Motorola Uses 1984 Theme to Celebrate Freedom During Super Bowl: Accept the Police State Rhetoric

Check out Motorola's tease for the Super Bowl commercial this year. The cell phone manufacturer appears to be releasing a new revolutionary cell phone that is about to change everything, but look at the oxymoron of the commercial. They try to make George Orwell's 1984 into some kind of hip symbol of freedom.

2011 Looks a lot like 1984... ONE AUTHORITY.

Oh, but that's supposed to be cool this year because Motorola is putting a new face on 1984, face that shouldn't be used to describe Orwell's Big Brother state.

Let's put this in perspective. Barack Obama believes the federal government should have the power to track Americans using their cell phones without any regard to the Fourth Amendment. That is 1984 in my book and its a form of tyranny. While liberals spoke out against George W. Bush's use of wiretapping through the Patriot Act, something I don't agree with, they seem to have given Obama a free pass for even suggesting such tyranny. This is the reality of your cell phone these days. Want to bet Motorola is working with the United States government to assist in tracking efforts?

While the words Big Brother (Big Sis), 1984, and Oceania bring out great emotions as the federal government justifies their new police state complete with genital groping at airports, Motorola is doing a great disservice by attempting to make the entire concept look cool while ignoring a basic fact about the cell phone. There is nothing cool about tyranny, and I am interested to see where this commercial goes. At least Apple Computers got that right.

It's obvious Motorola is attacking Apple here, specifically the iPhone, which has placed strict limits on its users like limited carriers--only AT&T up until this past month. However, there is a truth with cell phones, and that is all cell phones could be used as a Big Brother device to track Americans, and chances are that's already the case.