Was Rahm Emanuel's Chicago Election Fraud a Test for Obama 2012?

The national debt has skyrocketed in the past two years. Gas prices may hit $5 a gallon by Memorial Day weekend. Stimulus failed to stop the bleeding as more Americans are unemployed. More Americans are dying in combat in an endless war in Afghanistan. Foreign policy is a bigger joke than ever as the Middle East appears the most unstable its been in my lifetime. This is America under Barack Obama.

The odds are against Obama getting reelected--that is in a fair election. Stories coming out of Chicago from the time Rahm Emanuel suggested he was going to run for mayor also suggest foul play. Erich Mancow Muller commented on the recent Chicago mayor election, and the word fraud came to my mind. Listen to this fascinating interview:

My question is, considering the failure that is the Obama presidency, was Chicago a test run for the 2012 Presidential election? Did the Obama administration ask Emanuel to run for mayor, as they embraced Mayor Richard Daley's brother Bill into the administration, as a test run to pull off the unimaginable in 2012 by hijacking an election? When you hear some of the things Mancow says in the interview, you have to wonder if the Obama administration pulled some strings as suggested and then took notes to see what worked and what didn't. I guess I don't need to remind you about how easily electronic voting machines could be rigged.

Remember the virus that hit Iran's computers that is now believed to have come from the United States. All it would take is an Obama wins virus to infect key electoral states, and the unimaginable could happen.