Claire McCaskill Signs Her Political Death Wish: Will Not Vote for Obamacare Repeal

Claire Mama Caskill will not vote to repeal Obamacare, despite it being unconstitutional. Senator McCaskill has justified her vote for Obamacare claiming it's Constitutional through the General Welfare Clause, which if she were to read Federalist 41, she would see the evils of her way. General Welfare isn't about entitlements. Our founding fathers taught self-responsibility and not government safety nets nor did they believe the federal government should be able to force to engage in commerce.

McCaskill faces a tough Senate race next year providing the blonde bimbo doesn't win the primary. A number of quality Republicans are looking at challenging her. At this point she is going to remain true to her vote for Obamacare and not vote to repeal the legislation that even Obama hinted is broken in his State of the Union as he asked for ideas to fix it from both parties. We may watching Claire sign her political death wish this week.

Other Democrats in the Senate who face tough challenges next year have also said they will not back down on their support of Obamacare. They include Senator Joe Manchin (West Virgina), Senator Bob Casey (Pennsylvania), Senator Jim Webb (Virginia) and Senator Bill Nelson (Florida). Nelson is so arrogant in his support for the unconstitutional Obamacare that he says "no" when asked if he would repeal followed by "have a nice day."

Let's hope Nelson ruined the day of a majority of Floridians when he announced his intentions not to repeal.