Republican Bobby Franklin, a representative in the Georgia State House, has introduced a bill that would eliminate drivers licenses in the state of Georgia. The Republican argues that drivers licenses infringe on personal freedoms.
Franklin says, "One of your inalienable rights is the right to travel, the right to move about without needing your papers,” Franklin told WSB in Atlanta. “You shouldn’t have to have permission from the state to exercise a right that has been inalienably given to you from your creator.”
Franklin's argument has angered some who worry about children driving. Long says what's stopping those children from now getting on the road without a license. It does happen.
I think his argument needs to be celebrated not for the libertarian view it, but it's definitely an argument that applies to more than just driving these days. Have you been to the airport and been felt up by the TSA lately? I think we could use Franklin in the United States Congress instead of Republicans like Missouri 7's Billy Long, who along with Republican Peter King just introduced a bill giving the Department of Homeland Security, the same people who gave you the junk grabbing TSA, more power.
Franklin for United States Congress anyone?
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