New Gallup Poll Shows Tea Party is Gaining Support Among Americans

Those Republicans like Congressman Billy Long who took off his self-proclaimed Tea Party stripes for his establishment buddies will soon learn a lesson. It's not wise to turn your back on the Tea Party. Long, as you probably know by now, skipped the reading of the Constitution to meet with lobbyists, abused his federal power with a witch hunt showing he isn't willing to support the freedom of speech, and most recently put his John Hancock on a bill that approves the growth of the Department of Homeland Security while continuing the DHS's attack of our Constitution.

The Tea Party is paying attention. New Gallup polls shows the politicians best be paying attention.

Gallup asked, "How important should GOP leaders consider Tea Party ideas?"

About seven in 10 adults say it's important for Republican leaders in Congress take the tea party movement's positions and objectives into account, according to a new Gallup poll.
Among Republicans, tea party support remains, not surprisingly, high.
In the Gallup survey, 53 percent of self identified Republicans say it is "very" important for the Republican congressional leadership to listen to the tea party while 35 percent call it "somewhat" important. Nine percent of GOPers call it either not very or not at all important.