The News-Leader reported today that Billy Long broke his foot months ago. He waited until recently to see a doctor, which means a government-run healthcare program is responsible for Long's healing. While many of the comments are against Long's decision to wait for treatment, I ask why is anyone surprised? After all, Billy Long has praised parts of Obamacare on a number of occasions and agrees with key parts of Obamacare like coverage for pre-existing conditions. Considering he waited until his government insurance kicked in, he was just enforcing he agrees with Obama that pre-existing conditions should be covered.
I don't see anything hypocritical hear since Billy Long has not hidden that he approves of regulating healthcare insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions. However, the comments on the News-Leader board once again prove how little people in Southwest Missouri think of their new Congressman.
7:33 AM on February 5, 2011
Who was it that paid for the medical care of Peoples Republican Rep. Billy “carter” Long? Funny, Billy received the socialized health care that he and his fellow Anti-American gang of thugs want to deny those that paid for it.
Breakfast must be ready, I smell WAFFLES.
7:49 AM on February 5, 2011
Mr. Long...two bits of advice:
1. Losing 50-60 pounds would make moving around on that foot a LOT easier....just sayin'.
2. Remember that the health care reform "solution" isn't really a solution. It needs to go...but something viable needs to be put in it's place. Just remember, don't put any gravy on it to try and make it taste better...
8:41 AM on February 5, 2011
the tonnage is taking it s toll
8:47 AM on February 5, 2011
The buffoon speaks again. Rather than address the concerns of the group, he deflects and makes the meeting about him and his foot. Is this the same foot he likes to place in his mouth?
9:17 AM on February 5, 2011
Sarah Okeson - I heard that Roy Blunt has an ingrown toe nail - I see an entire pull out section of the Sunday paper in your future
Perhaps the smartest comment on the News-Leader message boards, and one that enforces what I wrote earlier about Billy Long's meeting with the Juvenile Diabetes group:
9:39 AM on February 5, 2011
Here is a good example of why this government can"t get its spending under control. Our government is broke yet here we have a group asking our congressman to fund their special project. Yes I know its a worthy cause but we do not have the money to fund all of these "worthy causes". We have got to get our spending under control or we won't have a government. If I were the congressman I would ask where do I get the money for this. The answer would probably be from some other spending and therein lies the problem. The other program is worthy also. Just like the old problem don't of tax me tax that man behind the tree. Don't cut my spending cut the other mans spending.
10:41 AM on February 5, 2011
Billy Long fractured his foot in a parade during the campaign. It wasn't until three months later, when he got on the government healthcare plan that he gets it fixed. Hmm, is this a pre-existing condition? Didn't he vote to repeal that law? He told us during the debates he had health insurance. It looks like the gov't health insurance is better than the plan he had.
Then Billy passes out autographed copies of the constitution (did he get them from the heritage foundation?) Is this to be his 'gimmick', his 'hook', I am reminded of Ralph Manley passing out Eisenhower dollar coins.
Long passed business cards around to the group and suggested that they have the Washington, D.C.-based chapter of the foundation call on him in Washington.
"Just call my scheduler up there," he said. Sort of like "let's do lunch sometime" and "I'm Fed up and no earmarks!"
If Billy really was sincere in assisting these people, he would have pulled out his checkbook right then, and signed the front of a hefty check made out to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.
His first weeks in Congress show him to be a media hound who seeks publicity. This is is his first 'public appearance' in Springfield since he's been in congress and it is a soft-ball appearance.
Threekingsmo--- I hate to say this, but I think Billy just used your group for a photo op. The HCR bill Billy voted to repeal should have told you he was just going through the motions with you.
Long campaigned to cut government spending. He wasted your time by giving you false hope. He didn't waste his time because he got another story about him to add to his scrapbook.
BTW, Threekingsmo, I am a retired school teacher. I just made a donation to JDRF via the internet in tribute to Billy Long so your time wasn't completely wasted.
Jim Lee
11:08 AM on February 5, 2011
Billy the Boob is an embarrassment, but he is a Republican and he will vote de-fund ObamaCare. I, for one, can put up with him reinforcing every stereotype the east coast media (and the general public) holds about people from the Midwest. Just do what you were sent to DC to do, Billy the Boob.
And of course, the video that never gets old:
11:13 AM on February 5, 2011
I think this might be a good time to re-post the video of ol' Billy and fellow GOP genius Sarah Steelman as they show
their combined lack of understanding on free trade. The extra benefit of this is that it's hilarious in its own pitiful way.
Here's what we have speaking for us in Washington.
12:24 PM on February 5, 2011
Waffle can refer to Long voting to repeal HCR (government healthcare for you and me) while accepting it for himself.
Or it can refer to Long campaigning on reducing government spending and no earmarks while giving these people the false hope that he will sponsor or vote for a funding bill
Or it can refer to Long telling the people whom he is talking to at the time what they want to hear, even if it the opposite of what he told the people he talked to yesterday.
Or it can refer to the fact that Billy Long is only as smart as the last person he talked to.