Symbolic Votes in the House Lack Substance and Are Wasting Time for Critical Debate

House Republicans knew they weren't going to overthrow Obamacare with no majority in the Senate and Obama holding a veto pen. The vote to repeal Obamacare was symbolic of a promise, but it really lacked substance. Until we can totally repeal the bill House Republicans are wasting time.

I see today, there was another symbolic vote on the House floor that will do little to change things other than create pathos. Today House Republicans voted to overthrow Obama's network of czars and send them home with a pink slip. I know it sounds like a solid plan, but once again, Obama will veto this bill. It's pathos. Nothing more, nothing less. Merely symbolic of the anger towards Obama.

I don't like Obama as this blog was founded in the hopes of awakening Americans before they cast a vote for him. If Republicans continue to waste time voting for these bills they know are dead on arrival, people are going to begin to lose faith in this new Republican majority.

Here in Southwest Missouri, gasoline hit over $3 a gallon for the first time in a few years. The summer driving season is still months away, and yet, gasoline is already at scary levels would could further jeopardize the economy. Remember what happened the last time gasoline hit $4 a gallon? Detroit's big three sales dropped. The most profitable vehicles, SUV and trucks, sat on lots untouched. Of course, this didn't help these struggling companies as you know they soon had their hands out looking for a bailout.

I guess what I am trying to say is while it feels good to vote against Obama's big government liberalism, until he is out of office there these bills are dead on arrival. If the Republicans don't start getting things turned around, people are going to place the blame on the GOP as well in two years, and this majority may be short lived. It seems to me time would be better spent in Washington coming up with ways that ensure federal restrictions that keep America dependent on foreign oil through OPEC are lifted so we aren't held hostage whenever OPEC decides to lower production and drive up costs. Most of us won't be able to afford $5 a gallon, and it would be nice to see Congress work on ways to lift regulations to encourage competition by increasing supplies to lower prices rather than continue vote after vote of bills that will be vetoed by Obama.

Just a thought.