Send a Message to the Ozark School Board in Opposition to the International Baccalaureate

There is no doubt Ozark High School is pushing for an anti-American, anti-Christian agenda called the International Baccalaureate. The program the school is begging for your tax dollars to pay for does not represent the conservative values of Ozark, Missouri. It's a radical left-wing globalist ran education program with ties to communist philosophies like the redistribution of wealth, the opposition to the right to bear arms, and radical environmentalism often found in the IB's lesson plans.

I have put together a guide for Ozark Parents about the IB, which you can read online that describes who the IB is connected to and the anti-American philosophies they support. Please take the time to view the information.

For Ozark parents who want their children taught their values in the community and not the values of the United Nations, George Soros, William Ayers, and other left-wing radicals, it is time to start pressuring school board members. Fortunately, there is a school board election close at hand, and we need to let the school board members whose terms are expiring next year, vote to implement the IB, and you will not be reelected.

The Ozark school board members who are up for reelection next spring are:

Frankie Forgey

Laura Johnson

Kim Maddox

Contact these three individuals and find out what their positions are on the IB implementation. If they are supporting it, let them know you will not vote for their reelection.

As well, we need good conservatives who understand the harm the International Baccalaureate does to American students with their global citizenship curriculum and how the costs to become an IB World School weighs heavy on the local taxpayers. Therefore, if one of these members chooses to vote against the values of the community for the IB's radical left-wing agenda, we need good candidates to come forward and oppose any of these three who will vote to progress the IB at Ozark schools.

Candidates can begin filing today, Tuesday, December 14, 2010 at 8:00 am. The last date to file is January 18th at 5:00 p.m.

The following is the contact information for these school board members:

Kimberly Maddox, Member, 408 E. Adelaide, (417)582-1788

Laura Johnson, Member, 4274 State Highway W, (417)886-1064

Frankie Forgey, Member, P.O. Box 223, (417)581-5350

Other school board members not up for reelection this year but who should be contacted and encouraged to vote against the IB are:

Chuck Fugate, Board President, 1004 N. 18th Ave., (417)582-1300
Patty Hamilton, Board Vice President, 490 Sun Valley Drive, (417)827-1074
Brent Hanks, Member, 1607 E. Highview St., (417)581-4263
Aaron Johns, Member, 2502 South 7th Ave., (417)459-3147