Senator Chuck Schumer Doesn't Understand the Three Branches of Government

The doom and gloom warnings are back. If Republicans don't raise the debt ceiling and shut down the government, all hell is going to break loose according to Chuck Schumer. I thought part of the problem here is because of our national debt, countries were starting to lose faith in the American government.

Speaking about losing faith, it appears Senator Chuck Schumer doesn't even understand the most basic principle of the American federal government--you know the three branches of government.

In this interview, Schumer says the three branches of government are the House, the Senate, and the Presidency.

Is he correct?

Bueller, Bueller, Bueller?

Of course he isn't correct. How sad is it the senior senator from the state of New York doesn't even know the three branches of government?

Mr. Schumer, mister since you obviously have dishonored the title of Senator more times than I can count, the three branches of government are (a basic civics lesson here):

Executive branch represented by the President

Legislative branch represented by both the House and the Senate

Judicial branch represented by the federal courts

Ah jeez! Is it really that hard? What school did you graduate from Mr. Schumer, the Billy Long School of Government?