Department of Homeland Security Names Climate Change a Terrorist it Must Fight

The Department of Homeland Security is quickly becoming an out of control bureaucracy. Not only is it creating a vast network to spy on Americans while building the great American police state, it is also about to transfer funds away from defeating radical Islam and start battling the Sun. Janet Napolitano has announced DHS is ready to fight climate change as well. Good grief, why aren't the new GOP Congress talking about doing away with this tyrannical bureaucracy that is doing more to kill the American way of life than it is doing to actually protect what is left of the Constitution and our way of life.

DHS now has a task force called "Climate Change and Adaptation Task Force." Big Sis discussed what the task force initial mission accomplished last week in Washington.

Napolitano explained that the task force was charged with “identifying and assessing the impact that climate change could have on the missions and operations of the Department of Homeland Security.”

According to the former Arizona governor, the task force would address specific questions, including:

“How will FEMA work with state and local partners to plan for increased flooding or wildfire or hurricane activity that is more serious than we’ve seen before? What assistance can the Coast Guard bring to bear to assist remote villages in, for example, Alaska which already have been negatively affected by changes up in the Arctic?”

The findings from the Homeland Security Department (DHS) also asked: “(H)ow can we focus on how climate change is going to affect our rural citizenry including those who live along our boarders both northern and southern?”

It won't be long until they ask how global warming is affecting their failed naked body scanners that apparently aren't picking up weapons like the systems promised. Yes, blame it on global warming. What happened to this great country I live in?