GOP Presidential Candidates Asked Would You Support Obama's Tax Cut Extension Compromise

First off, why wasn't Ron Paul asked where he stands on the issue? Rich Lowry of the National View asked possible GOP presidential candidates how a simple how they would vote in Congress on the Obama compromise which temporarily extends the Bush tax cuts for an additional Obama stimulus package that will total approximately $900 billion.

Here are the results:

Q. If given the opportunity to vote “yes” or “no” on the Obama-McConnell tax deal as it currently stands (i.e., no further revisions), how would you vote?
 YesNoDon’t Know
John Bolton    X  
Mitch Daniels      
Newt Gingrich   X  
Mike Huckabee      
Gary Johnson      
Sarah Palin      
Tim Pawlenty   X  
Mike Pence    X 
Mitt Romney    X 
Rick Santorum      
John Thune   X  

I see three candidates I won't consider voting for. As to why others are MIA is beyond me. Of course, Mitt Romney, the architect of Romneycare which Obamacare was modeled after is out of the question for me as well.

Looks like Mike Pence is the overall winner here.