Glenn Beck on Google: I'm Not Really Sure I Want My Search Engine Involved in Government Overthrows

More and more people are beginning to worry about the partnerships Google has developed with governments around the world. In recent weeks, we continue to find out just how much Google cooperates with the United States government, and many are looking at alternatives to Google as the government states it wants more tracking capabilities of Americans on the Internet.

Glenn Beck is the latest to question Google.

“I’m really not sure that I want my search engine involved in government overthrows, good or bad. What I want from a search engine is good search results. This is not the issue. I’m not afraid that Google is reading my email, or tapping your phone lines, or stealing Grandma’s recipes. That kind of paranoia is reserved for the Left during the Bush administration with Microsoft. What I’m starting to look at is Google and Google as a whole.

I’m just not sure, as I look into Google, that I want to use their products anymore unless I have to. And some of their products I think I have to. I’m not leading any boycott. I hate boycotts. You do with your time, your money, and your information what you want. For me, personally, I’m not feeling real comfortable about the current direction of Google the more I find out.”

I do worry about how Beck discounted the other known facts about Google, like how they have tools to scan your Gmail accounts and their other efforts to work with the federal government. I do think Google is now far too entrenched in the affairs of the Federal Government, and considering the power the federal government wants over the Internet, I would rather see Google rebel than hold the government's hand.