Billy Long Dumbs Down the Federal Budget: Larry the Cable Guy and Bass Fishing

There are political sound bites that inspire and become part of the American lexicon. They create an identity for a generation, and the words ring out with great impact decades later. For instance "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." These words define the Kennedy era and have become inspiration as some of the greatest words spoken under this great American experiment.

So knowing how sound bites define the American lexicon, what do the following sound bites say about Southwest Missouri under the leadership of Billy Long in Congress?

Billy Long on the GOP budget cuts that have yet to be agreed upon, which Long himself doesn't seem all on board to support as evident in last Sunday's News-Leader.

"We worked all day yesterday, we had meeting after meeting, to get this $100 billion we promised we would cut," said Rep. Billy Long, R-Mo. "As Larry the Cable Guy would say, we got 'er done. Trouble is, $100 billion is like throwing a deck chair off the Titanic, so we've got to work harder."

Then we get this doozy. The KWTO morning guy once said Billy Long was going to propose a bill that would require Congressmen to read every bill before they cast a vote on the bill in the House. Do you think Billy Long will want to undertake that after the federal budget was placed on his desk? Here's how Long describes the 2012 Obama budget.

"FY2012 hit my desk, 4 Volumes - Budget - Historical Tables - Analytical Perspectives - Appendix & it weighs more than any Bass I ever caught."

Seriously, what does this say about the Ozarks? Will it define a people who finally started to progress in culture and break out from the hillbilly stereotype. Billy's on the Hill, and he's proving to be hillbilly.