Sarah Palin Gives Reagan 100th Anniversary Speech to Ron Reagan Jr's. Protest

I heard the nasty vitriol of Ron Reagan Jr. this morning on the morning news. Is this man sick or what? He was attacking Sarah Palin for celebrating the 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth. Now I didn't listen to his attack very closely because Ron Reagan Jr. may have Ronald Reagan's blood, but he sure hasn't showed any pride in that fact. He definitely doesn't celebrate the philosophies of his father either. In fact, adopted brother Michael Reagan appears to have a greater bond with his father than Ron Reagan Jr.

The following speech is why Ron Reagan Jr. felt he needed some media attention, not to mention he is promoting a new book that smears his father, claiming our great President had Alzheimers before he left office in 1989. So he's attacking Sarah Palin to sell his book. It's just shameful. Shouldn't he be proud so many people love and admire his father?