screeners with private contractors who wear TSA-like uniforms, meet TSA standards and work under TSA oversight. Among the airports that have "opted out" of government screening are San Francisco and Kansas City.

That program now no longer exist. Airports will now be required to employ the TSA for their security without the option of kicking them out. Figures right? Why is it Congress didn't have a say in this matter, but once again it appears legislation is coming from the bureaucracies?

I say this because it was Republican John Mica (FL) who was informing airports of the opt out clause. It wasn't Mica or any other member of Congress who decided the opt out was no longer a viable option for airports. It was Pistole and Big Sis Janet Napolitano.

So this really puts in perspective how the strong arm of government is going to be used to control common American practices like travel. I guarantee you, when the time comes for DHS/TSA expansion, train stations, bus terminals, and all the rest of the places DHS has plans to employ their police state thugs to patrol won't have any opt out room. This is the first solution of Pistole since the Thanksgiving outrage of the TSA last year, and it's one that favors the TSA and not the traveler.

Super Bowl 45 in Dallas Brings Out Stripper Controversy that Reminds of 2008 Democratic National Convention

Women looking for a job in the Dallas, Texas area may find a temporary job that pays quite well for a temporary job. Of course, you may be asked to something you might not be prepared to do--strip.

Once again we have another story about large amounts of tourist packing into a town for a few days and a shortage of strippers, escorts, and prostitutes hits the news. The last time I remember this happening was in Denver during the 2008 Democrat National Convention. Those Kennedys...those Kennedys...

Anyway, something tells me the RNC convention isn't immune from this either, especially with that new Congressman from Missouri 7 with a reputation for the party. Getting back to the story...

Strip clubs surrounding the billion dollar Cowboy Stadium near Dallas are looking for 10,000 new girls to strip during Super Bowl week, which kicks off today with the Pro Bowl. (How can you have a Pro Bowl when none of the top players who are in the Super Bowl are going to play anyway?) Anyway, this story really means little to me. It just made me think back to the Democratic Convention when we heard a similar tale.

The Billy Long Week in Congress Review: Billy Long Continues to Remove Himself From the Tea Parties

If you still believe Billy Long is Tea Party and is going to fight for freedom and liberty after this week, well then there is no hope for you. Billy Long is part of the Big R neocon Republican establish--you know the fine people who brought you the Department of Homeland Security, naked body scans, and groping at airports with their quick passage of the Patriot Act in 2001. Now Billy Long, who went to Washington promising to shrink the size of government, just co-sponsored a bill from his Homeland Security committee that will increase the size of the federal government through a new program DHS has introduced called "if you see something, say something."

American citizens will begin to see the evidence of "if you see something, say something" as government rhetoric resembling George Orwell's 1984 will soon be present in places like your Walmart checkout line. The bill Long introduced encourages this national citizen spy network by offering immunity to anyone who works with the federal government to turn their fellow neighbor in as suspicious.

Stocking up on hunting ammo and your neighbor sees you carrying large amounts of ammo from your car into your house? Well, "if you see something, say something" will encourage your neighbors to tell the federal government--after all you might be one of those crazy right wingers defined in the MIAC Report or the Department of Homeland Security Report.

The Modern Militia Movement-Missouri MIAC Strategic Report 20Feb09

So the first bill Billy Long has put his John Hancock on as a co-sponsor gives Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security more power. I bet Billy Long likes getting groped by a male TSA agent. The Bill is called If You See Something Say Something Act of 2011. Way to fight for freedom and liberty Billy Boy, but we already knew you have learned how to use the American police state against your political enemies. Why should we be surprised at your desire to expand Big Sis Napolitano's tools for her developing American police state that even Matt Drudge is now warning about.

So here's how Congressman Long voted for the week of January 24 through January 28. It should be noted Billy Long flew to LA this week to a function at the Reagan library? Did taxpayers pick up the tab on this non-government function?

Yea On ordering the previous question: HR43, providing for consideration of the resolution (HR38) to reduce spending through a transition to non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels.

Note: There was another $450 billion plus added the federal deficit in 2008. Apparently this is acceptable to the Republicans in Congress like Billy Long who said he was fed up with wasteful spending.

Yea on agreeing to the resolution: HR43, providing for consideration of the resolution (HR38) to reduce spending through a transition to non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels.

Nay on motion to recommit with instructions: HR 38 to reduce spending through a transition to non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels.

Yea on agreeing to the resolution: HR 38 to reduce spending through a transition to non-security spending at fiscal year 2008 levels.

Yea on motion to suspend the rules and agree to HR49 providing Capitol-flown flags for recipients of the Medal of Honor

Yea on ordering the previous question: H Res 54: providing for consideration of HR359, to reduce federal spending and the deficit by terminating taxpayer financing for presidential election campaigns and party conventions

Yea on agreeing to the amendment: Amendment 1 to HR359

Nea on motion to recommit with instructions: HR359 to reduce federal spending and the deficit by terminating tax payer financing of Presidential campaigns and party conventions

Yea on passage: HR359 to reduce federal spending and the deficit by terminating tax payer financing of Presidential campaigns and party conventions

Billy Long Detested What I Wrote, While Roy Blunt's Senate Campaign Promoted Some of My Work

It's funny. The shoot the messenger mentality in politics today strikes me as odd considering the anger directed at politicians everywhere around the United States. In the nearly three weeks I have had to reflect on Billy Long's office crying wolf and sending the FBI may way in hopes of intimidating me to silence using the Gabrielle Gifford's shooting to justify his actions, there was so many things going on behind the scenes of Republican races this year.

In fact, if the average person got as close as I did to the entire political system, they would probably react with addiction to the soap opera or disgust for the entire process. For me it was a combination of both. What amazes me most is how many people will use you to sling the dirt or get their message notice, and then they are no where to be found when the attack on your character begins. They are too busy saving their own political butts by distancing themselves from it. Yet they had no problem prior in taking a swing at a candidate like Billy Long. I say this because I want to give some insight about the entire 2010 elections from my point of view.

You see, while some will just discount me as that blogger, I played a role in the research of a couple key political commercials that were released in 2010. In fact, you might remember Roy Blunt's windmill commercial alerting of the Carnahan family receiving over a hundred million dollars in stimulus money for their windmill farms? I was out in front of that quite early in the campaign, months before Roy Blunt released his attack ad. Do you remember the ad?

As that commercial was released, a Blunt insider, Soren Dayton sent an e-mail to the Blunt campaign team notifying them of the contents of the commercial and then giving them background to the commercial. I had been working with Dayton since early that year to attack Robin Carnahan, and Dayton was well aware of my concerns of various Blunt votes that didn't come across as very conservative to me. We developed a good working relationship throughout the campaign and Carnahan was defeated, and my blog was actually used and given thanks for my efforts by this Blunt insider.

Following the race, I congratulated both Dayton and Miles Ross for the huge victory over Robin Carnahan. Dayton responded:

It was pretty epic. That's a huge thumping. Clay, you really impacted the race. Thank you very much.

So there is a Blunt insider thanking me for the work I did to expose Robin Carnahan. The ethos doesn't get much better than that.

There is so much about the 2010 races that hasn't been said. While I may be looked upon negatively by the local Republicans for my efforts against Long, it's these stories you don't hear. The work I put into defeating other candidates like Robin Carnahan. Of course, all this gets overlooked thanks to the new bully in Washington who obviously has no regard for the Constitution in his pachyderm stripes.

This is not an attack on Soren Dayton. Not at all. It just goes to show how hard you can work for a candidate or candidates, and then be thrown out to the wolves. It's a dirty game--this politics. It's no wonder why more Americans don't participate.

The truth is Long is Wrong was lots of people. Unfortunately, it was my name and face associated with it, all the others have run to protect their political hides. While I expected this, it was sad that many of these same people who fueled Long is Wrong issued no statements of character or support. They went into hiding. Like I said, the system will throw you to the wolves, so it's no wonder few people care enough to stand up any more and fight this two party political system in which both parties send corruption to the offices they hope to fill.

Deep down inside I remember the accolades I received in hopes Long wouldn't receive the Republican nomination. There were many, including one cute moment where Roy Blunt's most faithful aid, Mavis Busiek, carefully came up to me at a Joplin Forum at Missouri Southern as I stood near the front row hoping to talk to other candidates and said, I liked what you wrote today, it was right on. That day's post featured who Billy Long was bragging he has never received a government paycheck, and I proudly stood up for the men and women in uniform who receive that very check with that Statue of Liberty printed on it from the US Treasury.

So it's with this knowledge that I laugh when Gregg Hartley, a former chief of staff to Roy Blunt who recently got into a pissing match on Twitter with me, tweets "@BungalowBillCW a meaningful conversation has value on both sides. Cong. Long and I have had ..maybe your problem is you fail to contribute."

Of course, Hartley is the same guy already in Sarah Steelman's bed endorsing this:

Of course, these stories are all worthy of a book, and soon they will find themselves in the pages as I expose what I observed goes on behind the scenes of the American political process. It's going to be fun.

Rumors of the 72,000 Square Foot House Being Built in Highlandville, Missouri

A new 72,000 square foot house is the topic of conversation among many in Southwest Missouri. No, it's not Brad Pitt's new home, even though Pitt once called Springfield home. Let's put that rumor to rest quickly. No this house is much more mysterious than Angela Jolie. In fact, one has to wonder if there is a federal connection to the house--possibly federal money.

The house can be seen on the east side of US 65 about a mile north of the Busiek state conservation area. It's built at the top of an old knob with a steep gravel driveway to the top. However, it's unaccessible to the public. While the gate keeping people out is nothing more than a cattle gate at this time, there are serious warnings to keep out noting there is surveillance cameras all around. Purple paint splotches on trees note where common folk best keep out.

The Christian County Headliner describes the house as:

A house currently under construction near Highlandville spans almost a full acre from wall to wall, on a 500-acre site. The ambitious project, nearly three years in and barely at the first floor, totals 72,000 square feet.

Putting that figure in perspective might require a few comparisons. According to the Census Bureau, the average new home size over the last five years was between 2,100 and 2,500 square feet. Springfield’s Pythian Castle is between 34,000 and 39,000 square feet, said owner Tamara Finocchiaro. Microsoft founder Bill Gates’ house is 66,000 square feet.

The White House, with three wings on six levels, totals 55,000 square feet.

The house has a lot of people talking and for good reason. One of the things that has been told to me is the intense concrete work that has taken place in construction, and I have seen pictures now of the layers of concrete and rebar. Talking to a good friend who spoke with one of the concrete workers claims the worker has never seen anything like this describing the structure as missile proof. Interesting, considering the remote location of the house and the steep climb to reach it.

“It’s all concrete, and I’ve heard it’ll have bulletproof glass and a concrete roof,” said Steve Johnson, neighbor to the Woods Fork Road property. “My wife was told it’s supposed to be a corporate retreat.”

Will high ranking government officials be flown to Southwest Missouri to meet here? After all, the owner of this house is one Steven L. Huff, whose Overwatch Systems plays a huge role in the national security of the United States.

The property’s deed says the Steven T. Huff Family, LCC is located in Leesburg, Va. Available online records of political campaign contributions show a Steven T. Huff of Leesburg to be an engineer and chief technology officer of Overwatch Systems, Ltd. According to the Overwatch website, the company “delivers multi-source intelligence (multi-INT), geospatial analysis and custom intelligence solutions to the Department of Defense, national agencies and civilian organizations. ... More than 25,000 analysts in the U.S. Department of Defense and the larger intelligence community utilize Overwatch solutions.”

There are even rumors the house may have a no fly area designated around it at this time, although that hasn't been confirmed.

The mystery of the house comes from the new building techniques that are being used in its construction.

“The technology involved with the construction is proprietary in nature,” Joe Huff said. “it’s not information we are prepared to talk about right now.”

Rumor also has it that it connects to a cave, which there are many in the area, almost like Wayne Manner in the Batman comic books.

Why not? Is there something more going on here than meets the eye? Why would anyone want to build basically a bunker on one of the old hills of the Ozarks for? One of the questions that I have been approached with in recent days, does this house make the Ozarks a target for terrorism and other threats based on the manner it's being built (notice they are building it in a central location of the United States) and the connection it has to a major national security firm.

I guess we will await the answers in clues and news stories in the coming weeks and months.

Thank Goodness, The Pressure is Off of Me to Expose Sarah Steelman as a Neocon

The Tea Parties are waking up and they are taking a very close look at the US Senate race next year in Missouri. Yes, they want Claire Mama Caskill beaten and sent back home to the nursing home; however, it appears they aren't going to let a certain Sarah Steelman, who has a reputation as establishment get away with claiming she is a Tea Party outsider. Multiple social media outlets are popping up everywhere with the goal to keep Sarah Steelman out of the United States Senate. (For the record, I am one and done and will only use this venue to promote a true conservative for the US Senate noting Paul Curtman would be one of the best Constitutional conservative picks but hoping Sam Graves enters this race considering his votes against TARP and all the rest of those big government programs if Curtman doesn't feel he is ready.)

As you know, an anonymous voice has come forward claiming to be Tea Party and issuing a series of memos that outline Steelman's history in Missouri as a friend to Democrat operatives and donors and the trial attorneys. I expect more memos to come. As well, Renee Hulshoff, wife of former gubernatorial candidate that Sarah Steelman viciously attacked in 2008, has started a #notvotingforsteelman thread on Twitter. It's unknown with Jim Talent announcing he will not be running for the Senate this week, where Hulshoff's loyalty will head. One thing is for sure, she doesn't appear to be a friend of Sarah, and I hope she continues to speak out considering Steelman's negative campaign against her husband in 2008.

Now there is an anonymous Twitter account titled NoSarahSteelman. The account is obviously owned by a conservative Tea Party member. They waste no time letting their followers know the name of the game is to defeat Sarah Steelman.

NoSarahSteelman is here to promote true conservatives for U.S. Senate. We will expose the liberal votes and statements of Sarah Steelman.

They have a message for the Tea Party:

In her 2002 race, Steelman was endorsed by the UAW, the SEIU, and other unions. Now she wants the tea party's support?

And of course they wasted no time promoting the deleted Sarah Steelman video, "how to keep a free market free."

See this video of @Sarah_Steelman promoting Regulation of free markets. Not a true conservative! http://bit.ly/c5grqQ #TEAPARTY #MOSEN

(a video I never get tired of watching and wish more people who voted for Billy Long would see too)

So be sure to follow this new Twitter account. I don't know who is behind it, but why would you want to put your name on anything these days considering how Billy Long bit back against the blogger who challenged him--you know with an FBI visit. Considering the number of conservative voices already speaking out against Steelman, she could have a very tough road ahead of her.

Billy Long Seems a Little Confused About the Definition of Conservative

Billy Long appears to keep contradicting himself. On the day we find out Long wants to expand the powers of the Department of Homeland Security with the If You See Something Say Something Act of 2011, which can be clearly labeled an expansion of big government--especially since TSA is ran through DHS--that clearly is violating the Constitution, Long tweets:

'There is no such thing as a Big Government Conservative - whoever came up with that is an idiot'!

Now, let's look back to the campaign in an interesting conversation Long had with the Busplunge blogger at one of the stops on his business tour after he won the primary. Long defends a Republican who voted for TARP, some of the bailouts, Cash for Clunkers, the big government Patriot Act, and of course a big spender and earmarker. Let's listen to this fascinating audio as what Long says doesn't really jive with what he tweeted today.

Mr. Long you obviously don't understand what a conservative is, which makes you just as much of an idiot.

The Republican Establishment Hates Tea Parties

It's become more apparent to me, the Republican establishment doesn't have room for the Tea Party. It's been amazing to watch how some self-proclaimed Tea Party Republicans have made it to Washington and quickly turned in their Tea Party stripes for establishment politics. Two names come quickly to mind, Kristi Noem, who told the Tea Party to basically take what the GOP gives you, and Billy Long, who is pushing to expand the powers of the Department of Homeland Security.

So should we be surprised major Internet political sources like the Politico are no picking up at what seems to be the Republican establishment holding their nose at the Tea Party? We heard on Tuesday night that some Republican insiders were upset at Michele Bachmann for agreeing to address the Tea Party after the State of the Union. The establishment wanted all focus to be placed on Paul Ryan, who gave the opposing party's official response to SOTU.

I am not surprised at all. I have always felt many of the Republicans running for Congress were using the Tea Party as a crutch while trying to hide their true colors, and of course in Missouri's Seventh District, Billy Long is the prime example. Something that I have noted about Long, when he talks about the Tea Party, it's always in the direction of Tera Sukman's neocon Tea Party Patriot HQ in Branson, and not the more Constitutionally conservative tea party organizations in Southwest Missouri. (Notice the signs in the window...like I said neocon, decepticon HQ, not strong tea.)

Politico has a strong article today further showcasing the disdain the GOP establishment has for the Tea Party. Tea Parties get in the way by forcing the GOP to live in a way it doesn't want to live--conservative and fiscally responsible to the Founder's standards. Politico reminds of the swipes that have been taken at Bachmann for speaking out against the establishment and committing to the Tea Party cause.

When Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann was named to the House Intelligence Committee earlier this year, one of her Republican colleagues responded this way: “Is that a punchline?” Another simply said, “Jumbo shrimp. Oxymoron.”

Neither dared to attach his name to his comment.

Bachmann’s Republican critics may be sick of her grandstanding, but they’re more terrified of her tea party following.

In just her third term, she has developed a fan base like 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s: Energized, fiercely loyal and capable of making a critic’s life miserable with threats of political retribution. She’s also a huge media draw — whether it’s MSNBC, which lampoons her, Fox News, which promotes her, or CNN, which aired her entire State of the Union rebuttal Tuesday night. All that’s missing is a Saturday Night Live spoof. (See: Bachmann poses challenge for GOP)

It’s enough to make most Republicans think twice before crossing her — or at least wish they had....

And of course, knowing the Republican establishment has to walk a fine line with the Tea Party, which is already looking at getting official third-party status that would risk Republican victories in 2012, the GOP establishment is now backtracking on their attacks against Bachmann and her Tea Party speech from Tuesday night.

“My primary concern with Congresswoman Bachmann’s speech was the timing of it relative to Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) official response to the President’s State of the Union address. I felt at the time the proximity of her speech was too near Chairman Ryan’s official response,” Chaffetz said. “I have since learned that the timing of Congresswoman Bachmann’s address was not simultaneous to Chairman Ryan’s official response. … Now understanding the true order of events, I would not have made the same comments to the media.”

That’s a far cry from his original assessment: “To try to upend Paul Ryan was just wrong.”

The GOP has egg on their face on this one, and it's apparent they aren't as approving of the Tea Party as they were before last November. In fact, I have good reason to believe they wish the Tea Party died in November after they won their big gains. Tea Parties must watch the Republican establishment very carefully. I say this as a sad warning.

Ozark Police Department's Computer Illiteracy Costing Ozark Residents More Money

Two years ago, the Ozark Police Department in Ozark, Missouri decided it was about time to computerize their records. I know, it was 2009...

Anyway, they obviously bought a system that wasn't well researched and not user-friendly, which further set back city time and money, and of course made the city look quite backwards as well. Unknown to me, they sued the computer software company for lack of training. I hope the Ozark Police Department lost, because having spent almost two decades in the computer industry, lack of training is a pathetic excuse. I haven't known a software company yet that doesn't offer support that focuses on keeping users. If there is a will in front of the computer, there is a way to train even granted that some systems are easier to use than others.

The Christian County Headliner writes:

“They (Ozark Police Department) paid $88,000, got caught up in a lawsuit and the police chief blamed it on the training,” he said.
And according to court documents, the software firm blamed it on the police department for not having qualified people operate the system and not being responsive to training sessions.

“There was no way to prove that the system didn’t work,” Collignon said. “We would have had to hire an expert to prove it wasn’t working. Their claim was it worked, it was your people. It would have cost probably as much for an expert as it ultimately cost us to settle the case.”

Having worked in the software industry, I tend to think the latter was probably the case. If I only had a dollar for every time someone I trained on software had their mind in another direction.

So I am reminded of this great computer embarrassment once again today as it appears the Ozark Police Department has received federal dollars to purchase another computer system at a higher price that is going to have a huge reoccurring cost the local taxpayers. In fact the residual cost to the taxpayer is going to further crunch the department, which is already hurting for cash. The computer illiteracy of the Ozark Police Department has started some fingers pointing at City Hall.

Hodges said the integrated system that is “user-friendly” will let officers write reports without spending time in the office and it eliminates “a lot of paper.”

But it was still a decision that puzzled City Administrator Steve Childers who said he thought staffing was the main priority for the department.

“Now it is not about a police officer anymore, it is about a records management system,” Childers said. “Now it is a $105,000 purchase of software.”

Childers said the department will buy the CODY Records Management System with federal forfeiture funds, but its annual maintenance cost must come from the city’s already-strapped general revenue fund.

“It won’t cost any money this year,” he said. “But there is a $17,000 annual maintenance cost.”
Mayor Bradley Jackson also said he thought the department needed another officer, in addition to the one the department recently hired, rather than “software.”

“There was such a loud cry for another officer,” he said. “Now that is put on hold.”

That “loud cry” was played out in public several weeks ago at a Board of Aldermen meeting when officers appealed directly to the aldermen rather than Childers, Hodges’ direct supervisor, to fill a vacancy. The board agreed, but the process angered Jackson and an ugly confrontation ensued that eventually played out in the media.

And so is life with the teenage boy tasering Keystone cops of Ozark, Missouri, who still can't give any kind of insight to the Ozark Dodge murder from over two years ago. They have proven again they are not very responsible with taxpayers money as they have been embarrassed by purchasing a computer system obviously without doing much research, like calling around the state of Missouri asking for recommendations at the ultimate cost to taxpayers. This time it's catching up with them.

Critical Patriot Act Extension Vote Will Tell Us More About GOP's Commitment to the Constitution

The Patriot Act expires in about four weeks. No doubt there is pressure in Washington DC to extend the Patriot Act in the name of National Security. The Patriot Act sold with the best intentions of keeping Americans safe has led to a soft tyranny throughout the 50 states that basically stuck a knife in the Fourth Amendment and allowed it to bleed to death.

Since the Patriot Act was introduced, we have seen how the infringements on rights have moved forward at an alarming rate. You have Obama saying that people who use cell phone give up any reasonable expectation of privacy and therefore the federal government should be allowed to track Americans through their cell phones. You have warrant-less wiretapping under the guise of national security. We have the formation of the TSA, which has led to the groping and the naked body scans at airports with the promise to expand these government services to other aspects of American life. We even have Obama pushing to make the United States government immune from any lawsuit brought against it from its warrant-less wire tapping. Yes, this is what America looks like less than ten years after 9/11. Do you remember what our federal government officials said as they passed the Patriot Act?

We cannot allow the terrorists to change our way of life.

Well the Patriot Act expires next month. So keep all of these things in mind. Congress is in a rush to extend the Patriot Act, and it's not on many peoples' radar. Here in Missouri, both conservatives and liberals voted for the original Patriot Act under the lead of another "conservative" Missourian, Attorney General John Ashcroft--a crime I will never forgive Mr. Ashcroft for.

A year ago, Obama signed a bill extending three provisions of the original Patriot Act, and last week a Republican from Michigan, Mike Rogers introduced legislation to extend them again. Obviously the Republican party is willing to sell out the Constitution once again because the federal government does not have the authority to spy on Americans. We need to be vigilant in our efforts and flood the Congressional switchboards with calls demanding they stand up for the Constitution and end the Patriot Act. There is nothing patriotic about the Patriot Act.

New RNC Chairman's Law Firm Calls Obamacare Constitutional

I have been warning for a few months now I don't believe Republicans are going to repeal Obamacare. What we are seeing now must be political theater.

It's coming out now that the new RNC Chairman Reince Priebus's law firm is on record claiming Obamacare is Constitutional. Think Progress, a liberal rag, found the connection and word is spreading quickly in the Tea Party ranks.

On January 14, 168 standing members of the Republican National Committee (RNC) will hold an election to select the next national chairman of the party. Current RNC Chairman Michael Steele is running for a second term against a number of challengers, including Saul Anuzis, Ann Wagner, Maria Cino, Gentry Collins, and Reince Priebus.

Priebus, the current state chairman of the Wisconsin GOP, is positioning himself as the true conservative alternative to Steele…

Despite his heated anti-Obama attacks, Priebus makes a living at a law firm far more comfortable with the policies of President Obama. Priebus works as a partner at the Milwaukee law firm Michael Best and Friedrich LLP. Over the summer, the firm created a series of presentations to explain health reform to its clients and to pitch the firm’s services for employers looking to comply with new health reform regulations. In one presentation, John Barlament, a colleague to Priebus at the firm, said that a health reform repeal is not only unlikely, but that the lawsuits brought by Republican Party allies to declare the law unconstitutional probably have no merit.Referring to the controversy over the individual mandate, Barlament explained that the commerce clause of the constitution “gives Congress authority to act on his legislation.”

Are you really surprised considering this guy led the Republican party in Wisconsin, a place affectionately known for its outrageous liberalism as the People's Republic of Madison?

Should we consider any Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare a joke at this point?

Congressman Billy Long Co-Sponsors Bill to Expand Department of Homeland Security and Its Police State

How else can you describe the Department of Homeland Security other than big government gone bad once again? Formed with the best intentions of keeping Americans safe, few Americans feel safe knowing their federal government is groping them at airports and taking naked scans of their bodies. One of my favorite Founding Father quotes is from Benjamin Franklin. It really puts the whole Department of Homeland Security in perspective.

"Those who would sacrifice essential liberties for a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Isn't that what the Department of Homeland Security continues to ask Americans to do--give up liberty like their Fourth Amendment right in order to perform common American traditions like travel? Now we are finding out many of these new Republicans who claim to be Tea Party are pushing for more power for the Department of Homeland Security, including Congressman Billy Long, who recently passed himself off as a Tea Party Congressman by claiming his pocket Constitution is "rode hard and put up wet."

Apparently, the moisture of his sweaty back pocket has removed the Fourth Amendment. Since he got to Washington, Congressman Long has shown the Constitution no love by challenging the TSA and the Department of Homeland Security pat downs of Southwest Missouri's wives and daughters at airports. Rather, Long is showing Big Sis Janet Napolitano the love. Yikes! She's not a real "purty" woman (purty being a Billy Long word) if you know what I mean.

Long has put his John Hancock as one of the co-sponsors of gun grabbing Republican Peter King's new bill, The If You See Something Say Something Act of 2011. While the bill sounds like it is full of good intentions, asking Americans to report to the federal government if they see something suspicious, many fear it is setting up a citizen spy network by the Department of Homeland Security that continues to label patriotic Americans as possible domestic terrorists. Missourians should be well familiar with the MIAC report also known as the Modern Militia Movement Report, which listed Tea Party and conservative activities to profile a domestic terrorist. Remember this is the report that listed pro-lifers and those flying the Gadsden Flag as possible terrorist suspects.

The Modern Militia Movement-Missouri MIAC Strategic Report 20Feb09

Did you know a couple months after the MIAC report was released to the Missouri Highway Patrol, the Department of Homeland Security released a similar report that also noted conservatives and Tea Party types as domestic terrorists?

Well Congressman Billy Long wants to continue encouraging the irrational thinking Janet Napolitano and the others who head up the Department of Homeland Security. As mentioned, he is a co-sponsoring King's bill that will encourage citizens to use guidelines outlined by the Department of Homeland Security to report citizens they believe are suspicious. Such activities like purchasing large amounts of ammo for you hunting rifle at Bass Pro Shops may be seen by some in America as suspicious and therefore may be reported.

In case you haven't been paying attention, Janet Napolitano announced late last year she was setting up a computer network with monitors that will be placed at locations such at Walmart checkout lines encouraging Americans to report other Americans. "If you see something, say something." Of course the idea of government rhetoric constantly broadcasted on a video monitor reminds of George Orwell's fictional country of Oceania in the book 1984, which also encouraged citizens to report other citizens. Of course, both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union also encouraged citizen spy networks.

So what tools is Tea Party fraud Billy Long willing to give Janet Napolitano? How about immunity for American citizens who report other Americans in the courts under "If You See Something Say Something." While immunity sounds noble for those Americans willing to keep their country safe, what about the little boy who cries wolf? What about the big, big Congressman who just over two weeks ago cried wolf? You know, the same Billy Long who had bloggers ask him tough questions during the election, and then after the Gabrielle Giffords shooting handed over an enemies list the FBI in hopes of intimidating the same bloggers. Do you see how this could be abused?

If all someone has to say is they saw someone do something suspicious to get the Department of Homeland Security or the FBI's attention as a possible domestic terrorist without any liability for the claim they make, this could be easily abused. The If You See Something Say Something Act of 2011 offers immunity to those who work with the Department of Homeland Security to make claims.

Other Republicans selling out the Constitution to provide Big Sis this luxury include:

Rep. Dan Lungren (R-CA), Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), Rep. Michael T. McCaul (R-TX), Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL), Rep. Candice Miller (R-MI), Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL), Rep. Pat Meehan (R-PA), Rep. Ben Quayle (R-AZ), Rep. Billy Long (R-MO), Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA), and Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-TX), all of whom serve on the Committee on Homeland Security. Also joining is Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA).

Still believe Billy Long is Tea Party and a friend of the Constitution and small government? Better think again. He's arm one of the fastest growing sectors of government today--the Department of Homeland Security.