Colin Powell Angry Over Bush Administration's WMD Main Source, Curveball: Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi

The main source the Bush Administration used to justify the attack on Iraq came out earlier this week saying there was never any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi went on record saying he fabricated tales of mobile bioweapons trucks and clandestine factories in an attempt to bring down the Saddam Hussein regime, from which he had fled in 1995.

This apparently has angered Colin Powell, who has done his best to separate himself from the Bush administration since resigning as Secretary of State. The UK Guardian reports Powell nearly went into a coronary after reading about "Curveball" the codename for al-Janabi.

Powell wants the CIA and Pentagon to explain to him why they didn't inform him their source was unreliable.

"It has been known for several years that the source called Curveball was totally unreliable," he told the Guardian . "The question should be put to the CIA and the DIA as to why this wasn't known before the false information was put into the NIE sent to Congress, the president's state of the union address and my 5 February presentation to the UN."