On the Other Hand Charlie Sheen is Right about the TSA, "Gestapo-like Force"

While Charlie Sheen's name calling of Thomas Jefferson is unforgivable, considering Jefferson's greatness and putting his life on the line to declare Independence, Sheen was right about one thing in his interview with Alex Jones yesterday. The interview caused CBS to stop production of Two and a Half Men indefinitely.

Sheen directed some of his anger at the TSA, specifically the incident where a 9-year-old was patted down by the TSA after getting off a train.

Sheen offered a warning to the TSA thugs. “Touch my children and I would eat your hands off your frikkin’ arms.”

He went on to call the TSA a Gestapo-like occupying force, stating “Anyone who wants to ignore it deserves to have their privates fondled by some clown who worked at Wal-Mart seven minutes before that….losers and clowns and trolls all of them.”

“Touch my children and I would eat your hands off your frikkin’ arms,” Sheen raged.

Of course Sheen isn't the only one angry with the TSA placing their hands all over the young child's body simply for getting off a train, which the kid proved he was no threat. Gizmodo writes:

“Indeed, this doesn’t make sense at all. Why search people after the train trip? What’s the logic here? Did the TSA got an alert that dangerous 9-year-old terrorists were coming in a train to Savannah? Perhaps it was TSA Surprise Training Time? Or maybe it was TSA Let’s Piss Off People Day again?” asks Gizmodo’s Jesus Diaz.