Star Wars: US and China Engaged in a Muscle Flexing Space War Games

Thank Bill Clinton. The amount of technology transferred to the Chinese during the Clinton administration is now being realized thanks to WikiLeaks. Remember, there was a controversy over "red" campaign funds coming into Clinton's presidential campaign.

WikiLeaks exposes the United States and China got into a game of muscle flexing space war games to show each other's technological strengths. It started when the Chinese used an ICBM to shoot down one of their weather satellites in space. It appears Obama, who has made the case missile defense is a waste of money even pulling a weapons system from Poland is guilty of playing Star Wars.

From The Telegraph:

The two nuclear superpowers both shot down their own satellites using sophisticated missiles in separate show of strength, the files suggest.

The American Government was so incensed by Chinese actions in space that it privately warned Beijing it would face military action if it did not desist.

The Chinese carried out further tests as recently as last year, however, leading to further protests from Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, secret documents show.
Beijing justified its actions by accusing the Americans of developing an “offensive” laser weapon system that would have the capability of destroying missiles before they left enemy territory.

The disclosures are contained in the latest documents obtained by the Wikileaks website, which have been released to The Telegraph. They detail the private fears of both superpowers as they sought mastery of the new military frontier.