Ron Paul Not the Racist but William Clay May Just Be: Research After Clay's Smear of Paul Provides Insight into Clay's Beliefs

Congressman William Clay
Remember last week during testimony Ron Paul held in the House over ending the Federal Reserve? Do you remember the word that was used to discredit Congressman Paul that Dana Milbank of the Washington Post thought was fun to write while Congressman William Clay who serves the St. Louis area tried to play the racial card in the End the Fed Hearing? That word was neo-confederate, and the idea was to weaken Paul's efforts by describing one of his witnesses as a neo-confederate while totally ignoring the real truth about the Civil War--like Abraham Lincoln could have cared less about freeing the slaves.

Milbank described the events in the House that day:

The hearing itself was lively - based on Paul's desire to abolish the Federal Reserve and bring back the gold standard - but what really stood out was Chairman Paul's leadoff witness: a Southern secessionist.

The "short bio" the witness provided with his testimony omitted salient pieces of his resume, including his 2006 book, "Lincoln Unmasked: What You're Not Supposed to Know About Dishonest Abe." But the subcommittee's ranking Democrat, William Lacy Clay (Mo.) did some homework and learned more about the witness, Thomas DiLorenzo of Loyola University Maryland.

Obviously, Milbank and Clay don't understand who the real Abraham Lincoln is. As well, Milbank, while trying to make DiLorenzo out to be some pro-slavery crack all to discredit Congressman Paul's efforts, Clay gets a free pass which clearly shows Congressman Clay is much more the racist in this little story. DiLorenzo only pointed out Lincoln was a bad man--a man who even said multiple times he didn't care about ending slavery while robbing his political enemies of their Constitutional rights often jailing them or closing down their newspapers.

Let's look at Congressman Clay, an African American Congressman from St. Louis. Here's some of the kind words that come from the honorable (?) William Clay (from Lew Rockwell):

This may be something for the Southern Poverty Law Center to look into: As discussed in Clay’s Wikipedia entry, Congressman Steve Cohen, who represents a majority black part of Memphis, Tennessee, requested to collaborate with the Congressional Black Caucus for the benefit of his black constituents. Congressman William Clay told him, “not until your skin turns black.”

“We will not allow white America to infringe upon our objectives,” bellowed Congressman Clay who, although he’s lived in Silver Spring, Maryland almost all his life, somehow represents a section of North St. Louis, Missouri. His father held the same congressional seat for more than two decades.

Now, let's look at just what a stupid man Congressman Clay really is. The morning of the hearing in committee to begin looking into the Federal Reserve, Congressman Clay opened with a statement claiming that no amount of money creation by the Fed could possibly have any negative effect on the value of the dollar. I guess Congressman Clay missed the story the US dollar is worth 8 percent less now than over this time last year. What has the Federal Reserve been doing? They have been printing lots of money. Of course the more worthless paper the Federal Reserve floods into the economy the less the dollar will be worth! I thought Russ Carnahan was the dumbest in the St. Louis area. Russ, you have competition.