We Are Broke, and Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, and the GOP Want to Fix Entitlements

The deficit is now bigger than the US economy. The United States is broke and many fear we are past the point of no return. So what are the Republicans wanting to do? According to Eric Cantor, they want to fix these entitlement programs--you know like Medicare and Medicaid which are two of the big four that is pushing large amounts of federal debt--the other two being Social Security and military.

Rather than phase them out, Republicans haven't learned the Great Society has become the failed society. They arne't willing to risk their faces being on wanted posters posted by liberals across the Internet as the ones who finally ended the nonsense of these entitle programs. Nope, they would rather get their glue out and temporarily create the appearance they fixed them. The GOP are a bunch of cowards unable to do what is necessary to put a stop to massive federal spending.

This from a QA session with Cantor:

Q: Mr. Cantor, in your opening remarks you said that the House Republican budget will include entitlement reforms, unlike the President’s. Could you give a little bit more detail on that? And also could you lay out where you think the playing field is on budget matters? Because you have got a lot of different things going on right now. You have got the 2011 budget you guys are working, on, the 2012 that the President released, your 2012 budget, the debt ceiling. How do you see things playing out and where they stand right now in terms of working with or against the President?

Mr. Cantor: Well, your question is a good one, and all this is going to be sort of moving simultaneously. Where we end up in the fiscal year 2011 expenditures will impact the situation in fiscal year 2012 for sure, so we hopefully will be able to manage bringing down spending to 2008 levels for the remainder of fiscal year 2011 and operate with that certainty. Your question about the budget itself and the entitlement inclusion, yes, we will include entitlement reform provisions in our budget, again, unlike the President, and unlike Harry Reid who doesn’t even admit there needs to be any reform of Social Security.

We are going to lead. That is why I said the President missed an opportunity to lead today, to try and address the biggest fiscal challenge we have. And so we are going to lead and include that in our budget. You have heard me say before it is high time for us to begin, from the standpoint where we are talking about reforms needed, that you have a population 55 and older here, and we need to tell them that their benefits and the system that they are used to will stay the same. But it is for the rest of us, 54 and younger, that we are going to have to have some reforms to these systems in order to save them for the crowd that is 54 and younger. So you will see those details developed as we come forward with Mr. Ryan’s budget and his committee’s work. But again, it is important to note who is leading and who is not.

Q: Do you expect adjustments to both Social Security and Medicare?

Mr. Cantor: I think you are going to see some very bold reforms included. I am hopeful that we can get some cooperation from Harry Reid and the President, because these are programs that touch the lives of every American and we don’t want, nor can we, make these changes by ourselves. We want to work with the Democrats and the President in making changes to save these programs. But we can’t do it alone. You saw what happened the last time a major entitlement program was put on the books or reformed when one party did it. You have got the fiscal disaster that is ObamaCare.

There was a great article from the Left Coast Rebel about the 1983 fix of the entitlement known as Social Security yesterday, which was signed by the Great Ronald Reagan,sadly enough, about one of the last times one of these entitlement programs was reformed. Here is some of that article as we probably should keep close eyes on the Young Guns.

Since 1984, when the Federal Government increased YOUR payroll taxes supposedly to keep SS from ‘going broke’, (which it was in terms of collecting less than what was going out every day to senior citizens), Washington has collected approximately $3 TRILLION since then in surplus payroll taxes from your weekly paycheck.

And guess what?

‘Not one copper penny of it EVER went into your granny or grandpa’s monthly SS check!


We know this sounds harsh and it might strike you as being completely unbelievable…and it is shocking when you are finally confronted with the truth.

But the increase in SS payroll taxes since 1984 has wound up being nothing more than a clever confiscation of your hard-earned money that you have dutifully paid out in higher-than-necessary payroll taxes for the past 27 years.

Do you trust Ryan and Cantor to really fix these entitlements knowing this?

Read more.