Billy Long "More Worried About Getting Reelected" Than Serving Southwest Missouri

Billy Long says his pocket Constitution is "rode hard and put up wet." I have my doubts, especially after the way Big Government Billy has acted since he got to Washington. Using the FBI to silence political enemies, co-sponsoring a bill that expands the size and power of the Department of Homeland Security...

Long's campaign rhetoric may be coming back to haunt him. Remember Long was the "fed up" candidate--fed up with career politicians and business as usual in Washington. Long went as far as saying too many politicians in DC are "more worried about getting reelected" over actually serving the people.

According to Randy Turner, it didn't take Long very long to get into reelection campaign mode. What we are finding out is it's not Congressman Long's pocket Constitution that his "rode hard and put up wet" it's his FEC campaign finance reports that are rode hard and put up wet.

Long's first FEC report to wrap up 2010 once again shows Long was already beginning to think about reelection even before he had any Congressional record:

Seventh District Congressman Billy Long raised $15,400 between Nov. 23 and Dec. 31, according to documents filed last week with the Federal Election Commission.

Add this to the other ways Long appears to now play the role of career politician putting reelection as his first priority in 2012. Other examples include, less than ten days after Long won his office, he began putting together his reelection staff. Long already has scheduled a big dollar per plate meal at a ritzy DC establishment. Finally, which The Hill reported yesterday, Long isn't going to CPAC to learn what it means to be conservative (which I highly recommend Mike Church to anyone who is attending the event including Big Government Billy), he is going there to raise money for his reelection bid in 2012. Some truth in advertising from Congressman Long would be nice.