The News-Leader reports today that Billy Long met with the local Juvenile Diabetes chapter. Long told the chapter they have a friend in his office, but I can't find one enumerated power in the Constitution that gives Congressman Long much power to do anything for the local chapter or national chapter of any charity. In fact the best thing Long could have done for the local Juvenile Diabetes would be to pull out his million dollar checkbook, write those people a big check, and stop wasting their time.
There is little evidence in today's News-Leader story that Congressman Long handed out a personal check. The story includes information that Long handed out business cards and personally autographed Constitution--but now personal check to the charity.
Now Mr. Long ran on the premise that he was fed up with wasteful spending in Washington DC, but his comments to the Juvenile Diabetes chapter that he will be a friend to the organization suggests that Billy Long might be willing to use federal money to benefit the organization. This reminds me of the story of James Madison challenging his fellow members of Congress over an appropriation that wasn't Constitutional.
In 1794, six years after the ratification of the US Constitution, our Congress already began stretching the limits of their power. Congress appropriated $15,000 to help French refugees who fled from rebellion in San Domingo to Baltimore and Philadelphia. James Madison stood up and addressed the Congress. His words powerful--full of Constitutional wisdom, mainly that it's not the job of the federal government to provide welfare or charity.
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
Since Billy Long continues to pander and doesn't set a Constitutional expectation of his office noting he has no Constitutional power to aid charities with federal money and appears not to have written a personal check from his large banking account to personally help the organization, I thought it was important to note, that Busplunge blogger made a donation to the Juvenile Diabetes organization today through their Web site in tribute (noted on the donation) to Billy Long's meeting with the organization.
Lee gets it and Long doesn't. Charities work best when they are funded by people who make donations form the heart and not people who are forced to make donations through federal appropriations.