Is Mitt Romney a Done Deal as the Next GOP Presidential Candidate?: Mitt for Brains Romney Appears to be Next in Line

After Ronald Reagan surprised the GOP and became the 1980 presidential candidate for the GOP, I have watched the GOP nominate the next in line every presidential election with the exception of George W. Bush. Remember, a lot of Republicans thought Reagan would be too old after losing to Ford in 1976.

In 88, it was George H.W. Bush. In 1996, it was Bob Dole. In 2008, John McCain was the chosen one. What do all of these men have in common? They lost primary bids previous to their nomination.

Bush lost against Reagan. Dole lost to Reagan in 80 and Bush in 88. John McCain lost in 2000 to George W. Bush. Next in line politics has not been good for Republicans, yet it's a model that has been used time and again. I have a feeling 2012 will be no different. Mitt Romney will be the nominee after all the caucuses and primaries are over next year. How sad is that!

Mitt Romney has paid his dues, and I fear party insiders made a promise to Romney to get him to bow out of the 2008 presidential race early to pave the way for John McCain. Remember, there were a lot of inner battles in the 2008 campaign between Romney and Mike Huckabee. Before the primary season ever really got underway, these battles were enough to produce some theater as Huckabee pointed out a truth, Romney is no conservative while attacking him for being a Mormon, Romney quit the race, gave a great speech, and began inventing himself donning himself in deceptiCON stripes. The timing of Romney's departure, February 7, 2008, made certain John McCain would be the next in line. Was there a deal made for Romney's early departure?

Once you pull open the curtains in politics, you begin to realize these deals are quite common as central party leaders, whether they be local or national, play political chess matches that pushes their chosen one to the forefront. Was Romney promised something to quit the race which basically paved the way for the pathetic John McCain to be the nominee in 2008? It seems very likely to me.

In 2011, as we begin to near the 2012 presidential election, all I hear is Mitt Romney is the candidate to beat. How could this be? As the GOP promises to defeat Obamacare, they appear to be promoting the man who created the model of Obamacare in Massachusetts. It's no wonder why so many are wondering about the GOP's true intentions when it comes to repeal. If they were serious about repealing, how does one political party elevate the man who inspired the current healthcare law? It's happening, which leads me to ask what was Mitt Romney promised in 2008 for gracefully dropping out of the 2008 Republican primary to give non-stop support to John McCain?

Here's a message to the GOP. I won't vote for a northeastern deceptiCON who was the brains behind Romneycare, which is broken, that inspired Obamacare. I am tired of voting for Republicans who don't promote my conservative beliefs.