What happened to those Republicans who were going to start fighting for the Constitution? They quickly forgot their campaign promises--like on January 5, 2011. Why am I not surprised? When will the Tea Parties wake up?
Another sign the Republicans aren't dedicated to following the Constitution is their efforts to make the Patriot Act permanent. In three weeks, the Patriot Act expires. It should be put to rest. It's not. Republicans are leading the charge to make it a permanent, and I am just sickened by it.
Remember one of the things the Bush administration said as we were attacked after 9/11 is the terrorists win if we change our way of life. My friends, the terrorist won. We have become a police state since 9/11, and the Patriot Act was the blue print for this police state existence that now allows government thugs at airports to feel up genitalia in the name of "national security."
Ron Paul is right. Too many Americans are willing to sacrifice liberty for security, and this bill needs to be repealed in entirety. Listen to Paul describe how the Republicans are pushing the Patriot Act through the House of Representatives in a method like Democrats pushed Obamacare through Congress--with as little accountability to the American people as possible.
Yes, the federal government has a duty to provide defense for the states. However, it does not have the right to to infringe on our personal liberties to provide the defense; although it's been common for the federal government to do. Many people don't realize the American "hero" Abraham Lincoln put his political enemies in jail.
Why is the Republicans, who promised us they would follow the Constitution, secretly pushing a the extension of the Patriot Act? The Patriot Act expands the powers of the federal government--attacking the Fourth Amendment--warrant-less wiretaps as the Department of Homeland Security expands the definition of terrorists to include average freedom-loving Americans. Thanks to the Patriot the love of traveling comes with what Senator Claire McCaskill calls "love pats." You know TSA thugs touching genitalia. The Patriot Act has proven not to be so patriotic.
It's Republicans who are working not only to extend the Patriot Act but also expand the powers of the Department of Homeland Security. Just last week my Congressman, Billy Long, co-sponsored a bill that expands the "If You See Something Say Something" program that creates a citizen spy network that Janet Napolitiano will rule over. These aren't American ideas our founding fathers would approve of.
The Patriot Act is set to expire on February 28. The Patriot Act Sunset Extension Act of 2011 would make it permanent. Republican Chuck Grassley(I) is leading the charge.
“Having this debate year after year offers little certainty to agents utilizing these provisions to keep the nation safe,” said ranking member Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.
“Short-term reauthorizations lead to operational uncertainty and compliance and reporting problems if the reauthorization occurs too close to expiration,” Grassley continued. “If these provisions are necessary, we should provide more certainty rather than simply revisiting the law year after year given the indefinite threat we face from acts of terrorism, and that looks like decades ahead. We should permanently reauthorize the three expiring provisions.”
Look at the other names of Republicans who are ready to introduce legislation in the Senate to make the Patriot permanent. Grassley, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Intelligence Committee Ranking Republican Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., will introduce legislation to make the measures permanent.
Fight for our Constitution and the Fourth Amendment? The Republicans promised us, and they are quickly forgetting those promises.