In Laval, Quebec, one six-year old was indoctrinated to fear the Ziploc sandwich bags as a great evil to the environment. He and his class were warned of disciplinary procedures if they were caught with this
Isabel was immediately immobilized, not understanding too well the reason for the excess of emotion suddenly our son. Indeed, as happens on rare occasions, when no "Tupperware" is not available to accommodate the sandwich sir, we use a ziploc for a replacement. But that night, seeing the use of a ziploc by his Mum, Felix reacted as if someone had slaughtered a pig for slicing into his ham sandwich.
We asked our son why he did not want to use a Ziploc bag in his lunch. We therefore explained with lots of emotions and tears to the eyes than at school during lunch time, a teacher came to see them get a doggie. To enter the draw friends were asked to complete a condition very simple: do not have a Ziploc bag in their lunch. As Felix was one, it was excluded from the draw!
What? My son has not had the chance to participate because of a lunchbox? So, a little boy 6 years, very close to her emotions, was sidelined because of how her parents prepared her lunch at noon? It could not be right, can not be in a society that lacks this trial, which at this point stopped to think for itself!
The next day, going to pick up my son at daycare in the school, I asked her teacher she gives me a little more detail on this story drawing of doggie. And that was exactly what Felix had said a draw among those who did not ziploc bag in their lunch bag because:
You know Mr. Lanciault is not very good for the environment, take care of our planet, and the bags do not decompose well, etc. ...