Are Republicans Serious About Defunding Obamacare?: If Today is Any Indication...

Consider the $14 trillion dollar debt which is now predicted to be near $16 trillion by the end of this September. Obamacare is another trillion dollar program this country can't afford despite that it is also unconstitutional for the federal government to force Americans to participate in Commerce. Now Republicans claim they are serious about fighting Obamacare. Just how serious? Well, I have my doubts.

Consider what happened today as Steve King (R-IA) tried to get his plan to defund Obamacare out of rules committee and onto the House floor for debate.

Becker Hospital Review reported:

Citing House rules, the GOP-controlled House Rules Committee blocked a proposed amendment to a funding bill that would have withheld funds for implementing the healthcare reform law, according to a report by the Hill.

The proposed amendment was introduced by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), a member of the Tea Party caucus. If it had been tacked onto the continuing resolution for fiscal 2011, which will be debated this week, it would have called for withholding $105 billion in reform spending over 10 years.

The committee determined the measure violated House rules against members “legislating” on appropriations bills. However, a committee member reminded Rep. King that he has “lots of other opportunities” to offer a similar amendment to other bills this year.

That's right, the Republicans have blocked the first effort to defund Obamacare. I wish I had a clear definition about why a legislator isn't supposed legislate on appropriation bills. Please excuse my ignorance here, but isn't it the job of House members to legislate appropriations? If someone could provide some insight, please leave a comment.

This is strike one on defunding Obamacare and the pitch was thrown by Republicans.