Congressman Billy Long Proves He is the Ultimate Hypocrite: Approves of Shock Journalism on Twitter After Using FBI to Silence Blogger

Congressman Billy Long is showing his hypocritical side again today. It appears Long approves of what some consider shock journalism as long as the cards aren't played against him. Long retweeted an instance where the new journalism of social media exposed the evil Planned Parenthood corporation. As you know, this blog is no friend of Planned Parenthood, and I remind you Planned Parenthood was founded in the racist beliefs of Margaret Sanger and her belief that eugenics was the best way to control black populations in America.

A story that sounds familiar to the James O'Keefe/ACORN story has surfaced about Planned Parenthood in recent days. Using a hidden camera, investigators infiltrated Planned Parenthood and discovered they were pushing young girls to get abortions without parental knowledge while the girls were claiming the father was twice as old as the young 13 year old girls. As well, hidden videos exposed that Planned Parenthood was willing to offer advice to a pimp on how to carry out underage sex trafficking. None of this is surprising based on what we saw with the O'Keefe videos.

Here's footage from the hidden cameras:

Oh, but wait a minute. This story isn't entirely about the disgrace that is Planned Parenthood and their crimes against young women and their families. This is also about Congressman Billy Long, who himself had to deal with cameras that weren't so hidden this past year from voters and bloggers coming to his public appearances asking Long tough questions.

Why is it Long approves of the way Planned Parenthood was investigated but when it comes to any reporting of the Long campaign during this past year's election, Long trumped up the incidents, abused his federal powers, and had the FBI visit a blogger's house. So I guess in Billy Long's world it's okay for some people to play gotcha journalism but not others, especially others that work to expose that Long is no conservative nor is he tea party.