University of Oregon Bans Water on Their Campus: So Much for Freedom of Choice

Look, I think bottled water is the most silly product on the market today. People are paying almost 2000 times the value of the contents within these petroleum-based plastic bottles for something that amounts to nothing more than tap water in most cases. Nestle's Pure Life, Aquafina, and Dasani labels all show they are nothing more than tap water. Bottle water consumers show their ignorance every day, but that doesn't mean I agree with a new rule the University of Oregon may soon pass.

The University of Oregon wants to ban bottled water on its campus--giving new meaning to a dry campus.

From the Student Free Press:

The University of Oregon may ban the sale of bottled water on campus, due to its environmental effects, a growing trend on campuses nationwide.

The movement is part of a national campaign called “Take Back the Tap,” which was adopted and promoted by the Climate Justice League, a superhero cape-wearing environment-advocating student group at the U of O.

“Bottled water is not necessary because we already have perfectly good tap water, and it’s terrible for the environment. It’s better just to get it out of our economy, and out of our ecosystems,” said freshman Manny Garcia, co-coordinator of UO’s Take Back the Tap.

The campus bill passed 12-3-1. So much for freedom on the University of Oregon campus. The student government appears to have bought into this idea regulation is the best way to control human behavior no matter how much it infringes on freedom.