The Billy Long Week in Review: Billy Long is No American Patriot

Billy Long had a chance to part ranks with the Republican establishment, join the Tea Party, and correct his vote for big intrusive government on the Patriot Act extensions. Long continued to vote with the establishment this week to keep the (un)Patriot Act alive, which provides the federal government with unconstitutional powers. Billy Long is no American patriot, as I can't see Jefferson or Madison approving of the power contained within the Patriot Act considering their belief in limited power of the federal government.

I would like to know one question. Long said he was committed to reading each piece of legislation before voting on it. Considering the short time he has been in Washington and the number of votes cast this week, is it even humanly possible the mind of Billy Long read every bill before he cast his vote. I doubt it. Ever read the Patriot Act Mr. Long?

Here's how Billy Long voted for the week of February 14-18, 2011:

Yea on HR72 directing certain standing committees to inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and orders from agencies of the Federal Government, particularly with in respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth.

Yea on HR514 to extend expiring provisions of the USA Patriot Act.

Billy Long voted several dozen times this week, and from here on out I will be only posting passage votes.