Republicans Aren't Constitutional Friendly as Exposed With Patriot Act Extensions

When it comes to attacks on the Constitution, when are people going to figure out the Republicans have once again launched a far greater attack on the Constituiton than Obamacare ever was. With that said, I don't approve of Obamacare and its forced mandates, but lets be real and not give Republicans a pass just because most of us Tea Party conservatives and libertarians want Obamacare. The Patriot Act, with its continued support by Republicans, is a far greater threat to the Constitution than Obamacare. We need to stop letting Republicans get away with this idea they support the Constitution. It's clear they don't after seeing their broad support for this Act which clearly attacks the Bill of Rights.

Laurance Vance on Lou Rockwell says it best today:

Republicans Expand the Police State

The extension of the Patriot Act passed by a vote of 275–144 on Monday night. 210 of the yes votes were Republican votes.

The GOP cannot be reformed or made libertarian. It is the party of the warfare and national security state, and proud of it.

Update: the Senate has now passed the bill (H.R. 514) also.

As well, the Patriot Act has grown the size of government, so let's not forget Republicans really aren't the party of smaller government as they are willing to grow government just like their Democratic counterparts.