Congressman Billy Long Insults the Constitution Yet Again

Mr. Long, do you honestly feel you are worthy enough to place you John Hancock on a document signed by truly great men like George Washington, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and 36 other Founding Fathers? After a month of insulting the Constitution, Congressman Billy Long provides yet possibly his biggest insult to the Constitution as he develops what I consider a disease that has become far too common in politicians these days--rock star disease. (You know the same delusion Barack Obama suffers from.)

Before I tell you how Congressman Long insulted the Constitution yet again, let me remind you of Long's previous acts against the Constitution. In his first week in Congress, as Nancy Pelosi was reading the Constitution with other members of Congress on the House floor, in an act that showed just how powerful the Tea Party is in the United States, Billy Long met with a lobbyist and missed the first reading of the Constitution in Congress.

Just days after that, Billy Long shared his enemies list with the FBI, taking full advantage of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, in hopes of intimidating some of his harshest critics who keep their eyes focused on Congressman Long and simply write blogs. Long attacked the First Amendment when he had the FBI begin investigating bloggers who were and are critical of the Congressman. Apparently, missing the reading of the Constitution, Congressman Long didn't get the memo that it's an American tradition for Americans to criticize and question their elected officials through the First Amendment.

Then last week, we discover the first bill Long sponsored in Congress is a bill that will give the Department of Homeland Security more power with their "If You See Something, Say Something" program. Do I need to remind you the Department of Homeland Security is the last bureaucracy that needs to be grown considering their Fourth Amendment killing attitude that allows TSA agents to strip search, grope, and take naked scanner images of Americans simply for participating in the great American tradition of travel?

So Long has been in Congress for a month, and he already has three strikes against his commitment to the Constitution. So picture this. Billy Long is pandering to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and obviously offers to sign autographs. Now remember, during the campaign Long talked about the founding fathers belief that we are supposed to send common people to Washington DC, which is a truth. Look how quickly the rock star ego of modern politicians has taken to destroy this common man idea.

To make it worse, Long autographed copies of the Constitution for the people representing the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. You know the same document he basically has done this...