Video: 100 Car Pile Up on Minnesota
A 100 car pile up thanks to blizzard conditions has closed a section of Interstate 94 in Minnesota. For safety reasons, other parts of I-94 are closed too.
China Preparing for Role as World's Lone Economic and Military Super Power
A $14 trillion debt is going to catch up with the United States and its military power sometime in the very near future. Currently the United States spends about 50 cents for every dollar spent in the world for its military budget, but it's unreasonable to expect countries like China are going to finance our military through loans for much longer. It also appears like China has a five-year plan now that is possibly designed around the fall of America as we know it. You can't expect this country to continue spending and survive can you?
The UK Telegraph reports the Chinese have announced their plans to be the world's lone super power in five years. I believe we could be seeing a situation similar to that of when the USSR fell in the late 1980s, when the United States took on the role as the world's super power:
“In the coming five years, our military will push forward preparations for military conflict in every strategic direction,” said Liang Guanglie in an interview published by several state-backed newspapers in China. “We may be living in peaceful times, but we can never forget war, never send the horses south or put the bayonets and guns away,” Mr Liang added.
So the Chinese military, at a very interesting time, is preparing to bulk up. I hate to think about what this world is going to look like in five years. I pray our best days aren't behind us, but I fear what that debt is eventually going to do to this country. By the way, the Republicans compromised with Obama--tax cuts for more federal spending.
The UK Telegraph reports the Chinese have announced their plans to be the world's lone super power in five years. I believe we could be seeing a situation similar to that of when the USSR fell in the late 1980s, when the United States took on the role as the world's super power:
“In the coming five years, our military will push forward preparations for military conflict in every strategic direction,” said Liang Guanglie in an interview published by several state-backed newspapers in China. “We may be living in peaceful times, but we can never forget war, never send the horses south or put the bayonets and guns away,” Mr Liang added.
So the Chinese military, at a very interesting time, is preparing to bulk up. I hate to think about what this world is going to look like in five years. I pray our best days aren't behind us, but I fear what that debt is eventually going to do to this country. By the way, the Republicans compromised with Obama--tax cuts for more federal spending.
Obama's Not So Carbon Neutral Christmas in Hawaii Vacation: Michelle and Barry take Separate Flights to Hawaii
Taxpayers are paying over $1.4 million for Obama to enjoy some time off in Hawaii. Good grief! $1.4 million!
That's not even the half of it. As you know, Obama and the EPA will bypass Congress in the coming months to make cap and trade a reality. It passed in the House of Representatives but the Senate didn't and still won't have enough votes to turn it into the law of the land. So Obama is going to have the EPA come up with the new regulations based on the cap and trade bill to enforce without Congressional approval. This, my friends, is the work of a tyrant who could care less about the limits of powers established by the Constitution.
Of course while Obama is ready to push all these new carbon regulations on Americans and American businesses, the Obama's themselves aren't willing to sacrifice to limit carbon emissions. Take for instance this Hawaiian vacation for example. Michelle Obama flew to Hawaii without the president on an Air Force jet at a cost of $63,000 to taxpayers--not to mention the supposed carbon emissions it took to fly one airplane to Hawaii to put Mrs. Obama's fat ass in Hawaii a few days before Barry got there on Air Force One, which cost taxpayers another $1 million for the round trip flight.
Now let's think about that. Because Michelle Obama had to be in Hawaii early, she didn't take it upon herself to purchase a commercial airline ticket (she is not an official representative or employee of the United States government) and she created more carbon pollution by travelling like she did rather than wait and fly with Barry on Air Force One. Yet, we are supposed to believe these people really care about the environment and cutting carbon emissions. They are phony fake frauds who only care about getting their hands on more money for the redistribution of wealth that politically motivated global warming science promises.
That's not even the half of it. As you know, Obama and the EPA will bypass Congress in the coming months to make cap and trade a reality. It passed in the House of Representatives but the Senate didn't and still won't have enough votes to turn it into the law of the land. So Obama is going to have the EPA come up with the new regulations based on the cap and trade bill to enforce without Congressional approval. This, my friends, is the work of a tyrant who could care less about the limits of powers established by the Constitution.
Of course while Obama is ready to push all these new carbon regulations on Americans and American businesses, the Obama's themselves aren't willing to sacrifice to limit carbon emissions. Take for instance this Hawaiian vacation for example. Michelle Obama flew to Hawaii without the president on an Air Force jet at a cost of $63,000 to taxpayers--not to mention the supposed carbon emissions it took to fly one airplane to Hawaii to put Mrs. Obama's fat ass in Hawaii a few days before Barry got there on Air Force One, which cost taxpayers another $1 million for the round trip flight.
Now let's think about that. Because Michelle Obama had to be in Hawaii early, she didn't take it upon herself to purchase a commercial airline ticket (she is not an official representative or employee of the United States government) and she created more carbon pollution by travelling like she did rather than wait and fly with Barry on Air Force One. Yet, we are supposed to believe these people really care about the environment and cutting carbon emissions. They are phony fake frauds who only care about getting their hands on more money for the redistribution of wealth that politically motivated global warming science promises.
The American Police State Bloodies TV Crew for Trying to Capture Video of Obama's Vacation
Ah, Obama's on another family vacation. It must be nice. The cost to taxpayers is rumored to be over $1.4 million. I remind you this man makes $400,000 a year. That's why the taxpayers are footing the bill for Obama to run around in the Hawaiian sands, not to mention their could be a birth certificate in the works.
Anyway, a TV news crew was working to shoot video of Obama and the family on their vacation (remember that First Amendment) when the Obama police began beating the news crew to a pulp including bashing in the cameras and bloodying one of the crew members.
KITV reports what happened next:
At this point Sherri Kane, who describes herself as an investigative journalist, looked into the camera and said, “Behind us we have the Secret Service following us now so this is kind of exciting.”
Exciting turned to scary after they pulled into a gas station. On their video, a police officer approached the car and said, “Stay in the car. Put that camera off of me.”
Producer Sativa Jones can be heard saying “OK.”
The women said police vehicles and up to five officers surrounded the car, demanded IDs and registration without explanation. Then without warning an officer reached into the car and grabbed Jones’ camera.
“He grabbed it out of my hand and then he slammed it on top of the car,” Jones said. She said the camera was damaged – the automatic lens cover no longer worked.
Anyway, a TV news crew was working to shoot video of Obama and the family on their vacation (remember that First Amendment) when the Obama police began beating the news crew to a pulp including bashing in the cameras and bloodying one of the crew members.
KITV reports what happened next:
At this point Sherri Kane, who describes herself as an investigative journalist, looked into the camera and said, “Behind us we have the Secret Service following us now so this is kind of exciting.”
Exciting turned to scary after they pulled into a gas station. On their video, a police officer approached the car and said, “Stay in the car. Put that camera off of me.”
Producer Sativa Jones can be heard saying “OK.”
The women said police vehicles and up to five officers surrounded the car, demanded IDs and registration without explanation. Then without warning an officer reached into the car and grabbed Jones’ camera.
“He grabbed it out of my hand and then he slammed it on top of the car,” Jones said. She said the camera was damaged – the automatic lens cover no longer worked.
Analysis of New Years Eve Storm Damage in Southwest Missouri at 8:00 AM
KY 3 reports the following damage has been caused by the early morning New Years Eve storm that has hit Southwest Missouri. Currently, golf ball size hail is falling in a heavy downpour.
Christian county
A mobile home was destroyed on Johns Ford road, near East Benton. A mother and her three-year-old son took shelter in a bathtub. They ended up with bumps and bruises.
Several barns and out-buildings had roofs and siding ripped off. Some of the debris was found more than a mile away from those buildings.
Laclede county
Laclede county emergency officials say a lightning strike may have caused a house fire. It started around 2:15 a.m. on north highway 5, north of Lebanon. No one was inside, but the home is a total loss.
Stone county
Five homes were damaged in Indian Point. Utility crews worked to restore power to houses on Table Rock circle. The strong winds also did a number on the lake. Two docks were destroyed, one was damaged. A smaller dock went down, and took a boat with it.
Eight houses were damaged along Lake Bluff drive near highway DD. A 500-gallon propane tank was blown about 50 feet from its pedestal. There are also reports of trees into houses on Millwood drive.
Webster county
Wind caused power poles to snap along Spout Springs road in Fordland.
Christian county
A mobile home was destroyed on Johns Ford road, near East Benton. A mother and her three-year-old son took shelter in a bathtub. They ended up with bumps and bruises.
Several barns and out-buildings had roofs and siding ripped off. Some of the debris was found more than a mile away from those buildings.
Laclede county
Laclede county emergency officials say a lightning strike may have caused a house fire. It started around 2:15 a.m. on north highway 5, north of Lebanon. No one was inside, but the home is a total loss.
Stone county
Five homes were damaged in Indian Point. Utility crews worked to restore power to houses on Table Rock circle. The strong winds also did a number on the lake. Two docks were destroyed, one was damaged. A smaller dock went down, and took a boat with it.
Eight houses were damaged along Lake Bluff drive near highway DD. A 500-gallon propane tank was blown about 50 feet from its pedestal. There are also reports of trees into houses on Millwood drive.
Webster county
Wind caused power poles to snap along Spout Springs road in Fordland.
New Year's Eve Storms Ripping Through Southwest Missouri with Possible Tornadoes
We knew we were going to pay for the 65 degree day we got yesterday. The storms are here bringing tornadoes and intense winds to Southwest Missouri. Tornado sirens have began going off 20 minutes ago and the worst part of the storm should be hitting any minute now as it has grown eerily quiet outside.
The storms have already done damage to the lake area as boat docks have been torn to shreds and other damage including trees falling on cars has taken place throughout the area.
A Muslim Cosby Show?: Katie Couric Believes it Will Save the World
There is a debate in the black community of whether Bill Cosby is really black or not. I know I find it hard to believe considering. Many feel Cosby sold out to a white audience. Keep that in mind when you listen to Katie Couric say we need a Muslim version of the Cosby Show. Why do I feel like it's not too far away?
Couric says "I know that sounds crazy, I know that sounds crazy. But The Cosby Show did so much to change attitudes about African-Americans in this country, and I think sometimes people are afraid of what they don’t understand…"
Oh brother! Let's make jihad fun for a white audience.
Tornado Sirens Going off in Christian County, Missouri as 2010 Ends
The unusual warm weather has brought the usual storms. There is a tornado warning in Christian county, and the sirens have just started going off. Early morning storms have already damaged parts of Christian, Laclede, Stone, and Webster counties. Here are some pictures of the possible tornado damage from earlier today.
BBCW's Wacky Liberal of the Year 2010: Barack Obama
Do I blame Barack Obama for all that is wrong in America today? No. This path to less freedom started nearly 140 years prior to Obama taking office in 2008 with the Civil War, which for all practical purposes was never a war to end slavery but a war of northern aggression through the redistribution of wealth and an attack on states' rights. Go read what Lincoln wrote about slavery before the Emancipation Proclamation.
The results of the Civil War were worsened 50 years with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the federal income tax, and the next major attack on states' rights, the 17th Amendment. Not since the Lincoln administration and the Woodrow Wilson administration can I say that I have seen American on pace to destroy what is left of our rights and liberties.
Some of this needs to be blamed on big R Republicans too--after all they helped push the Patriot Act through Congress for George W. Bush to sign which set up the American police state that we have seen without any apology from the federal government in 2010. Barack Obama with a little help turned 2010 into 1984. The Obama administration has killed the Fourth Amendment for all practical purposes, and you don't have to look any further than your local airport, where, federal officials under the Obama administration's command are touching Americans in private areas without warrants in order to board airplanes. Also the naked full body scanners were deployed this year with justification from last year's Department of Homeland Security failure of the underwear bomber.
To think, Barack Obama ran saying he was going to stop the Fourth Amendment killing practice of wire tapping without a warrant. He has only worsened the damage the Patriot Act has done to the Constitution.
The year started with Barack Obama's plan to provide healthcare, and while he didn't give liberals what they wanted--true socialized medicine--he did put us on the path for the next broken healthcare system that politicians will soon believe they have a mandate to fix by further pushing the idea of total socialist medicine in the United States.
The real kicker in Obamacare is the fact it will force all Americans to purchase health insurance. This is one of the freedom-killing provisions in the new law. The very idea the federal government under the direction of the soft tyrant known as Obama can force you to engage in commerce destroys the very idea of freedom. It takes away your right to choose, and honestly the bill doen't have Americans' best interests in mind. It has the best interests of the insurance companies, who will make huge profits for the next few years knowing they have been placed on the path for total government takeover once medical costs skyrocket under the plan.
Of course Republicans are going around saying they will repeal Obamacare; however, if you listen carefully, you will find that many Republicans like what is in the healthcare law and aren't fighting it from a Constitutional standpoint, just like Congressman-elect Billy Long who stated there are lots of things in the healthcare bill that are good, but the problem is we can't afford it. When has that ever stopped the federal government before? There is a reason we have a $14 trillion debt and rising.
I don't count on Republicans repealing Obamcare. First, they don't have the numbers in Congress to repeal it, plus you have idiots like Billy Long pointing out there are things that need to be saved in Obamacare. I have a bad feeling Obamacare will live on, and when it's broken, and it will be broken, liberals will push for more socialized medicine while the Republicans scream but we have to save Obamacare to fight the Democrats next effort of more control.
Second, Republicans have proved they don't have any backbone. This is the reason Barack Obama is top of the list. In the past few weeks, I have watched Republicans ride the wave of anger in America directed at an out of control federal government both in spending and federal powers, which have turned limited government into soft tyranny.
The GOP had the support of a majority of the American people to go to Washington and fight against this thing called leviathan and within weeks of the election results the GOP compromised with Barack Obama in a tax cuts for more government spending deal that some are labeling a stimulus package. The GOP rushed the gun and gave Obama another up to $900 billion in federal stimulus spending just to get a two year extension of tax cuts.
In two years, these tax cuts will expire while another near trillion will be added to the debt. The Republican compromise gives Obama fuel for reelection. He will blame the debt on the Republicans insistence on tax cuts and make the argument tax cuts don't work. Of course, you will see how the debt ballooned in those two years thanks to this deal which will be forgotten by many.
In making the compromise, the Republicans already broke their Pledge to America, which promised a cut in federal spending. However, they just allowed the federal government to spend more, which also means in February, they are going to have to vote to raise the debt ceiling from $14 trillion to who knows? $16 trillion, maybe $17 trillion?
All the Republicans had to do was follow Nancy Reagan's advice and just say no. Then sometime next week push a bill through the House that made the tax cuts retroactive to January 1, 2011, without the need for more "stimulus." It was really that easy. The Republicans proved they have no backbone and Obama is really the winner in this mess as he has put the Republicans in position to be challenged by the Tea Party movement, and frankly I am just sickened by what I have seen.
Thank you to everyone who has visited BBCW this past year. The numbers are more than I could ever believe. Nearly 350,000 hits and over half a million page views in 2010. Thanks!
The results of the Civil War were worsened 50 years with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the federal income tax, and the next major attack on states' rights, the 17th Amendment. Not since the Lincoln administration and the Woodrow Wilson administration can I say that I have seen American on pace to destroy what is left of our rights and liberties.
Some of this needs to be blamed on big R Republicans too--after all they helped push the Patriot Act through Congress for George W. Bush to sign which set up the American police state that we have seen without any apology from the federal government in 2010. Barack Obama with a little help turned 2010 into 1984. The Obama administration has killed the Fourth Amendment for all practical purposes, and you don't have to look any further than your local airport, where, federal officials under the Obama administration's command are touching Americans in private areas without warrants in order to board airplanes. Also the naked full body scanners were deployed this year with justification from last year's Department of Homeland Security failure of the underwear bomber.
To think, Barack Obama ran saying he was going to stop the Fourth Amendment killing practice of wire tapping without a warrant. He has only worsened the damage the Patriot Act has done to the Constitution.
The year started with Barack Obama's plan to provide healthcare, and while he didn't give liberals what they wanted--true socialized medicine--he did put us on the path for the next broken healthcare system that politicians will soon believe they have a mandate to fix by further pushing the idea of total socialist medicine in the United States.
The real kicker in Obamacare is the fact it will force all Americans to purchase health insurance. This is one of the freedom-killing provisions in the new law. The very idea the federal government under the direction of the soft tyrant known as Obama can force you to engage in commerce destroys the very idea of freedom. It takes away your right to choose, and honestly the bill doen't have Americans' best interests in mind. It has the best interests of the insurance companies, who will make huge profits for the next few years knowing they have been placed on the path for total government takeover once medical costs skyrocket under the plan.
Of course Republicans are going around saying they will repeal Obamacare; however, if you listen carefully, you will find that many Republicans like what is in the healthcare law and aren't fighting it from a Constitutional standpoint, just like Congressman-elect Billy Long who stated there are lots of things in the healthcare bill that are good, but the problem is we can't afford it. When has that ever stopped the federal government before? There is a reason we have a $14 trillion debt and rising.
I don't count on Republicans repealing Obamcare. First, they don't have the numbers in Congress to repeal it, plus you have idiots like Billy Long pointing out there are things that need to be saved in Obamacare. I have a bad feeling Obamacare will live on, and when it's broken, and it will be broken, liberals will push for more socialized medicine while the Republicans scream but we have to save Obamacare to fight the Democrats next effort of more control.
Second, Republicans have proved they don't have any backbone. This is the reason Barack Obama is top of the list. In the past few weeks, I have watched Republicans ride the wave of anger in America directed at an out of control federal government both in spending and federal powers, which have turned limited government into soft tyranny.
The GOP had the support of a majority of the American people to go to Washington and fight against this thing called leviathan and within weeks of the election results the GOP compromised with Barack Obama in a tax cuts for more government spending deal that some are labeling a stimulus package. The GOP rushed the gun and gave Obama another up to $900 billion in federal stimulus spending just to get a two year extension of tax cuts.
In two years, these tax cuts will expire while another near trillion will be added to the debt. The Republican compromise gives Obama fuel for reelection. He will blame the debt on the Republicans insistence on tax cuts and make the argument tax cuts don't work. Of course, you will see how the debt ballooned in those two years thanks to this deal which will be forgotten by many.
In making the compromise, the Republicans already broke their Pledge to America, which promised a cut in federal spending. However, they just allowed the federal government to spend more, which also means in February, they are going to have to vote to raise the debt ceiling from $14 trillion to who knows? $16 trillion, maybe $17 trillion?
All the Republicans had to do was follow Nancy Reagan's advice and just say no. Then sometime next week push a bill through the House that made the tax cuts retroactive to January 1, 2011, without the need for more "stimulus." It was really that easy. The Republicans proved they have no backbone and Obama is really the winner in this mess as he has put the Republicans in position to be challenged by the Tea Party movement, and frankly I am just sickened by what I have seen.
Thank you to everyone who has visited BBCW this past year. The numbers are more than I could ever believe. Nearly 350,000 hits and over half a million page views in 2010. Thanks!
Mandatory No-Refusal DUI Checkpoints Showing Up Around Country: Feds Encouraging DUI Blood Tests
I am against DUI checkpoints for two reasons. First of all, DUI laws punish people for pre-crimes and DUI checkpoints violate the Fourth Amendment and encourage prosecution for pre-crimes. Pre-crimes you ask? Well, a majority of drunk drivers who have been arrested weren't involved in an accident. Drunk driving laws are based on probability and not actual crimes. For example a .08 BAC will result in different behavior with different people. To claim that all people who blow an .08 BAC is putting other people in danger is a claim law enforcement can't back up without the use of pathos.
As for the DUI checkpoints, they are clearly a violation of the Fourth Amendment, which states:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
When law enforcement officials conduct DUI checkpoints they are pulling everyone over without reasonable probable cause. To assume everyone on a certain road has been drinking is unreasonable and therefore constitutes an unreasonable act of a visual search by law enforcement officials which they further by asking for your papers--usually license, registration, and insurance documents. Simply getting into your car and driving home is not probable cause, and yet law enforcement officials are conducting their searches through DUI checkpoints of Americans every week who are only driving home.
You have every right to protect yourself whether you have been drinking or not with your Constitutional rights. In fact, the next time you find yourself in line at one of these DUI checkpoints ask the officer on what probable cause they pulled you over and chances are they won't come up with a valid cause.
However, if you refuse to participate in this unjust use of law enforcement tyranny, the federal government is now working with local law enforcement to go as far as having a judge work the site of the DUI and issue a warrant on site that would subject you to go as far as having a blood test taken if a warrant is issued. It's all because Americans have grown to understand the Constitution in recent years and how it works to fight against government tyranny like checkpoints. For some reason, the Federal Government is tired of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments standing in their way of furthering the size of their police state.
“Florida is among several states now holding what are called ‘no refusal’ checkpoints,” reports WTSP in Tampa Bay. “It means if you refuse a breath test during a traffic stop, a judge is on site, and issues a warrant that allows police to perform a mandatory blood test.”
As for the DUI checkpoints, they are clearly a violation of the Fourth Amendment, which states:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
When law enforcement officials conduct DUI checkpoints they are pulling everyone over without reasonable probable cause. To assume everyone on a certain road has been drinking is unreasonable and therefore constitutes an unreasonable act of a visual search by law enforcement officials which they further by asking for your papers--usually license, registration, and insurance documents. Simply getting into your car and driving home is not probable cause, and yet law enforcement officials are conducting their searches through DUI checkpoints of Americans every week who are only driving home.
You have every right to protect yourself whether you have been drinking or not with your Constitutional rights. In fact, the next time you find yourself in line at one of these DUI checkpoints ask the officer on what probable cause they pulled you over and chances are they won't come up with a valid cause.
However, if you refuse to participate in this unjust use of law enforcement tyranny, the federal government is now working with local law enforcement to go as far as having a judge work the site of the DUI and issue a warrant on site that would subject you to go as far as having a blood test taken if a warrant is issued. It's all because Americans have grown to understand the Constitution in recent years and how it works to fight against government tyranny like checkpoints. For some reason, the Federal Government is tired of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments standing in their way of furthering the size of their police state.
“Florida is among several states now holding what are called ‘no refusal’ checkpoints,” reports WTSP in Tampa Bay. “It means if you refuse a breath test during a traffic stop, a judge is on site, and issues a warrant that allows police to perform a mandatory blood test.”
Something is Fishy with the Left's Sudden Interest in Obama's Birth Certificate
For over two years now, Barack Obama has kept his birth certificate and past life as a child and college student a mystery. There are many elusive pieces of paper Obama has failed to share with the country, most importantly his birth certificate which holds the answer to the great mystery--does Obama meet the Constitutional qualifications to serve as the President of the United States.
Strangely enough this week, in the absence of most of the major political pundits, Chris Matthews of all people, began talking about the birth certificate. In fact, he started talking about it in a challenging way saying the receipt of birth isn't enough pointing out other government jobs wouldn't allow you to serve with just a receipt of birth.
“Why has the president himself not demanded they put out the original documents?” Matthews wonders.
“If it exists, why not put it out?” Chris Matthews asks.
Then you have newly-elected Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie saying he's ready to produce the elusive document, further adding to the great Obama citizenship fire. Why now? Why is someone finally ready to release this document after hiding for nearly two years.
Then you have this strange reference of Governor Abercrombie noting he was familiar with Obama when he was a little boy, having connections to his parents. Why are there always these strange connections of people in power? I mean it just so happens that Obama's parents ran around in the same social circle as the future governor of Hawaii? These coincidence sometimes seem all to common in the world of political power.
I just wonder if there is more at play here behind the scenes in what could be the political theater to set up the greatest staged fraud in the history of the Presidency. Chris Matthews, the man who used to get tingles up his leg when anyone said the word Obama is suddenly asking why they just don't produce the birth certificate? Is it possible that a fraudulent birth certificate is in the works? Something just seems to fishy all of a sudden for Chris Matthews to be pushing this idea the American people have the right to see Obama's birth certificate.
Strangely enough this week, in the absence of most of the major political pundits, Chris Matthews of all people, began talking about the birth certificate. In fact, he started talking about it in a challenging way saying the receipt of birth isn't enough pointing out other government jobs wouldn't allow you to serve with just a receipt of birth.
“Why has the president himself not demanded they put out the original documents?” Matthews wonders.
“If it exists, why not put it out?” Chris Matthews asks.
Then you have newly-elected Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie saying he's ready to produce the elusive document, further adding to the great Obama citizenship fire. Why now? Why is someone finally ready to release this document after hiding for nearly two years.
Then you have this strange reference of Governor Abercrombie noting he was familiar with Obama when he was a little boy, having connections to his parents. Why are there always these strange connections of people in power? I mean it just so happens that Obama's parents ran around in the same social circle as the future governor of Hawaii? These coincidence sometimes seem all to common in the world of political power.
I just wonder if there is more at play here behind the scenes in what could be the political theater to set up the greatest staged fraud in the history of the Presidency. Chris Matthews, the man who used to get tingles up his leg when anyone said the word Obama is suddenly asking why they just don't produce the birth certificate? Is it possible that a fraudulent birth certificate is in the works? Something just seems to fishy all of a sudden for Chris Matthews to be pushing this idea the American people have the right to see Obama's birth certificate.
BBCW's Wacky Liberals of the Year 2010 in Review #2 through #10
Tomorrow, the BBCW Wacky Liberal of the Year will be named. As always, before that liberal is named, let's review those who were in competition this year and made the list:
Honorable Mention: Congressman-elect Billy Long--he loves to play the victim card proving he is a DeceptiCON
10. Marcelas Owens led the world to believe his life would be much different if only the US government could have more control of healthcare.
9. Chris Coons, no Mr. Coons the establishment cause doesn't prevent schools from teaching intelligent design, nor do the words separation of church and state appear in the Constitution.
8. Rahm Emanuel--he enjoys taking showers with other men.
7. Janet Napolitano--there isn't a woman in the United States that I despise more.
6. Eric Holder--he's afraid of Americans.
5. Claire McCaskill likes her "love pats" (it's probably the only time someone has dared to touch the old bat in the last 20 years).
4. John Pistole has the perfect sterile and creepy face to play Big Brother.
3. Joy Bahar and Woopi Goldberg took a walk this year.
2. Stephen Breyer had some concerning words to say about freedom, the Internet, and air travel.
And tomorrow, BBCW will announce the winner of the 2010 Wacky Liberal of the Year. Make your wagers as to who it will be. Any ideas? Post a comment and tell me why that liberal deserves the title.
Honorable Mention: Congressman-elect Billy Long--he loves to play the victim card proving he is a DeceptiCON
10. Marcelas Owens led the world to believe his life would be much different if only the US government could have more control of healthcare.
9. Chris Coons, no Mr. Coons the establishment cause doesn't prevent schools from teaching intelligent design, nor do the words separation of church and state appear in the Constitution.
8. Rahm Emanuel--he enjoys taking showers with other men.
7. Janet Napolitano--there isn't a woman in the United States that I despise more.
6. Eric Holder--he's afraid of Americans.
5. Claire McCaskill likes her "love pats" (it's probably the only time someone has dared to touch the old bat in the last 20 years).
4. John Pistole has the perfect sterile and creepy face to play Big Brother.
3. Joy Bahar and Woopi Goldberg took a walk this year.
2. Stephen Breyer had some concerning words to say about freedom, the Internet, and air travel.
And tomorrow, BBCW will announce the winner of the 2010 Wacky Liberal of the Year. Make your wagers as to who it will be. Any ideas? Post a comment and tell me why that liberal deserves the title.
Michael Bloomberg's Katrina: Snow Removal Pathetic for Overtaxed NYC Residents
The recent snow storms in the northeast have become Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Katrina. The snow removal from major roads in New York City has been pathetic considering how overtaxed the people of New York City are with the promises of better service from their state and local government. I guess the realization of high taxes in New York to get more from the local government is a fraud considering.
Isn't it amazing. I am still questioning the NFL's decision to play Sunday night's game on Tuesday considering the NFL brags it's an all-weather sport. They play in late summer, fall, and in winter and whatever the elements dish out. Still in just a couple days the community rallied and the game was played. In New York City, they can't even get an ambulance to a mother delivering he baby. Nine hours later the ambulance finally shows up after the mother delivers and an hour later the baby was pronounced dead.
"No one could get to her. Crown Heights was not plowed, and no medical aid came for hours," said the student's mother.
There is just no reason to be this unprepared for this kind of winter storm considering the geographic location of New York City. This I know from living in Chicago for many years, even though I remember Mayor Richard M. Daley caught with his pants down for a New Years storm that brought in 27" in 1999. Crews should have been out way before the first snow flake fell.
I guess if there is one good thing about it is Bloomberg was considering a presidential run, and politicians often don't recover from these types of snowstorms when they look so unprepared. It took a while for Daley to recover as I recall.
Isn't it amazing. I am still questioning the NFL's decision to play Sunday night's game on Tuesday considering the NFL brags it's an all-weather sport. They play in late summer, fall, and in winter and whatever the elements dish out. Still in just a couple days the community rallied and the game was played. In New York City, they can't even get an ambulance to a mother delivering he baby. Nine hours later the ambulance finally shows up after the mother delivers and an hour later the baby was pronounced dead.
"No one could get to her. Crown Heights was not plowed, and no medical aid came for hours," said the student's mother.
There is just no reason to be this unprepared for this kind of winter storm considering the geographic location of New York City. This I know from living in Chicago for many years, even though I remember Mayor Richard M. Daley caught with his pants down for a New Years storm that brought in 27" in 1999. Crews should have been out way before the first snow flake fell.
I guess if there is one good thing about it is Bloomberg was considering a presidential run, and politicians often don't recover from these types of snowstorms when they look so unprepared. It took a while for Daley to recover as I recall.
United States Marine and Wife attacked by Punk Kids Outside of Florida Theater
US Marine Frederico Freire, just back from Afghanistan, was trying to enjoy a date night with his wife. Some loud teenagers kept them from enjoying their time together. Freire asked the teenagers to shut up during the movie and for doing so, the teenagers waited outside of the theater and attacked the Marine and his wife after the movie.
From KTTV:
“I got back up to defend myself and they started running everywhere,” Frederico Freire [the Marine] told the paper, adding that he saw one of the teens — shirtless — punch his wife in the face, knocking her out, as she tried to get to safety.
A witness brandished a gun in an attempt to break up the mayhem and deputies soon arrived.
Four teens and one adult were arrested and about 300 bystanders had gathered by the end of the incident. As deputies tried to restore order, the movie theater manager had to shut down the facility — and dole out thousands of dollars in refunds to patrons.
Freire and his wife were not seriously injured, but he said he considered filing lawsuits against his attackers and the theater for failing to provide adequate security.
Gunnery Sgt. Hartman (R. Lee Ermey) Slams Mamby Pamby Obama During Roe Conn Toys for Tots Event: Semper Fi
One of my favorite movie halves is Full Metal Jacket. The basic training first half of the movie is such an intense look at basic training in the United States Marine Corp. Of course, making that part of the movie great was R. Lee Ermey known better at Gunnery Sgt. Hartman.
I have heard many interviews of Ermey on the Roe Conn and Garry Meier's WLS afternoon show, and there isn't an actor in Hollywood who loves his country more than Ermey. Of course, he was a US Marine before he became an actor and a Geico spokesman. Considering what he recently said about our mamby pamby of a president when asked to speak in front of a Marine Corps function for Toys for Tots along with Roe Conn from WLS, you have to wonder if the chain of command will come down on Ermey or be true to the Corps first and continue to celebrate Ermey has one of their own. Let's hope for the latter.
Ermey had some tough criticism for mamby pamby President Obama, including blaming him for leading this country into socialism.
Of course, it would surprise me if we don't see him on another Geico commercial. I have four words for Ermey.
OO Rah! Carry On!
I have heard many interviews of Ermey on the Roe Conn and Garry Meier's WLS afternoon show, and there isn't an actor in Hollywood who loves his country more than Ermey. Of course, he was a US Marine before he became an actor and a Geico spokesman. Considering what he recently said about our mamby pamby of a president when asked to speak in front of a Marine Corps function for Toys for Tots along with Roe Conn from WLS, you have to wonder if the chain of command will come down on Ermey or be true to the Corps first and continue to celebrate Ermey has one of their own. Let's hope for the latter.
Ermey had some tough criticism for mamby pamby President Obama, including blaming him for leading this country into socialism.
Of course, it would surprise me if we don't see him on another Geico commercial. I have four words for Ermey.
OO Rah! Carry On!
To the Cloud Computing Comes with Security Risks
By now you have probably seen Microsoft's clever "To the Cloud" commercials highlighting a new feature in Windows 7. At first it looked like a clever replacement for PhotoShop followed by a even cooler replacement for the DVR that you can use when your flight is delayed. Cloud computer is the next generation of internet based applications. Where is older Windows systems did most of their functions through your own home computer, cloud computing relies on more applications to run from the Internet.
Tom's Hardware recently published an article asking how secure is cloud computing, and is it a good idea to have all your data floating around on a cloud on some unknown server provided by Microsoft--a company that recently admitted it was spying on its customers.
Security of Cloud Computing Users: A Study of U.S. and Europe IT Practitioners
CA and the Ponemon Institute conducted a cloud security survey of U.S. and Europe IT and IT security professionals. The findings show that about half of the respondents don’t believe the organization has thoroughly vetted cloud services for security risks prior to deployment. It also showed that 55 percent of respondents are not confident they know all the cloud services in use in their organization today.
The overall study calls for a need for IT and Security professionals to embrace the cloud and help their organizations more securely adopt cloud services.
I guess one has to wonder what is the biggest security risk. Is it hackers or is it Microsoft itself? How private is your data from the eyes of Microsoft?
Microsoft admits it has become this private arm of Big Brother with its new Xbox technology called Kinect. Officials from Microsoft are on record noting Kinect allows Microsoft to build marketing databases from simply creating an inventory of what it sees in your house using the Kinect camera.
"We can cater which content we present to you based on who you are,” Dennis Durkin of Microsoft told investors. “How many people are in the room when an ad is shown? How many people are in the room when a game is being played? When you add this sort of device to a living room, there’s a bunch of business opportunities that come with that.”
So what does using Microsoft's servers to get "to the Cloud" tell Microsoft about you?
Tom's Hardware recently published an article asking how secure is cloud computing, and is it a good idea to have all your data floating around on a cloud on some unknown server provided by Microsoft--a company that recently admitted it was spying on its customers.
Security of Cloud Computing Users: A Study of U.S. and Europe IT Practitioners
CA and the Ponemon Institute conducted a cloud security survey of U.S. and Europe IT and IT security professionals. The findings show that about half of the respondents don’t believe the organization has thoroughly vetted cloud services for security risks prior to deployment. It also showed that 55 percent of respondents are not confident they know all the cloud services in use in their organization today.
The overall study calls for a need for IT and Security professionals to embrace the cloud and help their organizations more securely adopt cloud services.
I guess one has to wonder what is the biggest security risk. Is it hackers or is it Microsoft itself? How private is your data from the eyes of Microsoft?
Microsoft admits it has become this private arm of Big Brother with its new Xbox technology called Kinect. Officials from Microsoft are on record noting Kinect allows Microsoft to build marketing databases from simply creating an inventory of what it sees in your house using the Kinect camera.
"We can cater which content we present to you based on who you are,” Dennis Durkin of Microsoft told investors. “How many people are in the room when an ad is shown? How many people are in the room when a game is being played? When you add this sort of device to a living room, there’s a bunch of business opportunities that come with that.”
So what does using Microsoft's servers to get "to the Cloud" tell Microsoft about you?
Tammy Banovac's Weird Shaped Butt Kept Her Off Airplane Again by TSA
Remember Tammy Banovac? She is the former Playboy mode of the ladies of dentistry that looked like a lost puppy dog sitting at the oppressive TSA checkpoint just after Thanksgiving last month in bra, panties, and her wheelchair. Well it appears she has failed another TSA pat down.
The first time she failed the TSA checkpoint is because the TSA found nitrates on the wheels of her wheelchair. Of course this could be caused by something as trivial as eating bacon and then touching the wheel. For the second time in just over a month, Banovac is in the news again with the TSA, and if you are looking for a poster child to be the face against the war against the TSA police state, Banovac isn't who you want leading that battle. She just seems a little out there out there if you know what I mean.
Banovac is blaming her butt for the reason she was denied her flight back to Phoenix from Will Rogers Airport in Oklahoma City. She told Oklahoma City's News Channel 6, "The stated reason was there was... They were unable to clear an unusual contour of my buttocks area," said Banovac.
Yeah, but I bet those pervs known at the TSA held her a long time getting their jollies off tracing their rubber gloved fingers over those strange contours.
Close Encounter With an Armadillo at Busiek
The first time I ever saw an armadillo was about 21 years ago. I had just graduated from high school and me and my friends were going down to the lake house in Shell Knob, a place I have enjoyed all my life. We passed by it in Billings. It was dead along the side of the road, like most of the armadillos you see.
We had to stop and check it out. Armadillos in Missouri. Who knew? We poked it with a stick for a while. Yup, it was dead. Now 21 years later all the armadillos I have ever seen in Missouri with the exception of one were dead--road kill.
They say an Armadillo would survive most of their interactions with cars. Most cars are high enough they would just roll over them without contact, or so I have been told. The problem stems from their natural defense mechanism in which they jump up. I don't know if that is true or not, but there are sure a lot of dead armadillos on the side of the road. I don't think I have ever hit one though.
Well my record of coming across one live armadillo was forever changed today as I took a four-mile hike into Busiek on the purple trail. From the moment I got on the trail, it was armadillo city. I must have saw a dozen of them. Most of them knew about me before I knew about it and they were well on their way to a safer place by the time I made out their ruffling through the leaves and made out their armored bodies, except for one.
I saw it from a distance and decided to see how close I could get--about two feet to be exact. It wasn't too sure about me, and I was just waiting for it to jump up and freak me out. Rather it ran, so I don't know if it was just some Missouri hillbilly pulling my leg or not, after all I have adopted the ways of the city and I am more street smart than I am in touch with nature.
Anyway, here is video from my hike today in which I had a close encounter with an Armadillo. For the record, I normally would expect to see them in the middle of December, but it was a humid 51 degrees today--a perfect day for a hike.
New Customers May be Considered Suspicious and Possible Terrorists According to New FBI Document
The FBI is handing out the following document in businesses across America. This is nothing new. We have seen the Department of Homeland Security hand out similar documents that profile Americans. Check out some of the activities the FBI now considers suspicious, including being a new customer to a small business.
This particular document was created for farm stores and stores that specialize in yard products. This particular document was handed to a farm store owner in the Oklahoma City area. He asked the FBI agent who delivered it is it mandatory to review and train his employees to look for these signs and report them to the FBI. According to the owner, the FBI agent said, "not yet."
This particular document was created for farm stores and stores that specialize in yard products. This particular document was handed to a farm store owner in the Oklahoma City area. He asked the FBI agent who delivered it is it mandatory to review and train his employees to look for these signs and report them to the FBI. According to the owner, the FBI agent said, "not yet."
The Real Story of 2010: 1984's Big Brother Has Arrived
Everywhere you look, there is more evidence George Orwell was right. Funded by stimulus dollars, the Department of Homeland Security is destroying privacy rights in America at a record pace thanks to technology and Fusion Centers. If you want to see the real news story of 2010, watch the video. We have gone to 1984.
Video: Obama Attacked by a Golf Ball (Someone Call Janet Napolitano)
Obama was out on the golf course today as many Americans celebrate the holidays in the unemployment line. While he was golfing, Obama was nearly hit by a golf ball on the course.
I am guessing Janet Napolitano will probably call for ball inspections in the coming days.
Section 308 of the Food Safety Modernization Act: The FDA Expands into Foreign Countries
Luckily the Food Safety Modernization Act is still in limbo. However, I don't trust our government anymore knowing that what Congress doesn't pass, Obama will push through the bureaucracies without Congressional approval like Cap and Trade. As well, we know for the strange reason of maintaining global power through WikiLeaks, the United States government has been bullying foreign countries to accept Monsanto frankenfoods (GMOs) throughout the world and making an enemies list of countries who fight against adopting GMOs. And now this:
Someone actually read through the entire Food Safety Modernization Act and found Section 308, which reads:
(a) IN GENERAL. – The Secretary shall establish offices of the Food and Drug Administration in foreign countries selected by the Secretary.
It then goes on to say:
(a) The Secretary shall, not later than 2 years of the date of enactment of this Act, develop a comprehensive plan to expand the technical, scientific, and regulatory food safety capacity of foreign governments, and their respective food industries, from which foods are exported to the United States.
This is consistent with the bullying over food that was revealed in WikiLeaks. Our government is going to try to regulate food standards of other countries that are imported into the United States by establishing offices on foreign soil. If I was a sovereign country, I would laugh the FDA out of the country, but of course, as we know from WikiLeaks, we have become the world's food supply bully knowing the power that comes with the ability to produce terminating seeds.
When you read further into section 308, you learn the oppressive American police state known as the Department of Homeland Security is going to have a say in the importation of food into the United States.
(b) Consultation – In developing the plan under subsection (a), the Secretary shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the United States Trade Representative, and the Secretary of Commerce, representatives of the food industry, appropriate foreign government officials, nongovernmental organizations that represent the interests of consumers, and other stakeholders.
Full body scans for your tomatoes and bananas? Do you see how out of control all of this is getting?
Someone actually read through the entire Food Safety Modernization Act and found Section 308, which reads:
(a) IN GENERAL. – The Secretary shall establish offices of the Food and Drug Administration in foreign countries selected by the Secretary.
It then goes on to say:
(a) The Secretary shall, not later than 2 years of the date of enactment of this Act, develop a comprehensive plan to expand the technical, scientific, and regulatory food safety capacity of foreign governments, and their respective food industries, from which foods are exported to the United States.
This is consistent with the bullying over food that was revealed in WikiLeaks. Our government is going to try to regulate food standards of other countries that are imported into the United States by establishing offices on foreign soil. If I was a sovereign country, I would laugh the FDA out of the country, but of course, as we know from WikiLeaks, we have become the world's food supply bully knowing the power that comes with the ability to produce terminating seeds.
When you read further into section 308, you learn the oppressive American police state known as the Department of Homeland Security is going to have a say in the importation of food into the United States.
(b) Consultation – In developing the plan under subsection (a), the Secretary shall consult with the Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the United States Trade Representative, and the Secretary of Commerce, representatives of the food industry, appropriate foreign government officials, nongovernmental organizations that represent the interests of consumers, and other stakeholders.
Full body scans for your tomatoes and bananas? Do you see how out of control all of this is getting?
Billy Long's Twitter Enemies List: New Congressman Continues to Block Constituents on Twitter
More and more people who engage in Southwest Missouri political conversation are finding themselves blocked from following Congressman-elect Billy Long on Twitter. If you aren't willing to give Long a political free pass, you will soon show up on Billy Long's enemies list, which is a list of block constituents of Southwest Missouri on Twitter:
Busplunge blogger Jim Lee has been posting the number of days he has been blocked from following Long's @auctnr1 account on Twitter, and I know I have been blocked since last spring. As well Jacob Lawrence, another blogger who has been critical of Billy Long has also been blocked from following the new Congressman about the time a member of the Long campaign filed an FEC ethics complaint against the teenage boy. Surely Mr. Long knows it is his job to represent all of Southwest Missouri in Congress and not just his rich friends who helped him "buy" the seat, hiding his political incompetence with two words--"fed up."
Now the president of the Missouri State college Democrats is speaking up and pointing out he too has been blocked from following Congressman-elect Long on Twitter. Cameron Sullivan, who exposed that Billy Long started his reelection bid nine days after the general election last November by releasing a letter sent throughout the PoliSci department at Missouri State, tweets he too has been blocked by Billy Long on Twitter. (Remember Billy Long said during the primary that politicians in Washington spend too much time worried about getting reelected.)
It's really sad that Billy Long @auctnr1 is blocking his constituents on twitter. I'd like to stay updated on what he's up to, but I can't.
It's sad that Billy Long said he would be a voice for Southwest Missouri and wasn't going to Washington to scratch everyone else's back, but doesn't even have the courage to allow his critics in his own district an inside look through is social media. Sooner or later, it's going to be exposed and most of Southwest Missouri will come to the realization. Billy Long was never a political outsider, and truth be known, he was probably hand picked for the job so one former Congressman could have a voice in both chambers as he takes on his new role as Senator, which I am hearing more and more out on the street.
Seriously Cam, what are you really missing? Other than name dropping, tweeting about what Billy is eating and with who, and the retweet of other politicians and pundits discussing the issues (notice Billy Long rarely tweets about the issues on his own) what value does Billy Long's social media presence really have other than allowing us to know this is and always has been about Billy Long.
However, there other ways to follow Long that beats the blocks he places on those who are on Billy Long's political enemies list. It's politics as usual when it comes to Billy Long.
Congress Doesn't Matter: Obama Pushing Cap and Trade Without Senate Vote
Congress no longer seems to matter, which is one of the reasons Ron Paul has warned about giving up the power to earmark. Paul is on record saying for every power Congress gives up, the executive branch confiscates and puts to use in an unconstitutional manner. We are now seeing that with Cap and Trade.
Knowing they couldn't pass it in the Senate, the Democrats shelfed it. All the while, Obama figured out a way to push cap and trade legislation into federal law without the Congress. Congress doesn't matter anymore because the executive branch has grown into something tyrannical. Consider this:
After failing to get climate-change legislation through Congress, the Obama administration plans on pushing through its environmental policies through other means, and Republicans are ready to put up a fight.
On Jan. 2, new carbon emissions limits will be put forward as the Environmental Protection Agency prepares regulations that would force companies to get permits to release greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act.
Critics say the new rules are a backdoor effort to enact the president's agenda on global warming without the support of Congress, and would hurt the economy and put jobs in jeopardy by forcing companies to pay for expensive new equipment.
So the bureaucracy known as the EPA is going to take it upon itself with Obama's blessing to do the job of Congress and turn this into law even though the Senate wasn't able to pass it with a huge 60-40 majority in the Senate. This is tyranny and this is why the Constitution and the Congress no longer matters. The President and all his men have too much power and Congress continues to shed their responsibility and give it away.
Knowing they couldn't pass it in the Senate, the Democrats shelfed it. All the while, Obama figured out a way to push cap and trade legislation into federal law without the Congress. Congress doesn't matter anymore because the executive branch has grown into something tyrannical. Consider this:
After failing to get climate-change legislation through Congress, the Obama administration plans on pushing through its environmental policies through other means, and Republicans are ready to put up a fight.
On Jan. 2, new carbon emissions limits will be put forward as the Environmental Protection Agency prepares regulations that would force companies to get permits to release greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act.
Critics say the new rules are a backdoor effort to enact the president's agenda on global warming without the support of Congress, and would hurt the economy and put jobs in jeopardy by forcing companies to pay for expensive new equipment.
So the bureaucracy known as the EPA is going to take it upon itself with Obama's blessing to do the job of Congress and turn this into law even though the Senate wasn't able to pass it with a huge 60-40 majority in the Senate. This is tyranny and this is why the Constitution and the Congress no longer matters. The President and all his men have too much power and Congress continues to shed their responsibility and give it away.
Enjoy "Cheap Gas" in 2011: $5 a Gallon Predicted for 2012
Enjoy that $3 a gallon gas at the pump, which is a combination of a weakening dollar combined with Obama and the Democrats inability to pursue the rich supply of natural resources in the United States. As the dollar devalues and the world considers dumping the dollar as its reserve currency combined with foreign dependence, our hands will be tied once and for all and we will face gasoline prices similar to those in Europe.
John Hofmeister, the former president of Shell, says Americans will be facing $5 a gallon this time next year. Imagine what that will do to our weak economy--but of course it's what liberals like Obama and Al Gore want. They don't want you to afford gasoline. They want you off the roads and controlled by the public transportation system, which is why Obama is investing in high speed rail.
"I'm predicting actually the worst outcome over the next two years which takes us to 2012 with higher gasoline prices," he said.
John Hofmeister, the former president of Shell, says Americans will be facing $5 a gallon this time next year. Imagine what that will do to our weak economy--but of course it's what liberals like Obama and Al Gore want. They don't want you to afford gasoline. They want you off the roads and controlled by the public transportation system, which is why Obama is investing in high speed rail.
"I'm predicting actually the worst outcome over the next two years which takes us to 2012 with higher gasoline prices," he said.
Michael Vick Can't Escape His Dog Controversy: Fox News Hits Vick Harder than the Vikings
As a dog lover, I find there is justice when the line man on the opposing defense takes down the punk quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles. For some strange reason, Vick's actions, even though he did his time in jail still bother me. I don't know why the NFL continues to give these thugs chance after chance whether it be Vick for gambling and dog fighting or those who violate its banned substance laws.
As you know, Barack Obama praised Michael Vick earlier this month, and it is causing many to remember just what Vick did and speak out both against Vick and Obama's praise.
Fox News hotty Megyn Kelly jumped all over Vick's actions from a few years ago. She called what Vick did systematic torture unworthy of Obama's praise.
As well, Tucker Carlson on Fox News believes Vick should have been executed for his role in executing dogs in the illegal gambling dog fights Vick organized.
Do you think Fox News made any friends at PETA yesterday?
As you know, Barack Obama praised Michael Vick earlier this month, and it is causing many to remember just what Vick did and speak out both against Vick and Obama's praise.
Fox News hotty Megyn Kelly jumped all over Vick's actions from a few years ago. She called what Vick did systematic torture unworthy of Obama's praise.
As well, Tucker Carlson on Fox News believes Vick should have been executed for his role in executing dogs in the illegal gambling dog fights Vick organized.
Do you think Fox News made any friends at PETA yesterday?
Does Birth Photography Violate Privacy Laws?: Meritus Medical Center Bans Baby Delivery Photography
I know I have felt violated by that crazy aunt who feels the need to put the video camera in your face that one time of year when finally decide to get together--Christmas. You cover your head and try to avoid the video camera as they call out your name to embarrass you until you finally give in. Have you been there?
However, I have a real problem with Meritus Medical Center's, in Hagerstown, Maryland, new policy on cameras in the delivery room. The birth of a new baby is a special time for most parents, and they have banned all cameras from the delivery room and they are claiming it is to protect privacy rights. Privacy rights? Of who?
Meritus Medical Center implemented a policy prohibiting video, film and still photography of deliveries until five minutes after birth. The change is intended to protect patient privacy and reduce potential staff distractions, said Jody Bishop, administrative director of the department that includes the hospital's birthing center.
"Five minutes after the birth, if everybody's well and the physician approves, they can go ahead and start videotaping and taking pictures," Bishop told The (Hagerstown) Herald-Mail.
Privacy rights? Where do they get off on saying this newborn baby has privacy rights from its parents? There are no privacy rights when it comes to changing the diaper, either the parents expose the baby to clean it up or the baby will suffer consequences that will lead to its death. If anything, the parents have the right to privacy from the hospital, the public, and of course the state, which means these entities have no right to interfere with the parent's upbringing of this child under normal circumstances, but what is this idea this baby has privacy rights from its own parents?
Think about that and this story should anger you. I understand the male parent should be in a position that doesn't interfere with the medical staff, but to state a new born child or any child under the age of 18 has rights that prevent them from having access to the child is just scary the hospital would even think this way.
As well, you never get those first rare moments of life back. That first second, first minute of life. It is gone so quickly, and the hospital is violating the parents rights for not letting them enjoy it without this idiotic notion that babies have the right of privacy from their parents.
However, I have a real problem with Meritus Medical Center's, in Hagerstown, Maryland, new policy on cameras in the delivery room. The birth of a new baby is a special time for most parents, and they have banned all cameras from the delivery room and they are claiming it is to protect privacy rights. Privacy rights? Of who?
Meritus Medical Center implemented a policy prohibiting video, film and still photography of deliveries until five minutes after birth. The change is intended to protect patient privacy and reduce potential staff distractions, said Jody Bishop, administrative director of the department that includes the hospital's birthing center.
"Five minutes after the birth, if everybody's well and the physician approves, they can go ahead and start videotaping and taking pictures," Bishop told The (Hagerstown) Herald-Mail.
Privacy rights? Where do they get off on saying this newborn baby has privacy rights from its parents? There are no privacy rights when it comes to changing the diaper, either the parents expose the baby to clean it up or the baby will suffer consequences that will lead to its death. If anything, the parents have the right to privacy from the hospital, the public, and of course the state, which means these entities have no right to interfere with the parent's upbringing of this child under normal circumstances, but what is this idea this baby has privacy rights from its own parents?
Think about that and this story should anger you. I understand the male parent should be in a position that doesn't interfere with the medical staff, but to state a new born child or any child under the age of 18 has rights that prevent them from having access to the child is just scary the hospital would even think this way.
As well, you never get those first rare moments of life back. That first second, first minute of life. It is gone so quickly, and the hospital is violating the parents rights for not letting them enjoy it without this idiotic notion that babies have the right of privacy from their parents.
Chris Liu: TSA's Public Enemy Number 1 Identifies Himself as Anonymous YouTube Pilot/Whistleblower
There is a truth in the Department of Homeland Security. "If you see something, say something" only applies to American citizens. Big Sis Janet Napolitano only wants to know what Americans are doing wrong, but if you expose the TSA, you will quickly find yourself on their enemies list.
That is the case for Chris Liu. Once anonymous, Liu videotaped a number of security problems he observes at airports every day within the TSA. He then posted the videos to YouTube, and it wasn't long until Napolitano's thugs paid him a visit and confiscating certain privileges he once had as an airline pilot. He identified himself yesterday on Channel 10 News in California.
Liu’s cell phone video tour of security at San Francisco International Airport led to a team of six federal agents and sheriff’s deputies coming to his home on Dec. 2 to take his handgun and Federal Flight Deck Officer (FFDO) credentials.
BBCW's Wacky Liberal of the Year 2010 2nd Place: Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer
It is for flawed Constitutional reasoning of Justice Stephen Breyer that he makes the list of wacky liberals in 2010. With a federal government gone mad, Breyer further pushes the madness with judicial interpretation of the Constitution. There is no judicial interpretation clause in Article III, but pay attention to how Justice Breyer justifies limits on free speech with Internet use and the violation of the Fourth Amendment taking place at airports and getting ready to expand in bus stations, cruise ships, and even shopping malls.
Breyer said on "Fox News Sunday" that the Constitution was written well before the develop of the Internet, air travel and other modern institutions, which means there are no clear-cut answers in the document.
"Turn to any page," Breyer said. "It (the Constitution) uses words like liberty. It uses words like interstate commerce. It uses words like the freedom of speech. They stand for values. They don't tell you how to apply those words to the world of the Internet."'
In the same interview, to justify the TSA' genitalia groping, Breyer said the founding fathers never imagined things like airplanes either. Do you see the flaws in his arguments?
What is the Internet? It's the new paper. It's electronic parchment. What difference does it make whether or not words appear on paper or a computer monitor. Free speech is free speech.
What about airplanes? Sure the Founding Fathers didn't have airplanes, but they had other means of getting from point a to point b and that is what an airplane does. In it's simplest definition it is a machine that enables travel from point a to point b. They had machines in the Founding Fathers' days that enabled you to get to point a to point b. Now ask yourself, do you think George Washington would have enjoyed watching King George's men put their hands all over Martha Washington's body before she boarded a ship or carriage?
Justice Breyer is dangerous and these words and the way he thinks proves it. To try to make the case that technology is a reason we should reconsider the words of the Constitution is ludicrous.
KOLR Reports Billy Long's Springfield Congressional Office will be Located on East Battlefield
KOLR is reporting the 7th Congressional District office will be moved from East Sunshine to East Battlefield when Billy Long takes his oath of office next week. East Battlefield, boy that sounds familiar... East Battlefield?
The changing face of politics in Missouri means it's time to rearrange some furniture.
Next week, Congressman-elect Billy Long and Senator-elect Roy Blunt will take their oaths of office.
On Tuesday, all the property from Congressman Blunt's Springfield office was moved out and will eventually be put in place at Billy Long's Springfield office on East Battlefield.
After a fresh coat of paint in Blunt's office on East Sunshine, the office furniture from Senator Kit Bond's office will be moved in.
Both houses of Congress have separate assets so this is part of the transition.
Let's see, Billy Long--East Battlefield. Oh, that's right. East Battlefield is also the location of the infamous man nights at the Metropolitan Grill--strippers, illegal high-stakes poker games. I guess this is a sort of in-your-face Scott Eckersley move on Billy Long's part. No reason to hide it now. Man nights is a hop, skip, and a jump away from the office when Congressman Long is back in the district.
The changing face of politics in Missouri means it's time to rearrange some furniture.
Next week, Congressman-elect Billy Long and Senator-elect Roy Blunt will take their oaths of office.
On Tuesday, all the property from Congressman Blunt's Springfield office was moved out and will eventually be put in place at Billy Long's Springfield office on East Battlefield.
After a fresh coat of paint in Blunt's office on East Sunshine, the office furniture from Senator Kit Bond's office will be moved in.
Both houses of Congress have separate assets so this is part of the transition.
Let's see, Billy Long--East Battlefield. Oh, that's right. East Battlefield is also the location of the infamous man nights at the Metropolitan Grill--strippers, illegal high-stakes poker games. I guess this is a sort of in-your-face Scott Eckersley move on Billy Long's part. No reason to hide it now. Man nights is a hop, skip, and a jump away from the office when Congressman Long is back in the district.
Will Being an Eager Beaver Hurt Sarah Steelman?: Some Expressing Exhaustion with Politicians Always Campaigning
We no more got finished with the 2010 midterm elections, and Sarah Steelman, who sat on the fence wavering back and forth trying to decide to run for Senate in 2010, was ready to announce her bid for the 2012 US Senate Race. It's apparent to me, deals were made to keep her out of the 2010 race against Roy Blunt. I guess the question, as more Sarah Steelman political collateral is seen all over the Internet, including a gay social media iPhone ap which gay men use to hook up, is are people tired of elections and do they need a break before we jump into the 2012 election season?
It does seem weird to not even be done with the holidays less than 60 days from the midterms and already be bombarded with Sarah Steelman ads around the Internet. Yes, I want Claire McCaskill beaten, but does the old cliche of shining too brightly too quickly and burning out too soon going to come into play here.
I noticed a letter to the editor today in the Columbia Daily Tribune titled, "People need a break from election hooey." I agree. We shouldn't have to deal with Sarah Steelman getting as much press time in before the holidays as she can or watching Billy Long, who said during the campaign that too many politicians go to Washington and worry too much about getting reelected, begin his reelection campaign just nine days after he won his seat to Congress during the holidays. By the way, what a strange time to try to get press. Most of the media is on break through the New Year holiday and the big radio talk show pundits are enjoying their time off too.
The letter, which I believe sounds like it was written by a Democrat, has some valid points and some invalid points.
Editor, the Tribune: We have just suffered through an election, and now the politicians are revving up again.
An article said Jim Talent and Claire McCaskill might be headed toward a rematch in 2012, and Sarah Steelman might jump into the race. And Peter Kinder is moving toward challenging Gov. Jay Nixon.
During this season of the year, can’t we have a break from all of the election hooey? Bill Clark mentioned in his Dec. 3 article the vitriol that comes from politicians on both sides of the aisle.
That’s what wears us down: the vitriol. As Clark said, just give us the facts, folks, not the senseless, endless babble. During this season of the year, we need to nurture our souls.
As far as I am concerned, this election hooey can wait until January 2012.
Martha Willingham
304 E. Sneed B
Yes, I think we need a break.Politicians spend too much time worried about getting elected and keeping their jobs, and they don't spend enough time leaning the job according to the Constitution and being loyal to the limits the Constitution places on their jobs. Perhaps, their time would be better spent engaged in the lessons of the founding fathers than worried about which radio station will produce the next sound bite, or getting interns to run their campaigns while they are in Washington, or where to place their ads--gay hook up sites or not.
As for Jim Talent, he has honored the voter by keeping his political ambition away from the holidays immediately following the midterm elections, Ms. Willingham, and he said he would not make an announcement until after the first part of the year. You obviously haven't been paying attention because Sarah Steelman is an eager beaver and announced a few weeks ago she was running for the seat. Really, it sounds like people like Steelman and Long are the problems--too worried about getting reelected and not enough time studying the issues--and it shows.
It does seem weird to not even be done with the holidays less than 60 days from the midterms and already be bombarded with Sarah Steelman ads around the Internet. Yes, I want Claire McCaskill beaten, but does the old cliche of shining too brightly too quickly and burning out too soon going to come into play here.
I noticed a letter to the editor today in the Columbia Daily Tribune titled, "People need a break from election hooey." I agree. We shouldn't have to deal with Sarah Steelman getting as much press time in before the holidays as she can or watching Billy Long, who said during the campaign that too many politicians go to Washington and worry too much about getting reelected, begin his reelection campaign just nine days after he won his seat to Congress during the holidays. By the way, what a strange time to try to get press. Most of the media is on break through the New Year holiday and the big radio talk show pundits are enjoying their time off too.
The letter, which I believe sounds like it was written by a Democrat, has some valid points and some invalid points.
Editor, the Tribune: We have just suffered through an election, and now the politicians are revving up again.
An article said Jim Talent and Claire McCaskill might be headed toward a rematch in 2012, and Sarah Steelman might jump into the race. And Peter Kinder is moving toward challenging Gov. Jay Nixon.
During this season of the year, can’t we have a break from all of the election hooey? Bill Clark mentioned in his Dec. 3 article the vitriol that comes from politicians on both sides of the aisle.
That’s what wears us down: the vitriol. As Clark said, just give us the facts, folks, not the senseless, endless babble. During this season of the year, we need to nurture our souls.
As far as I am concerned, this election hooey can wait until January 2012.
Martha Willingham
304 E. Sneed B
Yes, I think we need a break.Politicians spend too much time worried about getting elected and keeping their jobs, and they don't spend enough time leaning the job according to the Constitution and being loyal to the limits the Constitution places on their jobs. Perhaps, their time would be better spent engaged in the lessons of the founding fathers than worried about which radio station will produce the next sound bite, or getting interns to run their campaigns while they are in Washington, or where to place their ads--gay hook up sites or not.
As for Jim Talent, he has honored the voter by keeping his political ambition away from the holidays immediately following the midterm elections, Ms. Willingham, and he said he would not make an announcement until after the first part of the year. You obviously haven't been paying attention because Sarah Steelman is an eager beaver and announced a few weeks ago she was running for the seat. Really, it sounds like people like Steelman and Long are the problems--too worried about getting reelected and not enough time studying the issues--and it shows.
Hiking Hercules Glades: Pees Hollow Loop to Bushy Creek
The northeastern most trail in Hercules Glades is approximately a six mile loop that for the most part is an easy hike with some technical challenges towards to end. The trail is called Pees Hallow, and the challenge is finding the trail since it it is mostly covered in leaves as you leave the fire tower area off Missouri State Highway 125. Fortunately, there is a sign nailed to a tree, but it doesn't stand out unless you look for it. If you travel more than 200 yards on the main trail, you missed where Pees Hollow branches off.
Pees Hollow starts with a deep descent, which can be tricky in wet and frozen leaves like I encountered today. After you get down the the steep part it levels off for a nice hike with no sudden rises or drops until the last portion of the trail, which is a challenging 500 foot ascent back to the fire tower area from the lowest point at Bushy Creek.
Once again, I traveled through Hercules Glades with my hiking companion Kayleigh. This is our fourth trip and final trip to Hercules Glades this month, which means we have hiked a combined 37 miles plus through the national forest this month.
The fastest access to Pees Hollow is from the fire tower area access from MO125. I remember climbing the tower when I was a Boy Scout in Troop 1, which provided a spectacular view of the entire Hercules Glades area. The national forest department has closed the tower off so the public is no longer allowed to go to the top. The tower also makes a nice landmark when you drive to Hercules Glades. You can see it just south of Bradleyville.
Like the rest of Hercules Glades, Pees Hollow offers a variety of different landscapes including deciduous and coniferous forest, grassland, and even some steep rocky cliffs. As well, the animal life in Hercules Glades is definitely a mix. From tarantulas to armadillos and rattle snakes to deer, bears, and coyotes, there is unique and common living in the glades if your are fortunate enough to see it. I have discovered that viewing animals at Hercules Glades is more of a challenge than in other trails in Southwest Missouri, even though there are plenty of signs the animals are around.
While almost all of Hercules Glades seems void of the impact of man, Pee Hollow's has a couple of man-made landmarks including this truck cab that you can see along the trail and the front end of a antique Dodge pickup truck. Look at how shiny that chrome is. They don't make it like that anymore, do they?
Along the Bushy Creek part of the trail, there are these unique sponge-looking green plants. I don't know what they are, but they sure to add unique color to the winter trail.
Hercules Glades has several areas where rains will create beautiful falls. Everyone usually hikes to the falls on Long Creek, but Bushy Creek will create some beautiful images after a heavy rain. Unfortunately, like Long Creek, the falls were dry on Bushy Creek too.
Finally, on the North side of the trail, there were these two strange sink holes. Missouri is the cave state and with caves come sink holes like these. These sink holes were within a few yards of each other.
The one thing you need to consider when hiking Pees Hollow is the trail often branches off unexpectedly, which the US Forest Service map at the check in station doesn't show. Looking at an aerial view of the area on Google Earth compared to the tracks on GPS shows the trails parallel each other in most cases and often leads you to either flatter or more challenging terrain. Just something to note since it can be frustrating to see the trail go off in to different directions when the map doesn't show the split.
Pees Hollow starts with a deep descent, which can be tricky in wet and frozen leaves like I encountered today. After you get down the the steep part it levels off for a nice hike with no sudden rises or drops until the last portion of the trail, which is a challenging 500 foot ascent back to the fire tower area from the lowest point at Bushy Creek.
Once again, I traveled through Hercules Glades with my hiking companion Kayleigh. This is our fourth trip and final trip to Hercules Glades this month, which means we have hiked a combined 37 miles plus through the national forest this month.
The fastest access to Pees Hollow is from the fire tower area access from MO125. I remember climbing the tower when I was a Boy Scout in Troop 1, which provided a spectacular view of the entire Hercules Glades area. The national forest department has closed the tower off so the public is no longer allowed to go to the top. The tower also makes a nice landmark when you drive to Hercules Glades. You can see it just south of Bradleyville.
Like the rest of Hercules Glades, Pees Hollow offers a variety of different landscapes including deciduous and coniferous forest, grassland, and even some steep rocky cliffs. As well, the animal life in Hercules Glades is definitely a mix. From tarantulas to armadillos and rattle snakes to deer, bears, and coyotes, there is unique and common living in the glades if your are fortunate enough to see it. I have discovered that viewing animals at Hercules Glades is more of a challenge than in other trails in Southwest Missouri, even though there are plenty of signs the animals are around.
While almost all of Hercules Glades seems void of the impact of man, Pee Hollow's has a couple of man-made landmarks including this truck cab that you can see along the trail and the front end of a antique Dodge pickup truck. Look at how shiny that chrome is. They don't make it like that anymore, do they?
Along the Bushy Creek part of the trail, there are these unique sponge-looking green plants. I don't know what they are, but they sure to add unique color to the winter trail.
Hercules Glades has several areas where rains will create beautiful falls. Everyone usually hikes to the falls on Long Creek, but Bushy Creek will create some beautiful images after a heavy rain. Unfortunately, like Long Creek, the falls were dry on Bushy Creek too.
The one thing you need to consider when hiking Pees Hollow is the trail often branches off unexpectedly, which the US Forest Service map at the check in station doesn't show. Looking at an aerial view of the area on Google Earth compared to the tracks on GPS shows the trails parallel each other in most cases and often leads you to either flatter or more challenging terrain. Just something to note since it can be frustrating to see the trail go off in to different directions when the map doesn't show the split.
Lawrence Gauthier Calls 911 to Have the Liberal Mainstream Media Arrested
Sounding drunk as a skunk, Lawrence Gauthier of Florida calls 9/11 wanting the mainstream media arrested. Wouldn't it be easier just to turn off the TV?
The Abiding Faith Of Warm-ongers: "Nothing Can Disprove the Thesis of Global Warming"
While I was seeking my bachelor's degree, college instructor after college instructor warned me the answer is never absolute. However, when it comes to global warming, it seems the answer is always absolute, which is strange since it's coming out of the same universities, who I am sure, also subscribe to this belief the answer is never all of the above.
It is true, the answer is always it's all of the above when it comes to university scientists making claims about global warming. I am sure there is someone blaming the snow that canceled the Philadelphia Eagles game on Sunday night on global warming, which is why I feel compelled to share with you this excellent editorial from Investors Business Daily which spells out this global warming belief that when it comes to global warming, the scientists at universities appear to break the first rule they teach you in college, the answer is never all of the above.
Climate: Nothing makes fools of more people than trying to predict the weather. Whether in Los Angeles or London, recent predictions have gone crazily awry. Global warming? How about mini ice age?
The sight of confused and angry travelers stuck in airports across Europe because of an arctic freeze that has settled across the continent isn't funny. Sadly, they've been told for more than a decade now that such a thing was an impossibility — that global warming was inevitable, and couldn't be reversed.
This is a big problem for those who see human-caused global warming as an irreversible result of the Industrial Revolution's reliance on carbon-based fuels. Based on global warming theory — and according to official weather forecasts made earlier in the year — this winter should be warm and dry. It's anything but. Ice and snow cover vast parts of both Europe and North America, in one of the coldest Decembers in history.
A cautionary tale? You bet. Prognosticators who wrote the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, global warming report in 2007 predicted an inevitable, century-long rise in global temperatures of two degrees or more. Only higher temperatures were foreseen. Moderate or even lower temperatures, as we're experiencing now, weren't even listed as a possibility.
Since at least 1998, however, no significant warming trend has been noticeable. Unfortunately, none of the 24 models used by the IPCC views that as possible. They are at odds with reality.
Karl Popper, the late, great philosopher of science, noted that for something to be called scientific, it must be, as he put it, "falsifiable." That is, for something to be scientifically true, you must be able to test it to see if it's false. That's what scientific experimentation and observation do. That's the essence of the scientific method.
Unfortunately, the prophets of climate doom violate this idea. No matter what happens, it always confirms their basic premise that the world is getting hotter. The weather turns cold and wet? It's global warming, they say. Weather turns hot? Global warming. No change? Global warming. More hurricanes? Global warming. No hurricanes? You guessed it.
Nothing can disprove their thesis. Not even the extraordinarily frigid weather now creating havoc across most of the Northern Hemisphere. The Los Angeles Times, in a piece on the region's strangely wet and cold weather, paraphrases Jet Propulsion Laboratory climatologist Bill Patzert as saying, "In general, as the globe warms, weather conditions tend to be more extreme and volatile."
Got that? No matter what the weather, it's all due to warming. This isn't science; it's a kind of faith. Scientists go along and even stifle dissent because, frankly, hundreds of millions of dollars in research grants are at stake. But for the believers, global warming is the god that failed.
Why do we continue to listen to warmists when they're so wrong? Maybe it's because their real agenda has nothing to do with climate change at all. Earlier this month, attendees of a global warming summit in Cancun, Mexico, concluded, with virtually no economic or real scientific support, that by 2020 rich nations need to transfer $100 billion a year to poor nations to help them "mitigate" the adverse impacts of warming.
This is what global warming is really about — wealth redistribution by people whose beliefs are basically socialist. It has little or nothing to do with climate. If it did, we might pay more attention to Piers Corbyn, a little-known British meteorologist and astrophysicist who has a knack for correctly predicting weather changes. Indeed, as London's Mayor Boris Johnson recently noted, "He seems to get it right about 85% of the time."
How does he do it? Unlike the U.N. and government forecasters, Corbyn pays close attention to solar cycles that, as it turns out, correlate very closely to changes in climate. Not only are we not headed for global warming, Corbyn says, we may be entering a "mini ice age" similar to the one that took place from 1450 A.D. to 1850 A.D.
We don't know if Corbyn's right or not. But given his record, he deserves as much attention as the warm-mongers whose goal is not to arrive at the truth but to reorganize society in a radical way.
It is true, the answer is always it's all of the above when it comes to university scientists making claims about global warming. I am sure there is someone blaming the snow that canceled the Philadelphia Eagles game on Sunday night on global warming, which is why I feel compelled to share with you this excellent editorial from Investors Business Daily which spells out this global warming belief that when it comes to global warming, the scientists at universities appear to break the first rule they teach you in college, the answer is never all of the above.
The Abiding Faith Of Warm-ongers
Climate: Nothing makes fools of more people than trying to predict the weather. Whether in Los Angeles or London, recent predictions have gone crazily awry. Global warming? How about mini ice age?
The sight of confused and angry travelers stuck in airports across Europe because of an arctic freeze that has settled across the continent isn't funny. Sadly, they've been told for more than a decade now that such a thing was an impossibility — that global warming was inevitable, and couldn't be reversed.
This is a big problem for those who see human-caused global warming as an irreversible result of the Industrial Revolution's reliance on carbon-based fuels. Based on global warming theory — and according to official weather forecasts made earlier in the year — this winter should be warm and dry. It's anything but. Ice and snow cover vast parts of both Europe and North America, in one of the coldest Decembers in history.
A cautionary tale? You bet. Prognosticators who wrote the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, global warming report in 2007 predicted an inevitable, century-long rise in global temperatures of two degrees or more. Only higher temperatures were foreseen. Moderate or even lower temperatures, as we're experiencing now, weren't even listed as a possibility.
Since at least 1998, however, no significant warming trend has been noticeable. Unfortunately, none of the 24 models used by the IPCC views that as possible. They are at odds with reality.
Karl Popper, the late, great philosopher of science, noted that for something to be called scientific, it must be, as he put it, "falsifiable." That is, for something to be scientifically true, you must be able to test it to see if it's false. That's what scientific experimentation and observation do. That's the essence of the scientific method.
Unfortunately, the prophets of climate doom violate this idea. No matter what happens, it always confirms their basic premise that the world is getting hotter. The weather turns cold and wet? It's global warming, they say. Weather turns hot? Global warming. No change? Global warming. More hurricanes? Global warming. No hurricanes? You guessed it.
Nothing can disprove their thesis. Not even the extraordinarily frigid weather now creating havoc across most of the Northern Hemisphere. The Los Angeles Times, in a piece on the region's strangely wet and cold weather, paraphrases Jet Propulsion Laboratory climatologist Bill Patzert as saying, "In general, as the globe warms, weather conditions tend to be more extreme and volatile."
Got that? No matter what the weather, it's all due to warming. This isn't science; it's a kind of faith. Scientists go along and even stifle dissent because, frankly, hundreds of millions of dollars in research grants are at stake. But for the believers, global warming is the god that failed.
Why do we continue to listen to warmists when they're so wrong? Maybe it's because their real agenda has nothing to do with climate change at all. Earlier this month, attendees of a global warming summit in Cancun, Mexico, concluded, with virtually no economic or real scientific support, that by 2020 rich nations need to transfer $100 billion a year to poor nations to help them "mitigate" the adverse impacts of warming.
This is what global warming is really about — wealth redistribution by people whose beliefs are basically socialist. It has little or nothing to do with climate. If it did, we might pay more attention to Piers Corbyn, a little-known British meteorologist and astrophysicist who has a knack for correctly predicting weather changes. Indeed, as London's Mayor Boris Johnson recently noted, "He seems to get it right about 85% of the time."
How does he do it? Unlike the U.N. and government forecasters, Corbyn pays close attention to solar cycles that, as it turns out, correlate very closely to changes in climate. Not only are we not headed for global warming, Corbyn says, we may be entering a "mini ice age" similar to the one that took place from 1450 A.D. to 1850 A.D.
We don't know if Corbyn's right or not. But given his record, he deserves as much attention as the warm-mongers whose goal is not to arrive at the truth but to reorganize society in a radical way.
16 Words that Define Obamacare
With just a three more days until the next part of Obamacare expands into practiced law, the RightKlik blog has a very short and concise article that describes Obamacare perfectly in just 16 words.
By RightKlik
ObamaCare won't save the economy, it won't make health care more affordable and it won't cause us to live longer, healthier lives.
The "primary function" of Obamacare is to take your power to make your own health care decisions and to give that power to the ruling class. Don't take my word for it:
President Obama's Medicare chief, Dr. Donald Berwick, explains, "Traditional medical ethics, based on the doctor-patient dyad must be reformulated...The primary function of regulation in health care, especially as it affects the quality of medical care, is to constrain decentralized individualized decision making.
Translation: "You're not in charge of your health care. Your doctor is not in charge. We are."
400,000 Year Old Human Tooth Found in Israel May Change Human History
Modern evolution states that modern man evolved about 200,000 years ago from Africa and life spread across the globe from there. However, a new discovery may change that scientific thought forever. A human tooth consistent with modern man was found in Israel and has been dated back to 400,000 years ago, which throws a wrench in the evolution hypothesis.
Chris Matthews Now Wants to See Obama's Birth Certificate
Chris Matthews on Hardball last night wants to put the Obama birth certificate issue to rest. Did he fan the flames, and will he receive a call from Obama asking him t shut up?
Matthews wants a copy of the birth certificate to post on his show, claiming to be an "enemy of the birthers," to put all this to rest? Matthews even asks why hasn't Obama brought the document forward and put this to rest.
Matthews wants a copy of the birth certificate to post on his show, claiming to be an "enemy of the birthers," to put all this to rest? Matthews even asks why hasn't Obama brought the document forward and put this to rest.
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