Rand Paul isn't the only one who doesn't have faith in the Republican party to become good fiscal conservatives and slash budgets in Washington DC. He is one of the biggest voices to put pressure on the GOP in hopes they might come around to responsible budget cuts. In an interview yesterday, Senator Paul said he fears Republicans lack courage to produce a balance budget.
“It’s really not going to touch the problem,” Paul told ABC News‘s Jonathan Karl. “There’s a disconnect between Republicans who want a balanced budget but aren’t maybe yet brave enough to talk about the cuts to come.”
Are you surprised? We have Republicans calling for more defense spending and throwing more power at the Department of Homeland Security, which will further grow that bureaucracy.
Get this, remember how Republicans like Billy Long were promising voters they had a plan that would cut $100 billion from the federal budget?
Well the new Republican sponsored budget came out this past week. The proposed budget only offers only $32 billion in spending cuts. Wow! The American people have been duped. That's a far cry from the $100 billion the GOP promised. Where is "Fed Up" Billy Long on this one? Probably keeping his mouth shut and not challenging Speaker Boehner.
Remember, Senator Paul's plan slashes the budget by half a trillion. Why isn't the GOP looking at his plan? Could it be they aren't the conservatives they promised us they were in November?